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About MailmanTS

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    Green Marine

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  1. MailmanTS

    Various DooM Addon Music Wads

    Sounds awesome, thanks alot. Before reading your reply, I was aware that somehow MIDI was different from other forms of audio, I just wasn't quite sure how. I was perplexed by how the quality of the tracks would be drastically altered when played on a different computer. I remember how (relitively) beautiful it sounded on my grandmother's computer, but how nausiatingly disgusting it sounded on my uncle's. Your help is greatly appriciated, I am aware of the tons of remixes, covers, conversions and whatnot availiable. I just cannot, for the life of me, find any burnable formats of the Eternal DOOM soundtrack!
  2. MailmanTS

    Level Editors for jDoom

    Thanks much guys!
  3. Andrew's absolutely right... When you go EB or Gamestop or whatever they have in your respective regions with your hard earned $50-$60 and find several games that look awesome and you want all, often the deciding factor is what others have told you about it, in fact, this is almost always the one and only deciding factor for a few people who trust other's advice to the death. If I choose one out of let's say 4 games that I can't decide on, simply because a friend recommended it, and it sucks, I would be mad. Even if someone doesn't want to believe it, when someone is faced with hard decisions and has ran out of comparisons and pros and cons and what not of game vs. game, they have one thing to rely on, other's opinions.
  4. MailmanTS

    Level Editors for jDoom

    Hi guys, I need some advice.. I'm looking forward to getting into level design myself and would like to start editing some maps and creating my own... I was curious what the best (if any) editor is availiable for jDoom, and will properly display jDoom features, in particular, the jDRP. I just need to know which is the best editor for jDoom, as jDoom is the best version I have ever found, with far more features then others I've tried. I'm brand-spanking-new to Doom level editing and editing in general, so a user-friendly interface would be preferable but not nessacary. Thanks for any help.
  5. Ya know, I've been playing Eternal DOOM and Final DOOM: Evilution for quite awhile now, I know where to find the Evilution mp3 downloads, but I need to find a way to listen to the Eternal soundtrack in a manner that would allow me to burn it onto a CD. Is there any way to attain the Eternal DOOM soundtrack in a format that would be playable on my Windows Media Player? I'm no techie, and I know very little, so please take it easy on the techie talk, as I will be lost. Everytime I try to extract the music from the wads using some cockeyed program, I end up FUBARing the whole thing! Any help would be greatly apriciated!
  6. MailmanTS


    I'm from the Geek Squad, you're under arrest. Geek Squad enforcement...lol, that'll be the day! Well, they do drive around in those stupid black and white beetles and wear security guard-ish clothes, I guess all they need now is a gun, or a BFG... Anyway, congrats on your hacker status Death.
  7. MailmanTS

    Any Brits here have a PS2?

    What American games are you looking for? I've got plenty, some of which may have never been released on your side of the pond. And I'm pretty sure my copies work on Region 2s.
  8. Rants are fun... I kind of sympathize with this guy, when something strange or completely ridiculous happens in society over and over again, it makes me raving mad. (Like, for example, a crappy game like BGaE recieving massive pre-release hype that it didn't deserve.) I honestly believe Classic DooM is the only game in recent years to have momentous hype attributed to it before release, and then surpass everyone's expectations ten-fold. Halo 2, Half-life 2, BGaE... These are examples of highly anticipated games that generated ludicrous pre-release hype, only to fall embarrisingly short of it's expectations. These kind of things make me want to rant for weeks, but I'll spare you! Lol Regards, ~The Mailman
  9. MailmanTS

    DOOM: The Lost Episodes

    Thanks Grazza... BTW, I feel stupid, but I'm new to wads and lumps and computer language and whatnot, I know alittle but I'm mostly dumb on the subject... So, how do I make level wads work with jdoom and the kickstart program? Everytime I load a map wad nothing happens, it just sends me to the main menu and when I start a new game it send me to the first map. When I try to use the warp command, it says "Error: Warp failed" and loading a wad from the console does nothing. I'm lost and frankly I need some help!
  10. MailmanTS


    Does anyone know if vgmix is even existant anymore? A good number of the remixes on the music page lead there, and it's nothing but a 404. It stinks like rotten meat, but it looks like vgmix is gone, along with those remixes... And I want those fraggin' remixes! does anyone know if they will fix those broken links soon, or is vgmix simply non-existant anymore? Regards, ~The Mailman
  11. MailmanTS

    DOOM: The Lost Episodes

    That's it, that's the one. According to the page of DOOM, the Lost Episodes take place at the same time as the first game, on remote and relatively smaller UAC installations on Io and Castillo, Jupiter's outer and inner most moons, respectively. You are a scientist on your way back home from the outer solar system in a cryogenicaly frozen state when a distress call from the Jupiter installations automaticaly wakes you and sends you there. Appearantly, you used to be a marine, and you have combat expierience. The first episode takes place on Castillo, the second on Io, and the third in the red spot of Jupiter, supposively the largest gateway to Hell in the solar system. Dang, talking about it makes me want to play it!
  12. MailmanTS

    DOOM: The Lost Episodes

    Oh, ok, I figured that might be a problem. Do you know where I could buy the cd?
  13. MailmanTS

    DOOM: The Lost Episodes

    None of the mirrors on that site work, is there a secondary download site?
  14. Does anyone know where I could buy the actual levels of this elusive add-on, on ebay and amazon the only thing they offer is the book, I need the levels. This is one of the hardest to find pieces of DOOM merchandise I have ever encountered, and finding it would be great. I really don't care much about the book, just the levels, although, the book would be a plus! Thanks for any help.
  15. MailmanTS

    Anything happening on June 6th?

    You're too kind.