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watermelon eater gaming

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Everything posted by watermelon eater gaming

  1. watermelon eater gaming

    Shotgunner too fat to walk

    actor ScriptedShotgunGuy1 12004 { //$category Scripted Events //$title Scripted Shotgunner #1 health 30 radius 20 height 56 speed 8 monster +FRIENDLY AttackSound "shotguy/attack" States { Spawn: SPOS AB 10 A_Look loop See: SPOS AB 10 TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("misc/chat", CHAN_VOICE, 1, false, ATTN_NONE) SPOS E 30 A_Log("\c*Shotgunner: Marines spotted!") TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnProjectile("ShellCasing", 24, 0, -90, CMF_AIMDIRECTION) SPOS F 3 Bright A_CustomBulletAttack(10, 1, 10, 5, "DontHurtPlayerpuff") SPOS E 17 TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnProjectile("ShellCasing", 24, 0, -90, CMF_AIMDIRECTION) SPOS F 3 Bright A_CustomBulletAttack(10, 1, 10, 5, "DontHurtPlayerpuff") SPOS E 17 TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnProjectile("ShellCasing", 24, 0, -90, CMF_AIMDIRECTION) SPOS F 3 Bright A_CustomBulletAttack(10, 1, 10, 5, "DontHurtPlayerpuff") SPOS E 17 SPOS AABBCCDDAA 3 A_Wander SPOS A 35 stop } } Shotgunner actor does everything else fine, but when it calls A_Wander it doesn't even walk, it just stands there and then turns around and leaves. The position it is in does not have any monster blocking or impassable linedefs blocking it, only a door that was opened by a seperate actor earlier using A_KeenDie, which I guess is too complicated for a demon to process. Can anyone help make it walk through the opened door? This actor is for scripted sequence where he walks up to the player's corpse btw
  2. watermelon eater gaming

    Death states that spawn actors don't spawn actors (properly)

    Using A_NoBlocking worked. Thanks guys
  3. This fancy version of the Zombieman gets a special death animation when he is shot by a machine gun, and spins in random directions every time he gets hit. This is supposed to spawn a seperate actor that handles the death animation. But when A_SpawnItemEx is called, the actor doesn't appear and the zombieman simply vanishes. (I tried TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("MGunnedClassicZombieman", 0, 0, 20) and the actor actually spawned but higher than the zombieman's regular height, implying the actor was spawned in the floor.) How do I spawn the actor without making it spawn in several units above the expected height? Much help would be appreciated actor ClassicZombieman : Zombieman { tag "Rifle Zombieman" radius 14 height 50 bloodtype "HBlood" dropitem "M16Spawner" States { Missile: POSS E 10 A_FaceTarget POSS F 0 bright A_SpawnProjectile("BulletCasing", 24, 0, -60, CMF_AIMDIRECTION) POSS F 3 bright A_CustomBulletAttack(22.5, 0, 1, random(1,5)*3, "ViolentPuff", 0, CBAF_NORANDOM) POSS E 13 goto See Death.MachineGun: POSS G 1 A_Scream TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("MGunnedClassicZombieman") stop XDeath: POSS M 1 A_SpawnItemEx("HBloodController") POSS M 4 A_SpawnItemEx("HGoreController") POSS N 5 A_XScream POSS O 5 A_NoBlocking POSS PQRST 5 POSS U -1 Stop } } actor MGunnedClassicZombieman : ClassicZombieman { painchance 256 damagefactor "MachineGun", 0.05 States { Spawn: POSS G 3 NoDelay A_Pain POSS G 10 POSS H 1 A_Die See: stop Missile: stop Pain: POSS G 3 A_SetAngle(random(-180,180)) goto Spawn } }
  4. i got all my files back

  5. i am not going to mod at all until i can get all of my files back

  6. common Zombieman aliases: - Former Human - Possessed Human - Zombie Soldier my alias: - Dumbshit - This Dumbass common Shotgun Guy aliases: - Shotgunner - Sergeant - Former Human Sergeant - Possessed Sergeant - Zombie Sergeant my aliases: - Sniper - This common Heavy Weapon Dude aliases: - Chaingunner - Chaingun Guy - Zombie Commando - Former human commando - Possessed commando my aliases: - Piece of Shit - Sack of Shit - Shitsack (i play on UV)
  7. watermelon eater gaming

    Where did the Sailor go?

    Why was the Sailor yeeted from Freedoom's maps? Is it because of possible Nazi references since it has the same AI as the SS easter egg from DOOM 2? (it's still in the files along with the wolf3d style textures and is fully working when placed)
  8. watermelon eater gaming

    Does anyone else relate to this image? In which WAD?

    I was literally only up to this part of Plutonia. How naive am I?
  9. Seen in mods like Brutal Doom are these physical bullets in place of regular hitscan attacks. They have a black background when viewed in a sprite editor but it looks transparent in gameplay. What kind of coding do you need to do to achieve the transparency effect? Loads of other fancy VFX have this effect, too, but they always looked transparent in gameplay. Or is it just a thing that happens when you load it in a sprite editor? Other VFX sprites already have the transparent effect applied to them, even when viewed in a sprite editor.
  10. watermelon eater gaming

    Does anyone else relate to this image? In which WAD?

    Fuck, forgot this website and its community are at least three decades old. Sorry so BASICALLY i OVERREACTED to a PLUTONIA MAP that probably makes the rest of the community LAUGH THEIR ASS OFF
  11. watermelon eater gaming

    GZDoom DECORATE acting funky

    OH HECKING HECKITY HECK I FIGURED IT ALL OUT IT WAS ACTUALLY A SEPERATE ACTOR WITH A STATE LABEL THAT DIDN'T HAVE A COLON AT THE END also APLS AABB 1 bright A_SpawnItemEx("APlasmaTrail", random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1)) was line 557, not line 577 line 577 was a state label without a colon i'm so goddamn dumb
  12. watermelon eater gaming

    GZDoom DECORATE acting funky

    actor ZombiePlasma : PlasmaBall replaces PlasmaBall { States { Spawn: APLS AABB 1 bright A_SpawnItemEx("APlasmaTrail", random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1)) loop Death: TNT1 AAAAAAAAAA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("APlasmaTrail", random(-6,6), random(-6,6), random(-6,6), random(-12,12), random(-12,12), random(-12,12)) APBX A 2 bright APBX BCDE 2 bright stop } } Execution could not continue. Script error, line 577: Sprite names must be exactly 4 characters the sprite name is exactly 4 characters there should be nothing else in the script making the gzdoom explode but gzdoom exploded why script error
  13. watermelon eater gaming

    GZDoom DECORATE acting funky

    Line 577 is APLS AABB 1 bright A_SpawnItemEx("APlasmaTrail", random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1), random(-1,1)) I still have no idea why GZDoom is bombing
  14. watermelon eater gaming

    Where did the Sailor go?

    Yeah, but in one of the Phase 2 maps (at least in 0.12.1) a jar of alien can be found and broken. So an SS replacement could probably be a fourth variant for the zombie, since it uses a hitscan attack and has very similar stats. Might send the wrong message to people who played Freedoom first though
  15. watermelon eater gaming

    Freedoom's 2024 update

    What do you all think of the Freedoom 0.13.0 update? I like that they added soda cans to Doom and made the Heavy Weapon Dude look normal :D
  16. watermelon eater gaming

    Freedoom's 2024 update

    I agree with the Mastermind replacement, the Large Technospider has the same problem as the original Spiderdemon Mastermind in that its sprites don't match with its dimensions making it look smaller than it actually is.
  17. watermelon eater gaming

    Why is AmmoUse consuming 2 ammunition points at once

    it's supposed to use 1 loaded ammo per shot what the heck every time i shoot the weapon my gun consumed 2 loaded ammo per shot for some reason actor M16 : Chaingun 10000 // haha this guy think's he's playing call of duty! { Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 Weapon.BobStyle "Alpha" Weapon.BobSpeed 4 Weapon.BobRangeX 0.5 Weapon.BobRangeY 0.5 Weapon.AmmoType1 "M16LoadedAmmo" Weapon.AmmoType2 "M16Ammo" Weapon.AmmoGive1 0 Weapon.AmmoGive2 30 Weapon.AmmoUse 1 Weapon.UpSound "m16/deploy" Weapon.SlotNumber 2 AttackSound "m16/fire" Obituary "%o was shot up by %k's M-16 assault rifle." Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the M-16 rifle! (Slot 2)" Tag "M-16 Assault Rifle" States { Spawn: M16D A -1 Stop Ready: M16G A 1 A_WeaponReady(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD) M16G A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("Reload") Loop Deselect: M16U KJDCBA 1 TNT1 A 2 TNT1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 0 A_Lower TNT1 A 1 A_Lower Goto Deselect+3 Select: M16U ABCDEF 1 A_WeaponReady(WRF_NOFIRE|WRF_NOSWITCH) M16U F 0 A_PlaySound("m16/boltpull") M16U FGHIJK 1 A_WeaponReady(WRF_NOFIRE|WRF_NOSWITCH) Goto Ready Fire: M16F A 0 A_FireProjectile("BulletCasing", -60) M16F A 0 A_GunFlash M16F A 0 A_Quake(1, 3, 0, 100) M16F A 1 A_FireBullets(3, 2, 1, 7) M16F B 1 M16F C 1 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("Reload") M16F D 1 A_ReFire Goto Ready Flash: M16F A 1 bright A_Light1 Goto LightDone Reload: M16R A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("M16Ammo", 1, 1) goto NoReload M16R A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("M16LoadedAmmo", 0, "NoReload") M16R ABCD 2 M16R E 2 A_PlaySound("m16/clipout", CHAN_WEAPON) M16R FGHIJ 3 goto GiveMeSomeBullets GiveMeSomeBullets: M16R K 0 A_TakeInventory("M16Ammo", 1) M16R K 0 A_GiveInventory("M16LoadedAmmo", 1) M16R K 0 A_JumpIfInventory("M16LoadedAmmo", 0, "ReloadEnd") M16R K 0 A_JumpIfInventory("M16Ammo", 1, "GiveMeSomeBullets") goto ReloadEnd ReloadEnd: M16R K 3 A_PlaySound("m16/clipin", CHAN_WEAPON) M16R LMNOPQ 3 goto Ready NoReload: TNT1 A 0 goto Ready } } i've tried removing the AmmoUse property altogether, but it didnt work i've tried making the weapon inherit from DoomWeapon instead of Chaingun, but it didnt work it should have nothing to do with the alt ammo because it's not using any
  18. watermelon eater gaming

    Why is AmmoUse consuming 2 ammunition points at once

    nvm found it out A_FireProjectile consumes ammo too
  19. watermelon eater gaming

    Why doomwik.org than fandom doom?

    Doom's Fandom wiki page seems to be copypasted from DoomWiki.org Regurgitation of other peoples points but Fandom Wiki is full of ads You should also use the Combine OverWiki for Half-Life info and Bulbapedia for Pokemon info since both of them are more reliable than their Fandom counterparts Basically avoid fandom wiki when possible
  20. watermelon eater gaming

    Freedoom 0.13.0 was released

    they added soda cans to doom in place of the 10 hp health packs
  21. watermelon eater gaming

    Worst official level?

    If we're talking DOOM 2, then it's MAP28. You have to shoot some goofy ahh wall texture in order to progress the level. IMO attack-activated doors should be reserved for secrets.
  22. watermelon eater gaming

    Cursed Doom Images

    The mod is heavily based on DECORATE (my brain is too small for ZScript) and Ultimate Doom Builder, it aims to faithfully recreate all of Wolfenstein 3D's weapons, items and monsters and some of the maps from Wolfenstein in the GZDoom engine (you couldn't threaten me to recreate all of the maps between the first level and the boss level of each episode). A previous, not-so-smart version of my mod is based on DeHackEd instead of ZDoom and only recreates E1M1 and E1M9 and hopefully is compatible with DSDA or Woof!, i haven't used either. If you want download, it's on ModDB :) https://www.moddb.com/mods/wolfenstein-3d-on-the-doom-engine
  23. watermelon eater gaming

    Cursed Doom Images

    Wait, this is not Wolfenstein... (screenshot from a very early version of my wolfenstein doom mod)
  24. watermelon eater gaming

    The GZDoom is not GZDooming (Decorate Bug)

    This fixed it. Thank you all!
  25. watermelon eater gaming

    The GZDoom is not GZDooming (Decorate Bug)

    DECORATE below: ACTOR SPAS12 : HL1Weapon replaces Shotgun { Weapon.AmmoGive 8 Weapon.AmmoUse1 1 Weapon.AmmoUse2 2 Weapon.AmmoType "ShotgunAmmo" Weapon.SlotNumber 3 Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the SPAS-12! (Slot 3)" Tag "SPAS-12" Obituary "%o was peppered with buckshot by %k's SPAS-12." +WEAPON.ALT_USES_BOTH States { Spawn: SPAS Z -1 Stop Ready: SPAS A 1 A_WeaponReady Loop Deselect: TNT1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 0 A_Lower TNT1 A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: SPAS A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: SPAS A 0 A_Quake(1,10,0,100) SPAS A 0 A_FireBullets(6, 6, 6, 5, HL1BulletPuff, FBF_USEAMMO) SPAF A 1 bright A_GunFlash SPAF B 1 bright A_PlaySound("weapons/spas12fire") SPAF CDEFG 1 bright SPAS HIJKLMNO 1 SPAS P 1 A_PlaySound("weapons/spas12pump") SPAC A 1 A_Overlay(500, "CasingsCanFly") SPAC BCDE 1 SPAS PONM 1 SPAS LKJIHA 1 A_Refire Goto Ready Flash: SPAS ABCDEFG 1 Goto LightDone CasingsCanFly: SPAS QRSRQ 1 Stop } } ^ The shotgun works completely fine except for its firing sound supposedly played from A_PlaySound, which instead registers in-game as brown noise for some reason. Giving it an attack sound would fix it, but I want it to have two different firing sounds for states Fire and AltFire. SNDINFO below: weapons/spas12fire sbarrel1 Infomation about sbarrel1.wav (taken directly from Half-Life's files): Sound (Wav Format) Mono 8-bit sound with 22904 samples at 22050 Hz Format: PCM Information: Software: File created by GoldWave. GoldWave copyright (C) Chris Craig Chunks: fmt , data, LIST_INFO The pumping sound works completely fine on the other hand, and it just happens to have below 20,000 samples. Changing it to Doom's lump format didn't work. I recently got GZDoom 4.11.3, so I wonder if that's the problem. I don't know what's happening and I really want solutions. Shotgun not supposed to fire brown noise, shotgun supposed to fire shotgun.