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About ZERO99

  • Rank
    Warming Up

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  1. i would like to partake as a tester, my email is JRDalziel@gmail.com.
  2. About the texturing, I used a texture pack that was not created by me I dont know much about using things like Photoshop to make textures. Im trying to learn now to use programs like it to edit my own because i can see how useful such a skill is when you need that texture to make something pop or blend nicely. I currently have Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 that came with a scanner. I have used the Gimp in the past but i just have not used it much due to the fact i have Photoshop and i know it some what better then The Gimp.
  3. Ok i have been looking for material to study off. Ill for sure look at the wad you talked about. :D thanks for the feedback
  4. alright i have not posted in the doom world forums for quite some time, i first posted here like most nubs to find where to start in mapping and had some general questions. Now after just over a year i think i have really started to create some decent work. I would like to get some feed back on this map of mine i have posted it for review in the Zdaemon review. I didnt get much feedback from the community and would like to get more views and thoughts on my map. This map was made for 1on1 play and geared towards the Zdaemon engine. thoughts, comments, hates, likes are all welcome here. this is why i posted it here to learn from mistakes i have made in this map and move forward in my mapping. download link:http://www.thatguy.sinthos-soft.com/ZERO99's%201on1%20maps/legend-a.zip
  5. ZERO99

    i am noob! help me plz!

    i know about the episode skys. looks like what i want to do is not posible. oh well it was still worth a try
  6. ZERO99

    i am noob! help me plz!

    hey you now how there is 3 sky textures?? how do you get them to be a sky?? there just acting like normal wall textures right now when i make my maps so i am left with F_SKY3 to use and its geting old fast!!
  7. ZERO99

    i am noob! help me plz!

    yet again i have figured it out my self. i just named the picture (what i ment was weapon) the name of it like the pistol you name and stages like the pistol just normal PISGA0
  8. ZERO99

    Favourite Bond film?

    i would have to say my favorite james bond movie is...... well i cant say there all good but i have a hard time remebering what one is what i guess that means i am taking a trip to the local block buster. anyway i am guna take this in another james bond like direction. what is your favorite bond weapon or car etc. mine would have to be the golden gun of course. i know its not one of bonds guns but that is defenatly one of the most legondary guns in the bond films. not conviced?? who doesnt want a solid gold fountain pen, lighter, cigerette case, and cuff link that peices togeather to form a deadly weapon, used by the worlds best hit man. highly modifyed car fit for a bond... over one millon dollars gun made of solid gold... one hundred thousand dollars knowing your the worlds best and greatist spy... priceless
  9. ZERO99

    The Gun Shop ( Finally, reopened ! )

    ok i know no requests but i think this is a cool one and if it already done plz direct me to it. the golden gun! yea thats right one of many insane guns of james' enemys! in the 007 movies. i dont think anyone will disagree that it isnt a cool gun.
  10. ZERO99

    i am noob! help me plz!

    another question ok i am trying out whacked2 and i want to change the pistol to another one i have made how do i switch the picture???
  11. my very first doom edit was a big room with a few chain gun dudes and all the weapons inside it with some commander keens in it man i was so proud of it i just kept resarting the map get the bfg and blow every one in it up i loved it to death
  12. ZERO99

    i am noob! help me plz!

    can some one give me a link or explane to me how to use xwe to make weapons and like title pictures to place them in the wad and make them work. i would be very thankfull
  13. ZERO99

    i am noob! help me plz!

    can some one tell me or give me a web site on how to use xwe. i want to make some custom weapons and sounds and things like that but dont know how to use this program.
  14. ZERO99

    db questions

    ok thx have you found a guide to use xwe?? i dont understand it also when i make a multiple map wad with xwe it doesnt run :S
  15. ZERO99

    db questions

    how do you merge maps to make a multiple map wad????