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About signofzeta

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. For those who have used IPX network, or at least emulated it on dosbox, is it true that, in a 4 player match, 3 players started their match, and the fourth player does not start his match until seconds later, the match won't load up? I'm saying is that to get the IPX network deathmatch to run, does all 4 players have to start the match all at the same time, and even a couple of seconds of delay from one of them, the match just won't load? I just did something like that to test how IPX emulation on dosbox works on Hexen. 3 computers connected, but I had to run upstairs to the fourth one, so that resulted in a delay in the fourth player joining. The game runs, but it is stuck at the loading screen. Same thing happens when I do a null modem connection when I played doom years ago. When I create a match with one computer, and I delay and join like 10 seconds later with the other computer, the match won't load. So does any of this happen to you? Do you know how to fix this? No source ports, because my goal is to get vanilla Doom, Heretic, and Hexen multiplayer working using dosbox, and the oldschool death manager program that comes with it.
  2. Actually, killing lost souls and pain elementals with a rocket launcher is already funny.
  3. signofzeta

    Xbox port questions

    As for question 1, I will answer with another question. Do you want to know how the game was made, or do you want extra levels? As for question 2, I tried regular xbox games on my former 360, which unfortunately got smashed, but, I tried it on Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I didn't see a significant improvement. Maybe it is changed, but it is unnoticable. Much like playing PS1 games on a PS2.
  4. signofzeta

    Spider Demon Is.... GONE!!!! (I Think)

    Don't wraiths technically turn completely invisible, as when he teleports, you can hear his footsteps? Then he becomes visible again to attack you? I read that wraiths was going to have these flies swirling around when he does the "teleport" thing.
  5. Forgot about the pinky demons. Especially with the -fast parameter on, they look like they have rabies or something. I think the developers actually made the revenant so that everything he does is over exaggerated.
  6. For me, it has to be the revenant. Although his missiles are annoying, his wind up punch and the resulting sound, makes me laugh. I think Romero said something, or was it somebody else, that he wanted to make the revenant punch sound as funny as possible? When I played doom 3 for the first time, the revenant is a monster that I wasn't afraid of when I heard it, because it reminded me of the classic revenant, and it's wind up punches, but alas, the new revenant does not wind up before he punches.
  7. signofzeta

    Cacodemon's death sound.

    So that's what it was... When I was around 7 or so, when I saw my cousins playing doom 2, I was afriad of the cacodemon death sound. I stopped playing doom for a few years, until I was 15 or so. When I heard the sound again, I laughed so hard, that i cried. Now, it seems like any other sound, and I just couldn't figure out what it was supposed to sound like, just like the baron and hellknight. I extracted the sound, and I am listening to the sound over and over non stop, and I'm like WTF?
  8. signofzeta

    Cacodemon's death sound.

    I read somewhere that the arch vile death sound is supposed to be some girl crying, something like that. But the cacodemon death sound, sounds the most weird of all.
  9. I know it is funny, and it sounds odd, now, what is the history behind why the cacodemon sounds like that when it dies? I guess I could ask the same question about the Hell Knight and Baron of Hell.
  10. signofzeta

    Spider Demon Is.... GONE!!!! (I Think)

    well you can say the spider mastermind split into the vagary and sabaoth, and the cyberdemon split into the guardian and cyberdemon.
  11. signofzeta

    Spider Demon Is.... GONE!!!! (I Think)

    Didn't some of the doom 1 and 2 monsters "merge" to form the doom 3 monster that we all know? For example. The hell knight in Doom 3 is a hybrid of Baron of Hell and the classic hell knight. Doom 3 cacodemon was originally going to spit out lost souls, from what I read anyway, and now they scrapped. They still kept the brown coloring, thus making him a hybrid of the cacodemon and pain elemental. And the ticks and trites, although not the same, will forever replace the arachnotrons, while the Vagary replaces the Spider mastermind. What other missing monsters are there? Oh yes, the spectre. As we all know, the doom 3 pinky didn't really get a popular role in the game, unlike Doom 1's Pinky demon. The Pinky demon and spectre in the classic dooms were common, while in doom 3, the pinkys were quite rare. Like the machine gun, which took over the chaingun's role in classic doom, while the doom 3 chaingun became more of a heavier weapon, I theorize that the Maggot took over the classic pinky's role as the common run up to you and melee you enemy, and the wraith took over the spectre's role as surprise you and melee you enemy.
  12. BUT, what if I made the nukage, slime, lava, whatever texture, stretched out, so that it looks fuzzy. It gives a cool effect, while at the same time, does not strain the eyes of the viewers. I'm trying to make my presentation "normal" and "doom" at the same time. I knew I shouldn't have bragged about how I'm going to put hellfire and demonic symbolism and "doom" all over my presentation, stupid me. OK. All my plans looks stupid, but is brown a good background color? I'm trying to make my background represent the settings in where my microorganism lives, and at the same time, use a doom texture, cut a piece off it, and zoom it in, so it looks like parts of the background has a gradient of color that becomes brighter, and some places darker. The one I'm referring to is one of the slime textures.
  13. I guess I'll just use white as my background then, make it look too plain. Just want to spice, er doom things up. I just thought the nukage, and their recolors made great backgrounds for powerpoint presentations.
  14. would a microbiology professor, who probably never played any games notice the background, which is the nukage flat? I'm just saying, does id software care I use one of their flat textures for a powerpoint background?
  15. I need to present one slide, and I decided to Doom up my presentation. I decided to make my background one of the nukage flats, along with red and white text. Is it illegal for me to do that? I want to know, so if it is illegal, I can undoomify my presentation. The doom font does not work though, since the school's computer I need to present my slide on does not have it. Is extracting anything from any of the IWAD files, and messing around with the wall textures, flats, ceilings, objects illegal?