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About DoctorOPlays

  • Rank
    The Best One Here

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  1. DoctorOPlays

    Whats your favorite thing to do with doom?

    yeah, it also is stuff like wads that change sounds textures etc, basicly all types of wads. im guessing that is what they mean
  2. DoctorOPlays

    The Bone Zone

    I had a lot of fun with this wad! I really liked the texturing designs & lighting.
  3. DoctorOPlays

    Brown.wad [Doom 2]

    Yo thanks for playing my map! and just curious why do have all your videos unlisted all your videos on yt?
  4. DoctorOPlays

    Brown.wad [Doom 2]

    Thanks for playing my wad!
  5. DoctorOPlays

    Brown.wad [Doom 2]

    Thanks for playing my map! And yes the cacodemons were intended to teleport to you, because i imagined if you are taking your time the game would surprise you, forcing you to move a bit more.
  6. DoctorOPlays

    Brown.wad [Doom 2]

    Thanks for playing my map!
  7. DoctorOPlays

    Brown.wad [Doom 2]

    You can use any source port to run this wad, because it uses the original doom map format. This map contains about 1 map and is themed around the color brown, also this wad is pretty short but I mostly made this wad so i could practice my wad making skills. [DO NOT USE FREELOOK, JUMPING AND CROUCHING PLEASE.] Also please leave your feedback in the comments, I'm still relatively new to the doom modding scene so i could help to have some feedback. Download Wad
  8. DoctorOPlays

    Worst official level?

    Map 13 is the worst map in doom 2
  9. DoctorOPlays

    Post monster ideas here.

    So recently I learned how to make custom doom monsters/enemies and I've had a hard time coming up with new custom monster ideas. So post your own ideas here in the comments, it would help a lot with inspiration for me, or maybe anyone else that needs inspiration. ALSO if your idea is already in a wad please credit that original wad in your comment.
  10. DoctorOPlays

    HEADLOSS [Doom 2 Mod]

    yeah i a few spots my computer was acting weird in and kept crashing and i was to lazy to redo the parts so like the ending room.
  11. DoctorOPlays

    HEADLOSS [Doom 2 Mod]

    Use GZDoom To Play, Download Wad you need to enter the command "map HEADLOSS" to enter the map. I made this wad a long time ago so i didn't understand that map01 would override the base game. I made this in a week, this i think was my third wad something like that. : This wad is only balanced for the vannila game so if you have a mod like brutal doom don't say its too hard or to easy : Disable crouching and jumping, I allow free look for this map.
  12. edit: i literally just realized that im in the wrong topic lol. so i blanked this out
  13. DoctorOPlays

    Rainy Day

  14. DoctorOPlays

    Rainy Day

    i dont have it anywhere else sorry.