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About durnurd

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    Warming Up
  1. I just looked through the PNGs, and one comment I have is that the TEKWALL* (and any other textures that contain similar features, like TEKGREN1 and SWCOMP1) textures have the most gigantic computer chips embedded in them that I have ever seen. I don't think they built that wall to look like a motherboard zoomed way in. If anything, it should look like a regular-size motherboard, but very large. The chips should be, at that resolution, ten or fifteen pixels tall at most. There are random RAM slots that came right out of the eighties, and the problem I have with them aside from the fact that RAM usually isn't 5 feet long is that they kind of fade away instead of have a definite end point. This goes for everything on the wall. The cross-fading looks too organic. There needs to be sharp edges, and endpoints, and reasons for things to be that way. Also, the skull switch should either have the exact same display in both eye sockets or have completely different text in both eye sockets. The same text aligned differently is unconvincing to me. I have to agree that I do see a vertical woody texture over the ICKWALL* textures. It's a little confusing. Also, the vertical lines on SUPPORT2 are a little too dark. As a general bit of advice, when something looks like an indentation, the texture that overlaps it should be offset to look like it follows the indentation. In SUPPORT2, for example, if the vertical lines within the boxes were offset a few pixels to the left, and then sloped back out on the top and bottom edges (well, can't really see the top, but the bottom anyway) it would be more convincing. Another example is the ICKWALL* textures again with the green ooze. This is shown well in CRLWD*** with the TNT and UAC logos The GST***** textures are inconsistent. GSTFONT*, for example, has a very etched look around the head's edges, but GSTLION, for example, looks very fuzzy around the edges. The same goes for the other heads. Not sure what the brush is doing at the bottom of the FIREWALL textures. I think in the original it looks more like skeletons. Admittedly, it's hard to see, being so small. I'd resize the skulls in DOOR*2 so that they take up the full height in case somebody wants to tile it vertically. CRATINY has no numbers, but CRATELIT does. In the original, this is understandable, since there was hardly the room, but now that you've gone hi-def, it would make sense to have some numbers there. The UAC wouldn't be so disorderly to leave their crates unnumbered! the lion in BIGDOOR6 does look flat, there's no getting around it. The others look like they are simply etched into the wall, extruding not very far at all, but BIGDOOR6 looks like it's trying to achieve 3D, which works when you look at it straight on, but not, of course, at an angle. And how would that lion fit up into the ceiling when the door opens if it's jutting out as far as it looks like it is? Solaris is the name of a Unix-based operating system, Sol is the name of our sun. The UAC base is not actually on Tei Tenga, it's on... Deimos or Phobos or something. So while PLANET1 may ostensibly have a picture of said planet, the name of the UAC base would not actually be that. The bottom of CRLWDH and its similar pieces is questionably cut at best. I don't think they make Y-shaped 2x4s. It should be a separate piece.
  2. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #304

    Oh? As soon as you have nothing else to argue with you start attacking me? How predictable. I guess I should stop hijacking this thread. It's here for discussion of other maps as well. If you wish to continue in this manner, please just email me personally.
  3. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #304

    Not if they are along a linear path in themselves, no. If they simply presented themselves along the linear path, they wouldn't be very secret, would they?
  4. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #304

    You were complaining about linearity. That is all.
  5. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #304

    I guess you didn't look for many secrets then. And personally, I'd turn off the speakers or take out my headphones if my ears literally felt like they were going to start bleeding soon. Are you masochistic?
  6. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #304

    Sorry, it's just that I'd kinda hoped it would actually get a review. You know, that's what reviewers are supposed to do. Even with horrible games, whenever I read a review, they seem to have at least played through it, and given a review of more than one detail. Anyway, I had no problems getting past that section, but maybe that's because I made that section, and I know when the cutscene is over. Try it on a lower difficulty so the revenant isn't there. For anybody who really, really wants it, here's a version of wtf17 with frozen monsters during cutscenes. http://www.beardedchild.com/files/wtf17.wad Or, if you have a WAD editor, just open the ACS in the wad, find Script 6, and add a Thing_Deactivate(19); after SetPlayerProperty(1,1,PROP_TOTALLYFROZEN); and a Thing_Activate(19); after SetPlayerProperty(1,0,PROP_TOTALLYFROZEN); Don't forget to compile. Oh, and if you really want: "You stupid idiot!!11ONE! WTF, Y U CAL UTNT_INV BD?1?! OR GUD!?!? I DINT RED REVIEW SO I DON'T NO WUT U ACTUULY SED"
  7. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #304

    Nice how my level was grazed over and wasn't even given a remotely good review just because of the reviewer's inattention to the fact that monster's attacks don't hurt you for about two seconds after the cutscene is over so you have time to escape anything coming your way. I originally had it such that all of the monsters did freeze when any cutscene played, but it looked dorky and funny, so I made it normal. Please, anybody with half a brain, try playing Water Treatment Facility #17 and tell me what you actually think about the map. I'd really like to know if anybody likes it.
  8. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #300

    Look at it this way: Today was the 300th /newstuff review. Next time will be the 300th Anniversary of the 1st /newstuff review. So maybe next time we'll get something noteworthy. Or not. Who am I kidding?
  9. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #244

    Now that I've taken a look at E1M3: Toxin refinery, I have to say that, despite what the reviewer says, it's quite good. I've never played a remake of a level before, and it was an interesting experience, though at the end, I saw that I found only 33% of the secrets! How many more were put in!? Yes, this was amazingly well done detail-wise. The look of the level is absolutely stunning by my standards (I haven't played many WADs other than Doom.wad and Doom2.wad) and the gameplay is, contrary to belief, also pretty good. I did not die immediately, nor anywhere else throughout the level, but perhaps that is because I played it on only moderate difficulty. I can't complain though. It seems like a very good addition to the level archive, at least, in my eyes.
  10. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #244

    SlatheDoomer: I just played your level. Frankly, I think the reviewer's got a stick up his butt a bit too far. The level was no where near as bad as he describes. A few suggestions, however, that I have learned: Never, ever put a cyberdemon in a one-level wad release. Never. Just don't do it. Lower-Unpeg the door track textures. Then they won't travel up with the doors Soul Spheres and Mega Spheres (also Blue Armor) should be given out sparingly, if at all. In a secret area, perhaps. The inclination to make a room with a crapload of monsters and give you a BFG may be overwhelming, but resist the urge! (And keep in mind you can only ever show 64 things on the screen at once in Doom II!) You placed, I think, too many weapons in too small of a level. You really shouldn't go through all 7 weapons in one level. Again, use sparingly. Large empty rooms are not interesting. Condense or add more interesting things, like displays, eye-candy, you know, anything that makes it less barren. Are all three keys really neccessary to this short of a level? Instead of having a button release a key right next to the door, why not just have the button open the door? Or, if you want the player near the door when it opens, just have an obstacle in front of the door which the button removes. Vary varried monster choice and placement. Good for larger levels, but for this small of a level, watch it. Don't want to get too many different types. The "Exit" in lights at the end was a little tacky. We know it's the exit. That's what the exit door is there for. We all know what that means.
  11. durnurd

    The /newstuff Chronicles #244

    Pistol Whip was my first (real) attempt at creating a level for a 3D game, so any advice you may have to offer would be welcomed. Something more specific than "eye-gouging textures" would help this new-born mapper to evolve a bit. Even after I released it, I have continued work on it, added a few things, and unfortunately, the story was not in the text file I uploaded. (Basically, the only thing you need to know is that a military base is in the process of being demonized, and halfway through the level, a demon starship crashes into the base.)