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About sinyx

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  1. ok well first I need to clearify what I typed; Let's say you want to change the sky on map 2, you would have it as sky1 sky2 0.0 sky1 is always there, its the place holder for the sky1 texture that tells the game to place a sky effect there. The next part in your case sky2 simply tells it what graphic to use in its place rather than the standard sky you will normally see there. And second to answer a long over due response, I would be very happy to have this included in the help section so mappers can use this great tool. I'd even like to include pictures for help. Csabo can use it and do what ever he likes to it. Just like I said please keep it posted so people don't make repeat threads that annoy regulars and warrant no response to the person who asked the question. Check the Thread regularly for changes and revisions to it.
  2. sinyx

    help on doors and lifts

    is boom different from zdoom in hexen? I play on zdeamon so I want my maps to be playable to the community
  3. When I test the maps in doom builder the doors and lifts work fine. But when I run them in a server the doors dont close all the way and the lifts dontt go all the way up. The end result being that the secret doors and lifts leave the areas exposed and really just dont look good. I'm building in Zdoom (Doom in Hexen mode) anyone have any idea what I have done wrong?
  4. sinyx

    Wow this is messed up

    thank you that solved the problem! I think I'll submit it to the review board now.
  5. sinyx

    Wow this is messed up

    Ok I followed the Tslxctf wad MAPINFO thing to the letter. Here is the script I use: map map01 "Skybase" music skybase1 sky1 sky1 next map02 map map02 "Blood Pit" music bloodpit sky1 rsky4 next map03 map map03 "Artic Base" music articbas sky1 sky1 next map04 map map04 "Castle Sinyx" music castlegb sky1 rsky2 next map05 map map05 "Waste Plant" music turtles2 sky1 sky1 next map06 map map06 "Infinite Ocean" music infinite sky1 rsky1 .50 next map07 map map07 "Water Shed" music bubble22 sky1 rsky2 next map08 I use this to replace the sky textures really because I use something like 4. Now when I go to test this in doom builder I get this. Zdoom Fatal Error SC_GetFloat: Bad numeric constant "next" script MAPINFO
  6. sinyx

    Moving barrels and spawning them?

    Thnx for the help I'll credit you in the wad
  7. sinyx

    Where can I get a railgun?

    my maps arent laid out badly, they have sniping points that work fine with a shotgun or rocket launcher, but a rail gun would just make the maps more fun. I have had request to have it put in and so I shall give my people what they crave.
  8. sinyx

    Where can I get a railgun?

    where inside zdoom is it?
  9. I know its been asked and I've tried looking for it in the forums i just cant find it. It would improve my maps, and rather than just take a rail gun from a wad (which is illegal) I would like to know where I can get one.
  10. sinyx

    Moving barrels and spawning them?

    I just want to know how to do it, if you make the script up then I will credit you in my wad as a source along with anyone else who has helped me. Here's the code: #include "zcommon.acs" script 1 open { Scroll_Floor (2, 0, 50, 2); scroll_floor (3, 50, 0, 2); } script 2(int mapspot, int newtid) { Thing_SpawnNoFog(mapspot,T_BARREL, 0,newtid ); ACS_Execute(2, 5, 20, 35); } script 3 open { sector_setfade(8, 0, 128, 0); } script 4 open { ACS_Execute(2,0,20,35); delay(2*35); restart; } It works and compiles perfectly so no need to change any I just want to know how to change direction. Thanksin advance.
  11. sinyx

    Moving barrels and spawning them?

    Any idea on what the script is to change the direction of the belts? Right now they only go north and east. I'm sure I can change it but being new to scripting and seeing how using can really improve your maps I want to impliment it as much as possible I just don't know how. Thanks for any help and thanks for all the help so far. This community is a great place.
  12. sinyx

    How do i make barrels spawn?

    far_haven hit it, I had the mapspot tagged when I should have left it mapspot. Same thing with newtid. Thanks for the help guys it works great now ^^
  13. sinyx

    How do i make barrels spawn?

    Ok so I read how to do it but I'm still really confused on how to do it this is how the script is setup now, I added a script in the to "color" the water so it's green when you swim in it. #include "zcommon.acs" script 1 open { scroll_floor(2, 0, 50, 2); scroll_floor(3, 50, 0, 2); } script 2(int mapspot, int newtid) { Thing_SpawnNoFog(20, T_BARREL, 0,35); ACS_Execute(2, 5, 20, 35); } script 3 open { sector_setfade(8, 0, 128, 0); } Now what I can't figure out is how to set the tid and the mapspot. This script compiles no problem, I set a map spot up with a tag of 20 and still nothing. A barrel's thing id is 2035, so maybe its because I'm not setting the new tid up properly? Thanks for all the help so far.
  14. sinyx

    How do i make barrels spawn?

    So I'm still a little confused on how to set up the script. I set it up like this but it didn't work could yuou tell me where I went wrong? I set the tid (which I assume stands for thing id) to 2035 which is the barrel and the mapspot to one. I already have script operating in this wad to allow conveyor belts to move barrels so I set the script to 2. #include "zcommon.acs" script 1 open { scroll_floor(2, 0, 50, 2); scroll_floor(3, 50, 0, 2); } script 2(int mapspot,int newtid) { Thing_SpawnNoFog(1, T_BARREL, 0,2035); } This is how I have it set up line for line word for word, when I compile it no errors come up so I'm confused as to what wrong. I'm new at scripting and I'm still getting used to how to set things up so any help is appreciated.
  15. sinyx

    Problem in XWE

    I accidently closed out all my menus in XWE now I cant load or do anything. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but nothing any idea on how to fix this?