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About Chronoteeth

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  1. Chronoteeth

    The /newstuff Chronicles #224

    EGGG....EHHHH....NOT...AGAIN.... YOU FORGOT.....BYRON....AGAIN!!!!! [/complain]
  2. Chronoteeth

    Remember the Hissy?

    I wish I could get a hissy cacodemon. Make some and marker them doomworld! Damnit! I will be gone for 2 days.
  3. Chronoteeth

    Next-Gen XBox

    Ah well. I'll just mod it. It's cheaper in the long run.
  4. Now for my next weapon mod, I want to use only 4 weapons (rifle W/three round birst alt fire, shotgun, machine gun W/ grenade laucher alt fire, and fist with kick alt fire [different boot]) Now the question is, I have no idea what to make the shotgun have for an alt fire, anyone got ideas for the shotgun alt fire?
  5. Chronoteeth

    Need Machinegun Graphics

    And you call Xaser a failure!? HOW DARE YOU!
  6. Chronoteeth

    Drink Recipies

    Not in the mood for coffee. I want something sweet. (and yes, I do know of "putting in the sugar", but I don't want sugar coffee now)
  7. Chronoteeth

    Drink Recipies

    Well shit. We just ran out of milk right now. Guess we need to get some, but it's 12:22. Any other recipies?
  8. Chronoteeth

    Drink Recipies

    Do you guys know any good non alchaholic, non soda drink recipies? I'm really fucking thursty, and I refuse to drink from the tap.
  9. Chronoteeth

    Grimm's Mini-Reviews Updated . . somewhat

    Plenty of level reviews. Review a non level please.
  10. Chronoteeth

    Voice Actors / Voice Sounds Needed

    Hmm, I can do a few voices. And I have a mike.
  11. Chronoteeth

    Need Machinegun Graphics

    Oh damn, I thought it was gonna be a good gun.
  12. Chronoteeth

    Need Machinegun Graphics

    Let us see it first please!
  13. Cyclone from perfect dark. Guns from PD transition pretty well into the doom palette. AND NO AA! (yes nmn, it's a rip, but I edited it.)
  14. I think the hand goes on the crappy handle. WIth some touching up and more frames, it could look pretty sweet. And tomentor, don't be so mean to him unless it's another stupid attempt to anger the KDizd team.
  15. Chronoteeth

    What have you lied about to the Doom community?

    MAKE...S.Q.W.I.R.E.L. 2.... weapons.....weapons good.....weapons good...