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Odd Eye

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About Odd Eye

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. How do you get the ambient sounds in Heretic to play when making your own Heretic level?
  2. Odd Eye

    Voices in Strife

    Is there a way to use the voices from Strife in your own Strife level? Like you can actually talk to people etc. For example, I placed this Oracle guy in my map, but when I walk up to him and try to talk to him, it's not possible.
  3. Odd Eye

    Most Memorable Doom Experience

    One of my memorable experiences was trying to finish Doom 2 with my friend in one day when I was about 8. I would play one level and he the next one and so on. Even with the almighty god mode on we couldn't finish it because some of the levels were so 'complicated', but nowadays I am able to finish Doom 2 multiple times a day with god mode on and a little less times without cheats.
  4. Odd Eye

    Lighting levels

    Is it true that you can't see the difference between a lighting level of say 144 and 152. Every time I do this I just can't see any difference, it looks like the same level of lighting. Is my sight failing me or is it really impossible to see any difference?
  5. Odd Eye

    The faces

    Ah, yes, it's quite obvious now. You can recognize the arch-vile really by jaw. And the megasphere resembling a mancubus is indeed quite strange. I wonder why they did that?
  6. Odd Eye

    The faces

    I always wonder about the 3 textures with the faces in marble (you know what I mean), there is one with the face of the baron of hell, one with the face of the boss of doom 2, but I don't know the last one. It kinda looks like the spider mastermind, but I don't think it is. Does anybody else have any ideas?
  7. Odd Eye

    Light on ceiling

    Thanks you guys. I finally got it to work.
  8. Odd Eye

    Light on ceiling

    On some levels I have seen there's for example a teleporter which has glowing light, but the light can only be seen on the platform where the teleporter square is and not on the ceiling. How do I do that? I've tried to figure it out myself by checking out the these particular levels in a level editor, but I just can't seem to get the light only on the floor.
  9. ...that Doom has got the best music ever! The music fits the game really well. Never have I experienced a game with better music. Just wanted you all to know.
  10. Odd Eye

    Strange effect

    I was just building this level and when I tested it there was the Hall of Mirrors effect even though I didn't forget any textures. I read somewhere you can also get the HOM effect when there are too many lines in a room. Is this true and if so how can I get rid of it?
  11. Odd Eye

    Texture alignment problem

    No, in 3D mode everything seems fine, but when I play my level some of the textures look sloppy. Like I forgot to align or something but I'm sure I did it right. It's not that I'm like a newbie to making levels. I just changed my Doom Builder to version 1.66 instead of 1.67. Maybe that will fix the problem.
  12. I've got a problem with Doom Builder version 1.67. Sometimes when I just create a normal wall, the textures seem to be shifting, like I've added a vertex to it but I can't seem to fix it with normal x and y offsets. I don't know what to do. Help!
  13. I've got a problem with Doom Builder version 1.67. Sometimes when I just create a normal wall, the textures seem to be shifting, like I've added a vertex to it but I can't seem to fix it with normal x and y offsets. I don't know what to do. Help!
  14. Odd Eye

    WAD author

    I want to try out a new level editor. Is WAD author good or not?
  15. Odd Eye

    New level

    I've seem to lost inspiration. Does anyone know a good idea for my next wad? I just want it to be normal level, not some strange hocus pocus thingies in it.