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About grubber

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  1. grubber

    Firefox 4.0 released!

    Wow. The amount of stuff copied from Chrome is amazing. Also, Mozilla says it's 6x faster than FF 3.6. I wonder if that means it's 2x slower, but measured on machine 12x faster (i.e. what I believe they did with previous releases) or if it's actually really faster. Anyway, I'm sticking with Chrome (Chromium actually).
  2. grubber

    Swiftpoint mouse

    Trackpoint FTW. Sadly not so many laptops have it (Lenovo, Dell, any other?)
  3. grubber

    The future of programming.

    Yes, we are. My apologies.
  4. grubber

    The future of programming.

    I wasn't talking specifically to you.
  5. grubber

    The future of programming.

    I find your attitude of "I don't know anything about Haskell or functional programming, but it surely must suck" quite silly. But that's just me.
  6. grubber

    The future of programming.

    I don't agree. There already are programming languages which make parallel programming easy, e.g. Haskell (which has been already mentioned in this thread). The problem is that most programmers do not want to use some strange, incomprehensible (for them) language, they want something they already know, probably with C-like syntax and semantics.
  7. grubber

    Microsoft rips me off yet again.

    Also Virtual PC is crap with no 3D acceleration, snapshots or proper USB support. It's OK for simple applications though.
  8. grubber

    Precompiled Linux ZDoom binaries?

    Well, you don't need a partition to run Linux. You can run some live CD distribution. Or you can install it on a flash drive. Or a file on your Windows partition. Or you can netboot from http://boot.kernel.org/. ;)
  9. grubber

    Microsoft rips me off yet again.

    I like UAC. MS finally got their shit together and started doing something to rectify the mess they created by letting users work under administrator account all the time (and thus allowing application developers to act like pigs), which is great.
  10. grubber

    Precompiled Linux ZDoom binaries?

    It seems like a configuration file issue. The most probable explanation is that the configuration file was created by a previous install of zdoom, not the one from the package, so it's missing the path to zdoom.pk3 in the package. Adding the line "Path=/usr/share/games/zdoom/" to the "[FileSearch.Directories]" section of ~/.zdoom/zdoom.ini should fix it.
  11. grubber

    Future-safing C code?

    There's a lot of attention on making JavaScript fast these days, so it would be OK performance-wise I guess, but the standard library lacks non-browser functionality (file access, sound, networking, etc) so it would be quite a hackjob IMO.
  12. grubber

    Future-safing C code?

    AFAIK Perl 6 isn't finished yet and Perl 5 doesn't have JIT compiler, so it would be slow as hell. A port to (any) dynamic language would be neat though (I'd port it to Python, but it doesn't have JIT compiler either).
  13. grubber

    Precompiled Linux ZDoom binaries?

    Strange, works for me (clean install). How did you install it? Can you upload the built package somewhere?
  14. grubber

    Precompiled Linux ZDoom binaries?

    Regarding Arch Linux: I maintain a zdoom package on AUR - it's not precompiled, but compiling it is as easy as typing "makepkg" in the console (or you can use yaourt).
  15. Hopefully we'll see ports to modern operating systems come out of this. There is of course the problem of it not being very legal, so let's wait how Eidos reacts. Don't hold your breath.