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Everything posted by DoomGuy999

  1. DoomGuy999

    Jump Scare Doom

    You should watch coincident play plutonia Map18 with corruption cards. that revenant got him scared.
  2. DoomGuy999

    A much better chainsaw

    I'm going to have to try this out someday. Sound cool.
  3. DoomGuy999

    Worst State in the United States

    Yesssssss!!! Finally someone which agrees with me. Hawaii is not good, everyone should know!
  4. DoomGuy999

    Rate That Custom Enemy!

    Perfectly fine, you aren't the only one to be off topic.
  5. DoomGuy999

    Any Doom-related dreams?

    What??? Are you serious? No. Come on. Why does everyone have weird doom dreams? Why can't they be just taking out the hordes of hell?
  6. DoomGuy999

    How much spiciness can you handle?

    I don't eat noodles with hot sauce, but I do like extra spicy peppers. Never tried a ghost pepper or hotter. But I sure as hell want to!
  7. DoomGuy999

    Worst State in the United States

    Ever take a trip up north? Winter temps go into negatives. Fun.
  8. DoomGuy999

    Rate That Custom Enemy!

    This is good, but it is getting of point of the thread. This was about rating the afrit. We can rate that another week.
  9. DoomGuy999

    Any Doom-related dreams?

    I had a dream where I got suspended from doomworld twice, but I realized that wasn't a dream. I forget a lot of my dreams, except for the ones which I die at the end. Anyone else die in their dreams?
  10. DoomGuy999

    Any Doom-related dreams?

    Once had a dream where my friend revealed he was gmanlives. I tried getting to watching his video but the dream ended. Funny thing is, I never watched gmanlives, I just heard of him.
  11. DoomGuy999

    Any Doom-related dreams?

    I once was on this small bridge, I fell into nukage and got killed by a specter. It was a gray room, and the bridge was jagged and as thin as those in the chasm.
  12. Is this what our favorite maps are?
  13. DoomGuy999

    Best monster design in a DooM game.

    No one likes John Romero :( cacodemon. This is the iconic enemy of doom. Especially in the first two games.
  14. DoomGuy999

    Cacodemon Sprite Origin

    Twitch should have an Easter egg on any doom stream where they replace pogchamp with cacopog. That's poggers.
  15. DoomGuy999

    Cacodemon Sprite Origin

    So there is this image of the cacodemon from doom doing the Pogger face, as seen here I was wondering where this originated from, whether this was a joke or an unused sprite. Just something on my mind.
  16. DoomGuy999

    What is doom guy's real name?

    What a name. Could you imagine his childhood, all his friends calling him doom, and his eye doctor saying, let me help you to see, young Mr. Slayer. Doomguy will always have great eyesight.
  17. DoomGuy999

    Worst State in the United States

    Damn... Move further north. To a state which touches the Canadian border. You get all 4 seasons, and you hardly deal with 90 degree weather. If your not about winter then move a little bit south, Oregon, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, places like that.
  18. DoomGuy999

    What is doom guy's real name?

    I think I know... I'm willing to test my knowledge to see if I am right. In fact, I will make a wad based on that.
  19. DoomGuy999

    Worst State in the United States

    Hawaii is closer to the equator
  20. DoomGuy999

    What is doom guy's real name?

    Then option 5 is the one to go.
  21. DoomGuy999

    Worst State in the United States

    Hawaii sounds horrible. It has very high temperatures, beaches (Yes, I don't like beaches that much) Idk, I wouldn't want to go there. Plus volcanoes destroy people's homes.
  22. Where is the old one? It sounds fun! Balanced to destroy the player... I'm ready. I play on ITYTD though. I'm all about winning levels, not dying. And what about the story for my level? Any important plot events?
  23. DoomGuy999

    The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

    Already fought you before but still am ready for battle. 10/10
  24. DoomGuy999

    Game that everyone hates but you like?

    Doom. Most people I know dislike it. :( Is sad now... doom is such a great game, it's a shame people don't realize it. And, if doom can run on rat brain cells, it could probably run on a human. Therefore, they kinda hate themselves But they don't realize it. And that's a "little secret" Nevermind, they aren't smart enough for games which came out 30 years ago.
  25. DoomGuy999

    To mods and Everyone. (please read the entire thing)

    Dang, I was starting to like lightamplificationvisor. Completely faking being new. In my opinion, you are a forum legend. Ban evasion? Sounds fun.