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About Manlomasan

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    New Member

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  1. Manlomasan


    @LadyMistDragon, it's the first time I've seen someone record their gameplay on one of my maps, and I found it awesome. Thank you, very much, for that detail. Your observations are correct: The SS should be a little closer to the beginning, maybe before the mass Pinkie attack; the Rocket Launcher should be somewhere else (not sure where, really), and I want to redesign the BFG location; you are right, the Cacos in the area slow down the gameplay. The second map became a disjointed mess that, I hope, will make more sense as I revisit the maps and add more details and improve fluidity. Again, thank you for your comments and the video!
  2. Manlomasan


    Hello, Mappers. This is my second submission to this site, and I hope this one gets more attention than the first one (you can check it out here). This is the beginning of an idea that I had: a fortress in the sky. These are the first three maps (still in development), and I hope to continue building the rest (aiming for a MegaWAD). As always, I'm open to any ideas, complements, bugs, criticism, and/or telling me it's a piece of crap. Anything to improve my mapping skills. As per the rules, these are some screenshots from the maps. AIRBUNKER V01.rar
  3. Manlomasan

    CASTLE V01

    Thank you... I hadn't given the teleport switch a repeatable action. The further you progress, the harder it gets... so, yeah, more monsters.
  4. Manlomasan

    CASTLE V01

    Thanks... reuploaded just now
  5. Manlomasan

    CASTLE V01

    Reuploead of the WAD CASTLE_V01.7z
  6. Manlomasan

    CASTLE V01

    I uploaded it!! Shit, lemme see what happened
  7. Manlomasan

    CASTLE V01

    Hi, Community, greetings from Chile. I've been playing DOOM since '93 (I think) and I've been creating maps using, mainly, Ultimate Doom Builder, for the past 3 months. I've seen amazing maps created by members of this community and I, honestly, couldn't even consider myself part of that level of talent and imagination. Nonetheless, I'm posting this WAD, mainly because I would love the feedback, trying to improve the level of my maps. This WAD has a single difficulty level... I plan to differentiate for difficulty level for the final release (if that day ever comes). Please, be as brutal as possible. Anything that would help me improve is welcome. CASTLE_V01.7z