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About Derrick

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  1. Derrick

    The Gun Shop ( Finally, reopened ! )

    Actually it is done and in the Edge version of GoldenEye Doom2 http://goldeneye.newdoom.com Not to mention the new cool Beta2 of the Edge Version is also available. (I haven't got the chance to submit it to doomworld news section yet.)
  2. Derrick

    Rifle Range Map

    Does anyone know where I can find a wad that contains a rifle range that I could use in GE? I tried searching thru the idgames but didn't find anything. There has got to be a map that contains one, how do all those weapon modes test their stuff? -- NM
  3. Derrick

    SONY uses Crippleware for Antipiracy

    I find that kindof hard to believe, since alot of the PS2 games are easily copied and revenue is lost.
  4. Derrick

    How accurate is your spam filter?

    The Modus Gate is pretty darn good I think.
  5. Derrick

    America has invaded Syyria

    Syria is the country that suposively is supplying the insurgents with all those nasty rocket propelled gernades.
  6. Derrick

    shotgun guy picture

    Very nice drawing! Actually a lot of stuff I drew with MSPaint for GoldenEye Doom2 :-P
  7. Derrick

    Best City Levels

    My bro compiled some city levels into Ghetto Doom. Available at GE Download page.
  8. Derrick

    DeiMWolf version 0.9.0 Released

    Looking Good! Just out of curosity what gun has a drum on it in Wolf? The only thing close is the MG38? Is this going to be added?
  9. Derrick

    To the creators of EDGE

    Thats why I code for 1.28a
  10. Derrick

    chainlink fence?

    There is one in Freedoom. Freedoom actually has some really nice textures, some I think are better then the Doom ones. Though I can't say much for the sounds.
  11. Derrick

    To the creators of EDGE

    The only problem I have with the new version is the OpenAL sound library. It doesn't seem to be very compatible with a lot of the onboard sound cards. Other than that the engine also appears to run a lot faster.
  12. RoTT ruled! In Edge its fairly easy to do. WildWeasel did a cool example. http://armory.drdteam.org/index.php?page=topic&id=50
  13. Derrick

    Ghost Busters 2

    Where was this version?
  14. Derrick

    How do I tweak bullet/melee damage?

    Edge its really easy. Here is an example from GE (attack.ddf): [PLAYER_KF7] ATTACKTYPE=SHOT; ATTACKRANGE=2808; SHOTCOUNT=1; DAMAGE.VAL=10; //<- Minimum damage DAMAGE.MAX=15; //<- Maximum damage ATTACK_HEIGHT=32; ACCURACY_ANGLE=5; ACCURACY_SLOPE=6; ENGAGED_SOUND=KF7; PUFF=PUFF;
  15. Derrick

    Ghost Busters 2

    I thought it was made for Zdoom 1.22