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Everything posted by ptrdoom

  1. @DoomGappy Here's your level ptrdoom's Trial.7z
  2. As for the level you posted, when you said "you can change everything of the level" does that include adding rooms to the level prior to that room that you designed or you can also change that? I run the map real quick and the exit door has no Red key requirement
  3. I think I did notice the start where you can see part of the map, like you showed me in the video today, but like you said that's intermidiate/advanced stuff which I have not seen in your tutorials.
  4. It did work this time, I just finished it and I liked it a lot. I noticed in the room where you get the blu keycard, if you don't touch the armor the room doesn't lower and you can wander around the room, and you do get blocked from time to time and I think that's because of the infinite height of monsters. I played it on UV and missed only 3 kills, was the bfg at the end for a cyber demon? Not sure if I missed any.
  5. I'll try it again, I remember trying it and not liking the brightness? It felt off.
  6. Ok I think I got it, it should be the one with the 3 chaingunners? I'll play it now.
  7. Hold on Gappy, in the last file you sent me, which map am I supposed to play? In new game there's "red valley of death" "Purge on earth" "Cursed is the ground"
  8. I did try to download the map 11 but when I tried to play it I couldn't get it to work, I'll try the new version and see if it works. I'll see what I can do with the other map, but no promises.
  9. Thank you Gappy, the wall with the caco and imps wasn't made on purpose with that lightning it was a mistake from my part, as for the rest I think that I'll have to stick with simpler things first. Now I'll play the map you mentioned soon and write to you here later. Cheers! Edit: How do I play your map? I have no idea how to play this one, as I use old ZDL with prboom+
  10. @DoomGappy here's the fourth map, I finished it 5 minutes ago and went for something very sloppy. It's a short map so it's not worth to do a review. I initially wanted to do something close to sigil of John Romero which I played and got inspired from but ended up getting a bit too ambitious for me. The last part was just rushed so it's nothing spectacular and it's very bland. Fourth Map.7z
  11. ptrdoom

    Any italian Doomers here?

    If I could find the will to continue, eventually maybe!
  12. ptrdoom

    Any italian Doomers here?

    I'm italian as well, I ended up registering here on the forum asking for sourceports to play Heretic. While browsing I came across the mapping sections and decided to try mapping. I looked up the tutorials and managed to make three maps with my beginner skills. I was working on a fourth one but my lack of motivation and ideas kind of stopped me. The last map I was trying to make started in some cave or so, kind of hard to make caves I admit.
  13. ptrdoom

    Any tips for a new-ish Doomer?

    I've been using this post and played through the wads mentioned, I ended up reaching moonblood so far.
  14. ptrdoom

    What were your very first mapping attempts like?

    Ahhh ok, I thought it was a map and I was curious to look it up in the editor, thank you for the answer!
  15. ptrdoom

    What were your very first mapping attempts like?

    I tried it to open with ultimate doom builder but I can't.
  16. ptrdoom

    What were your very first mapping attempts like?

    You should release them Kinetic, every mapper in this thread , has pretty much made something that is unique, and as long as it is playable why not release them?
  17. ptrdoom

    What were your very first mapping attempts like?

    That's nice I also wanted to try to make a map for Duke nukem 3D but the mapste32 from eduke32 feels very dry compared to ultimate doom builder. I also wanted to make a map for blood but for that I have no idea which editor to use.
  18. ptrdoom

    What were your very first mapping attempts like?

    Hey there, I was in the making of one, but I ended up again not having motivation. Here's a little sneaky preview of the starting area.
  19. ptrdoom

    What were your very first mapping attempts like?

    Nice topic! I tried mapping not so long ago around december 18th 2023, while looking at a guide here in the doomworld forums, courtesy of DoomGappy. Here's the result of the first attempt. I ended up making two more which were also posted in the Gappy Tutorial's thread. I've stopped for a bit since I didn't know what to make and lacked motivation until I played Sigil recently and wanted to make one similar. Now again I'm stumped and the fourth map is in still in process somewhat.
  20. Just try it it's worth it! I played it the last year as well. Very atmospheric and beautiful design level wise.
  21. It's a nice game; I played it for the first time last year, and a couple of other FPS I was missing, such as Shadow Warrior, The zombies can be annoying in lower difficulties, I noticed, since they just get knocked out really easily, and as a new player, you think they're dead while they're not. Usually, you deal with zombies with a flare gun and a pitchfork, if you like. If you're playing lightly broiled or with lower difficulties, it's better to use the flare gun as only one shot is required to dispatch them. From Well Done onwards, what I do is one flaregun and a pitchfork, or I use only the pitchfork. Other enemies require different approaches; one dynamite toss can kill in one shot bloated butchers and normal gargoyles, if I'm remembering correctly about the latter; otherwise, you can use the Tesla for the gargoyle, which will kill them shortly, or the Vodoo doll, which is excellent against gargoyles. Cheogh, or the stone gargoyle, can be nasty, but there's a trick to it, and you just have to go in melee range and he'll end up using his melee attack. Then you can back away and start blasting him with the tesla until he dies repeating this process. Rats, spiders, and hands can safely use the spray can, which is excellent for these enemies but also for zombies and bloated butchers alike. There's some differences with the sourceports from what I've heard about the spray behaviour, but overall, it's still good to use.
  22. Hello folks I was wondering what some of you use as a source to play heretic since there's so many. I did some research on my own and stumbled upon the doom wiki page mentioning the various sourceports. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Comparison_of_source_ports Now I don't know if there are more of them not mentioned in the above list. I was looking for one that allows the resolution to be higher than the standard game and that doesn't change the gameplay at all. What do you guys and girls use to play it? Just to hear different opinions, etc. Thank you in advance. P.S I wasn't sure if this was supposed to be made in the DOOM general section.
  23. That's good! Glad you still wrote here. I did finish my Heretic playthrough a couple of weeks ago even the dreaded episode 5 and 6 which at the start are very hard. I even got through Hexen. Very cool game minus the obnoxious wendingos urg and other things. Now I have to consider playing Hexen II.
  24. ptrdoom

    Good newcomer/newbie wads?

    Nice suggestions, I managed to finish episode 2 of base ganymede with a couple of deaths and now I feel the spike in difficulty within the e3m1 start.
  25. ptrdoom

    Good newcomer/newbie wads?

    Nice post! I'm using the list from xvertigox from the start of the easiest doom, fava beans, doom2, tnt and now ganymede but not sure if I've learnt a thing or two from theses ones mmh