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About eevee231

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  1. eevee231

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    https://dsdarchive.com/wads/jaded MAP02 No Monsters in 6:35.51 Jaded02NoMo-004.zip
  2. eevee231

    Cyberdreams demos [-complevel 2]

    CydreamsMap05-00011.zip MAP05 Pacifist 04.37 Edit: it says Complevel 3 in the textfile but it is doom2 comp level, I accidentally put level 3 in because doom2 complevel the third selection on dsdadoom. My apologies for the error.
  3. omg Dangerous Dave, i remember playing that game through dosbox when i was 4. never got far with it though, always got as far as level 4-5 or something.
  4. honestly, i would love too see a new commander keen game. i haven't played the series in so long
  5. I didn't know I needed this. Thank you, Philcul
  6. Very well said and i think i had the same problem, i pre ordered Doom Eternal because well i was just insanely hyped for a new game from my favorite series and i loved the game. I finished it within the span of 3 days or something and played the hell out of the master levels and played some battlemode which wasn't really for me, but i did like the concept. when part one of the DLC came i pretty much bought it instantly if i recall correctly didn't play it immediately it just gathered dust in the DLC library until like a month later where i actually played it and thought it was alright but got pretty frustrated at the game but did finish it in the span of 2 days then i didn't play Doom Eternal at all. not even when the second part came out, even though i did buy the second it came out, i just didn't boot up the game and still haven't played it yet. im pretty sure i was just bored of the game and much more preffered classic doom. The reason why i'm saying this is because i'm replaying Doom Eternal as of last week, mostly because i fully upgraded my pc and wanted to test it out, but i've been having a blast playing it again, and i am gonna be replaying the first part of the DLC and actually planning on finishing it this time. but as i said im pretty sure i was just bored of the game, but taking a 2 year break from it and replaying it again makes me feel like im playing it again for the first time. not entirely ofcourse since i do remember the level quite well.
  7. eevee231

    What Got You Into Doom?

    I started playing doom when i was 4 years old from my dad who introduced me to it because he was a big fan of the game as well. Never was good at the game and always resulted into using cheats which is also why those cheat codes are ingrained in my memory (thanks dad). i still vividly remember using the Doom 95 launcher to warp to my favorite levels or the secret levels since i never knew how to get to them. when i was 6 started to watch Youtube and still being a big fan of the game i searched up doom in the search where i was met with the world of all the community made doom wads. The first wad i found was Plutonia 2 and asked my dad to download it for me because i didn't know sites like Doomworld existed shortly after i discovered wads like Kama Sutra and Alien Vendetta. i played on and off through 2011-2017 mostly playing through the doom 95 launcher or through dosbox where my dad had downloaded some other wads using keyboard only. in 2017 i got a laptop and decided to play doom on it and using GZdoom im pretty that was the first time i had beaten doom legitimately, after beating all of the Iwads i went into a doom modding phase where i pretty much only played mods and didn't really play much vanilla. fast foward to 2019 and decided to play vanilla doom again and play some custom wads that i used to play when i was younger, so i played and beat AV on UV without the help of cheats and also decided to give PL2 another try which ended in defeat for me. but since then i've been playing doom consistently ever since. The reason why i stick with this game is just the amount of Community made content for this game, each wad more creative than the other. And the community here is just awesome.
  8. eevee231

    Favorite Sound In DOOM

    Nothing's better than hearing one or more Arachnotron getting blown up. although hearing a bunch of bones crackle from Revenants dying will also never get old.
  9. People have their preferences on what they enjoy and what they don't. People might not like the modern Doom games, whether it's because of the art style, the different kind of combat or just because they just like the simpler style of the classic doom games. And the same could be said the other way around of course.
  10. eevee231

    Sunder demos [-complevel 9]

    MAP05 No Monsters in 1:14.91 Su05NoMO-610.zip