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Hellbound Hillbilly

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About Hellbound Hillbilly

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    Warming Up

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  1. Hellbound Hillbilly

    NewWolf Hi-res textures

    I know this is nothing to do with DOOM but I was to lazy to look for an appropriate place for it. This is something I started wayyy back & worked on here & there when I felt like it. I finally gave up on finishing it back at Thanksgiving last year....Lost interest...Didn't like the outcome it still looked 2D and flat....Some textures where left unfinished, some not done at all. I figured no sense in wasting the effort maybe someone would like to use what I finished. So here it is if you want to try it out. http://www.filefactory.com/file/dedc37/ As with everything I post once it's uploaded I'm done...you can use it, edit it, trash talk it..... A credit would be nice if you use it but, I don't really care one way or the other. So later till I pop up again! Extract & place "Pak3.pak" in your NewWolf "Basewgl" folder
  2. Hellbound Hillbilly

    HI-RES Cartman hud face

    The sharpness was intended....Uhhh yeah intended lets go with that.
  3. Hellbound Hillbilly

    HI-RES Cartman hud face

    Heres a quick Cartman hud face I made for ZDOOM only because it's hi-res. Also I only invested 5 minutes in the few sound samples I grabbed off the net & slapped in there....And it shows But, the sound wasn't the point this is just a basic graphic replacement. Standard God Mode Download http://hyperupload.com/download/02e5977937/Cartman-Hi.wad.html
  4. Hellbound Hillbilly

    New DOOM hud portraits

    O.K. went back to the drawing board & I think made a fairly decent version of the original doom guy with helmet. http://www.filefactory.com/file/015180/
  5. Hellbound Hillbilly

    New DOOM hud portraits

    I agree & tried it first but couldn't quite fit the orginal Doom guy and the helmet in there without shrinking doom guys face which looked terrible.
  6. Hellbound Hillbilly

    New DOOM status bar

    I thought you guys might get a kick outta this.....You see over the years I've collected quite a few wads & my little hobby is to create little themes for certain wads I like. Like say if it doesn't have it's own status bar, MDoom,Titlepic things like that. Sometimes I slightly alter whats there or in some cases such as "Vilecore" which doesn't have anything ..I'll create some for it. Here is the status bar Standard God mode http://www.filefactory.com/file/ae8c16/
  7. Hellbound Hillbilly

    New DOOM hud portraits

    It's more than likely the resolution I took the pic at... seems stretched horoz making the face wider.
  8. Hellbound Hillbilly

    New DOOM hud portraits

    I worked hard for a couple of days & came up with 2 new DOOM guy portrait wads. And thought I'd made something special....Well for me maybe, But to my horror after completion a friend pointed out to me it looked like "NICK LACHEY"...shutter??!! he may be right oh well here it is if anyone wants them With Helmet http://www.yourfilehost.com/media.php?cat=other&file=Face_With_Helmet.wad Without Helmet http://www.yourfilehost.com/media.php?cat=other&file=Face_Without_Helmet.wad
  9. Hellbound Hillbilly


    Sorry for the late reply, sometimes I don't use the net for months. But, My skills...or lack there of, are not the question here. I think everyone missed the point I was tring to make. I's not a case of "Look what I Can do!" but rather "Can you do better!" and if you can show us your work. I mean come on... you think I like using my own stuff, when I know there are real Artist in the scene that could blow my stuff away! 3D models would be great but I think thats a ways off. Till then "Excuse my provocation" STEP UP.
  10. Hellbound Hillbilly


    Just uploaded the decompressed repack.. So all should be fine now. http://www.savefile.com/files/117387 In the process of getting it uploaded to Jfiles.
  11. Hellbound Hillbilly


    I'll be first to admit that they are just upscales of the original, secondly I fully admit that a complete redraw of each weapon is out of my skill range. So I use filters to try to hide some of it & now that I have seen them on NVIDIA hardware "I have crappy low color ATI card" That they may be a little too colorfull. I still hope this will bring attention to Doom64 enough that someone more skilled will completely redraw them. HELLO any takers!
  12. Hellbound Hillbilly


    Seems I might have screwed up & compressed the .pk3 file....So you might have to decomress it to use it. !TYPICAL! stupid is not foreign to me.
  13. Hellbound Hillbilly


    Well I was never really happy with my first attempt, so I set out to try again.... Still not as good as I would like but it's a start. Original Mine Hope you like...If not oh well can't please everyone. Hopefully someone will download & host in a better place, you know how it goes with free file hosting sites here today gone tomorrow. I might try later uploading to other sites....Dial-Up sucks! *Download Link* http://www.savefile.com/files/115368 LATER
  14. Hellbound Hillbilly

    New Doom 64 title pack!!!

    I uploaded a fix for the title pack. That corrects the the misspelled words on the credit screen. I used a slightly different font thats hopefully is easier to read. You can use it as is...or extract & replace the pic in the pk3 Whatever is your preference to do. Download http://n.1asphost.com/Doommods/Titles_Fix.pk3
  15. Hellbound Hillbilly

    New Doom 64 title pack!!!

    Boy nothing gets past you....I admit I should have cjecked it(<Intentional Typo) a little better still It's easily fixed. As for the font I wasn't going for anything radical, just something close to the original.