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Everything posted by mkfanatic

  1. As Doom fans, we are going to be disappointed. It seems like it may be a bad ass movie, but not a very good Doom movie. There is no Hell, there is no Hell dimension, there is NO OTHER DIMENSION WHAT-SO-EVER. The wormhole portal (called The Ark) is used only as a "teleporter" between Earth and Mars even though I'm sure it can be used to go elsewhere, it isn't used that way, just a quick means of getting back and forth from Earth and Mars. There are no actual teleporters on Mars. ALL the "monsters" are genetic mutations of human beings. It is not a virus but it IS a mutation. The scientists on Mars created some synthetic chromosomes (the last part of the discovered human genome) and injected it into one test subject, "a paranoid schizophrenic with convictions for multiple murders and pedophilia." He was condemned to be executed but I guess they handed him over to the UAC to do research on. Anyway, they injected the synthetic chromosome into him and he turns into a Hell Knight. The whole predetermined "evil" gene and "good" gene IS in the book and based upon the person, it determines whether they will turn into a genetic monster (evil) or a genetic superhuman (good). That's why this man turns into a Hell Knight (instead of an imp) because of how evil he is. The imps are all just scientists who got infected by the Hell Knight when it escaped and killed them. But the imps can also spread it and do spread it throughout the book. The imps apparently infect only those with the "evil" gene in them (they can sense it some how) and kill any one else. Also, I'm sad to say no fireballs at all. So, the only monsters are pre-imps ("half-turned" as they refer to them because they are not fully imps yet but are in the process of becoming one), imps, Hell Knight (I believe there are 2 but I'm not positive), 1 pinky demon, and evil Sarge. And the end battle is just a hand-to-hand fight between "superhuman" Reaper (good) and superhuman Sarge (evil) as he mutates. Kind of a cool fight though cuz they're superhuman. They start off with weapons but are very low on ammo and decide to do it "Old school" as Sarge refers to it. There is a big explosion at the end though (big surprise). As a Doom fan, I am disappointed but I'm a sucker so I will still probably go see it just to see life-like imps, pinky demon, and Hell Knight/s. If anyone wants to know anything else, just ask and I'll let you know.
  2. mkfanatic

    Doom 4 to be in the classic Doom style?

    Supposedly the gameplay is supposed to me more old-school like the original Doom games.
  3. mkfanatic

    My Doom Collection!

    It looks like neither Amazon nor Ebay has any. You could always try e-mailing Bobby Prince and see if he has any more.
  4. mkfanatic

    My Doom Collection!

    Am I the only one that has the actual Doom Music cd released by Bobby Prince? I highly doubt it but I have not seen it on anybody's list or in their pictures.
  5. mkfanatic

    Doom Battle Book - What is it?

    They also made the strategy guide to the SNES version of Doom which I have.
  6. mkfanatic

    Where are the Doom Novels?

    I've read those Doom 3 novels. They're really not that good and feel way too rushed. Personally I think the regular Doom novels are way better. I know most people hate the regular novels but I like them, especially the first book since it follows the game pretty well. Even though the later one's divert majorly from the Doom story-line, I still enjoy them but not as Doom material. They are interesting novels though.
  7. mkfanatic

    Romero is answerin' questions

    That German to English translation is wrong. There is no such english word as deaner.
  8. I agree with you to an extent Super Jamie but wow, you took it a little personally, didn't ya?
  9. The Express Elevator to Hell (teeth) was definetly a tough one. It took me a while to beat it but I enjoyed the challenge. Bad Dream was intimidating at first glance but ends up being kinda easy really. I thought it was kind of a neat idea at first but now it seems kinda silly. It's still awesome killing that many Cyberdemons so easily and quickly though. There's a couple levels (2 I think) that I haven't played yet since I've only played the Master Level's on PSX and Xbox but I intend to play them eventually. I still haven't got back to playing Plutonia 2 yet. I have long gaps in between my Doom playing times.
  10. My bad, it's been a long time since I've played the SNES version. I could have sworn you had to restart completely over. I'm wondering if maybe I would just restart the whole episode myself cuz I couldn't stand to start that level I just died on over again with just my pistol.
  11. You think that's unfair/hard? Try playing the SNES version of Doom 1. No game saves, no passwords. You die, you gotta start the whole EPISODE over!
  12. Tip: NEVER use USPS for international shipments! I've sent things to other country's and it took months for them to receive it. The receiver actually had to go down to their "post office" and pay a fee to get the item. The next time I sent something, I sent it through FedEx and they received it in a couple weeks or less with no fee.
  13. mkfanatic

    Lone Doomer

    I have pretty much the same problem too. The only other person I know that plays Doom is my cousin and he doesn't play it very much anymore. He's only played the console versions and has never played it on the PC. He's still into Doom but he just doesn't play it much. Since I used to be exclusively a console gamer and have only recently turned to PC Doom gaming, I've been telling him about it and how much better (for the most part) it is. He's interested in what I tell him about it and he may start playing again. I also gave another friend of mine a copy of Doom95 but he has yet to play it. I still play newer games though, I love the new Call Of Duty games and can't wait for Modern Warfare 2 but I will always love and play Doom!
  14. As most of your probably know, there are 2 Doom 3 novels out right now, with a 3rd one to follow. Personally, I don't think they were written very well and they felt extremely rushed. I enjoyed the original Doom novels MUCH more. The novels also felt very short, they could have put so much more into them. I don't even think all the monsters were in them. I don't recall any Arch-Viles, Cherubs, Wraiths, or the Guardian. I'm not sure if there any Hell Knight's or not but I don't think there were any. On top of that, not one single monster projectiled a fireball of any kind. That was just total B.S.
  15. mkfanatic

    Lets discuss PSX Doom

    I like PSX Doom and PSX Final Doom but that's because I, too, am a console gamer. I've only recently started playing Doom on the PC but I have to have a gamepad. PSX Doom is awesome, especially the music which I love but don't get me wrong, I still love the original Doom music too. However, I'm glad I've finally got to experience Doom on the PC, in it's full, original glory. I actually started out with Doom on the SNES. I know most people here will cringe at this but I absolutely loved the SNES version. I still go back and play it from time to time. It's actually kind of the hardest version of Doom cuz there are no game saves (like PSX Doom) but also, there are no passwords to reload a level with everything you had. Not the SNES, you had to play all the way through the entire game in one sitting. Granted I'm sure many people have played through the PC version in one sitting without saving but it is a requirement on the SNES and since I had never played Doom before, I had to try to beat the entire game in one sitting the very first time I played it. I doubt any of you played Doom on the PC the very first time without saving. I remember playing for hours on end cuz I would die and have to completely restart. I even remember pausing the game, leaving it turned on so I could sleep. Ah, memories. I consider myself a veteran Doomer too. I can pretty much go through any level on Ultra-Violence and beat it without too much problem. There is no level I could not beat as of yet. Of course, I've only just started playing pwads and megawads. Making my way through Plutonia 2 right now and I must say it's pretty damn tough, the toughest of any Doom I've come in contact with yet. I will probably move on to Alien Vendetta, Hell Revealed 1 & 2, Community Chest, and others. We will see if I can conquer those, on Ultra Violence, the very first time. I no longer play any Doom game on anything less than Ultra Violence, even if it is my first time playing through it.
  16. I'm on map 6 of Plutonia 2 and I can't save my game. Every time I try it says SaveGame Buffer Overload or something to that extent. The level doesn't seem to be that big, I don't know why it won't let me save. Anyone know why?
  17. Ah, okay, didn't know that. I had planned on playing Plutonia 2 through a source port, probably prboom, but I kinda forgot to cuz I'm not used to using source ports. I'm already 6 levels in and I really don't wanna restart the game.
  18. Actually, I'm just running it through Doom95. Maybe that's why.
  19. Okay, here's my dilemma. I've been playing Final Doom TNT and I got to the secret level Pharaoh. This is my first time playing this level but I had read before about the yellow key glitch before but had forgotten about it until I couldn't get any farther in the level. Here's what I want to know. I downloaded the update patch and I can start a new game just fine with the patch but is there any way I can load my current game with the new patch? Cuz I can't seem to get that to work any way that I try. I'm trying to play all the way through Final Doom normally without cheating but I want to continue playing through with all my current items and such. I don't want to start the level over completely and starting with just the pistol. Know what I mean? Is there any way to do this?
  20. mkfanatic

    Murphy's law and Doom

    Maybe it's just me but usually the first time I go through an area I don't know and have never been through, I do better. If I die later on and have to go through it again I tend to do worse. I don't know if it's just because the first time through I was more careful and cautious cuz I've never been through it before and then the second time I get all cocky cuz I know what's gonna happen but I screw up because of the fact that I know what's gonna happen (not being cautious enough), then something unexpected happens and I die much sooner. Is it just me or does this happen to anyone else?
  21. mkfanatic

    Final Doom yellow key patch

    I didn't have a load point from Map15 and you guessed correct, I'm not interested in speedrunning. This is my first time playing through Final Doom (I've played through the PSX version but as everyone knows, it has many levels missing from it and missing monsters (Archvile's and the Cyberdemon in some places)). Something I've noticed with the PC version, the Revenants are hella faster than in the PSX version. I also enjoy trying to get 100% on everything. Just so everyone knows, instead of going through all the trouble of finding some way to incorporate the saved game into the patched version somehow, I just went ahead and started a new game on that level (since it pretty much gives you all the weapons at the start) and played through the rest of the game normally. I'm done with Final Doom and am now working my way through Plutonia2 (which is hella harder than Final Doom, especially since I ALWAYS play on Ultra Violence, even though it's my first time playing it. To me, there is no other way to play Doom).
  22. I just bought a new gamepad that resembles a PS3 controller and I'm trying to set it up to where I can play Final Doom with this controller. If I use Chocolate Doom, I can set up most of the controls but I want to be able to set up my gamepad to control everything. Run, Fire, Open, Strafe Left, Strafe Right, Previous Weapon, Next Weapon, and the possibility of using the D-pad instead of the stick. Chocolate Doom won't allow me to set up "Previous Weapon" and "Next Weapon" to my controller and won't allow me to use the D-pad. What can I do or use to set up my controller fully?
  23. mkfanatic

    help setting up gamepad with Final Doom

    My controller comes with a program where you can assign keyboard commands to the controller. You have to go in and set it yourself though. It works like Xpadder or JoyToKey. If your controller didn't come with the software, use one of these two. What you do is set up your controller so basically if you push the 1 button, it emulates you pressing Ctrl on the keyboard (which is the Fire button). You can't set it up for Previous Weapon and Next Weapon cuz there isn't even buttons for that on your keyboard so what I did was set up each individual weapon for a button. Since I'm gonna use the joystick for movement, I used the D-pad for weapon select. I set Left as Fist/Chainsaw, Up as Pistol, Right as Shotgun/Super Shotgun, Down as Chaingun, I used the L1 trigger to select the Rocket Launcer, R1 for the Plasma Gun, and I used button 4 for the BFG. Button 1 is Run, Button 2 is Fire, 3 is Open. L2 is strafe left and R2 is strafe right. I even set up the "start" button to act as the Esc button to bring up the menu, the "select" button as Enter, and R3 as Y (for when you want to leave the game, you gotta type "Y" for "yes" to exit the game). You basically run the game through this program so the settings will take affect on your controller. Edit: You're right Ragnor, it didn't work on PrBoom. I was using it on Doom95 and it worked fine on that though.
  24. mkfanatic

    help setting up gamepad with Final Doom

    Nevermind, I figured it out. You can move this to Post Hell if you want.
  25. Maybe this has been asked before, I dunno, but I can't seem to find the answer on the net or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. We all know Bobby Prince did the music for all the Doom games on the PC and all the ports but who did the music for the Playstation versions? Did Bobby Prince do that music too? Cuz for some reason I don't think so. I was just curious.