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About Turbulent

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. Turbulent

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    Saw an off site article for this before I saw the thread. Looks magical should be a journey.
  2. Turbulent

    Screenshots from my map

    Love the street lamps
  3. Turbulent

    my first vanilla map

    This was fun and kept me on my toes. I'm embarrassed to say the crusher got me my first try. The use of lighting was solid throughout, I especially liked how items were highlighted by light and shown to the player. Speaking of lighting, in the flooded room it took me a while to find the elevator because of how dark it was. The enemy encounters were novel. I liked all the ambushes, or fights that made you use barrels, fights in the blinking lights, etc. You could use monster closets for variety, but teleporting them does a similar job. Visually it was a bit bland. The flooded room was probably the most interesting to look at.
  4. The Circle is a one map singleplayer wad. Master the magic of the forbidden circle to travel between reality and hell. I always appreciate feedback if anyone is interested. IWAD: Doom II Tested on: Crispy, Woof! -DeHackEd used for level name. -Midi best on MS GS WAVETABLE SYNTH Difficulties: Ultra Violent, Hurt Me Plenty Music: Beef Supreme by Valguatr Download: ModDB Doom Shack Screenshots:
  5. Turbulent

    Who's your favorite villain?

    Robocop is great. Edward Neumeier who wrote the screenplay also wrote Starship Troopers which for me is the rare example of a movie being better than the book.
  6. Turbulent

    What music style fits doom the better?

    I agree. By the way I just used your track Mephisto’s Lament. Killer stuff.
  7. Turbulent

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I figured I'd ask a general question here and say the answer is something I just learned. Why do Imps sometimes take two punches with berserk?
  8. Turbulent

    Who's your favorite villain?

    Dukat from DS9. Morally complex while explicitly the villain.
  9. I downloaded v0.21.0 for Arch off of the AUR and it seems to have the same problem with the "savedir" for Woof as reported before. I get an error message "No such option '-savedir'." I tried DSDA just to see and it also seems not to launch but doesn't display an error message. As a side note this is a cool project in general, it fits well with my other terminal programs.
  10. Turbulent

    Demon Goo (2-Map, Singleplayer)

    I'm not sure why that happens but I updated the original post to mention complevel 9 is needed.
  11. Demon Goo is a two level WAD that consists of my second and third posted levels. I’d appreciate feedback if anyone is interested. IWAD: Doom II Tested on: Woof!, GZDoom I used UMAPINFO for level names. Jumping would probably break sequences. Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth recommended for music. Complevel 9 compatibility Difficulties: Ultra Violent, Hurt Me Plenty Level 1: Brave Goo World Music: Probed by Valguatr Level 2: Demon Dreams Music: Mephisto’s Lament By MFG38 Download: Doom Shack Screenshots:
  12. Turbulent

    Free To Use Music by Valguatr

    Hello Everyone, I’ve been working with my friend and artist Valguatr on importing his song Probed into a yet unreleased wad. With the midi file finished we like to release it for other people to use, download link will be included below. The midi sounds best when played in Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. Also below is a link to the original version of his release of Alien Core. Probed begins at the 4:20 mark. UPDATE: New music is getting added to this post. I will continue to add more tracks to the midi Download link section as they become available. Midi Downloads: Probed https://mega.nz/file/jmAV2QZJ#lNgBlN9BNk_EBzBqn_2sNcMK8cmo4E1bk_txiyUhCTc Beef Supreme https://mega.nz/file/znBSgSzD#fXUAlvlEkPlaZbKzKvNdEWk7DjZ7Hoa93S9TQ8cUVmo Melange https://mega.nz/file/quA23AKA#5AEqa8KVGCUjdSffV-EEMRptZX6lGxZiQ62dN9kQ0EY Alien Core (Full Release):
  13. Turbulent

    Why do people use dosbox instead of chocolate doom?

    I used to play primarily Dosbox on Steam because it was default and I didn't have a lot of issues with it. I played and still play a lot of other games in Dosbox. In general I find it a pretty useful program.
  14. Turbulent

    Brutal Doom 64 requires Doom 2? (Linux)

    The AUR page may have some comments you find useful. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/brutal-doom-64
  15. Turbulent

    What are you listening to?

    New Black Metal release