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About Rbman

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. i started playing custom wads that have custom music and now my sound is all messed up, it makes random screeching sounds, even when i quit to windows it still does this, what do i put in sound or change in control panel to fix this, i tried reinstalling sound card does nothing, im sure theres a setting that im not find that will fix this even if it results to turning off music all together : (, if this is in wrong place sorry
  2. How do you get powerups to respawn in multiplayer, only guns respawn for me, can they respawn or no?
  3. Rbman

    Custom sounds

    what programs would i use to make these scripts, whacked?, i just want a sound played when a player sees another player or enemy, and every like 5 kills play a sound,
  4. Rbman

    Custom sounds

    is it possible to add new sounds to new events, like every 3 kills say something, or if player sees the enemy say something, probably not but i just thought id ask, i really like the F.E.A.R sound files trying to put some of them into doom
  5. Rbman

    Custom sounds

    sweet i got it working thanks
  6. Rbman

    Custom sounds

    I was just wondering if i could put custom sounds into my wad, that would play when a monster or another player is killed, i dunno if thats possible but ive been trying to use xwe but im dumb and need help, this would be for jdoom i guess
  7. Rbman

    Scare tactic

    im making some sort of a maze, with rooms that have cyberdemons in them but no entrance to these cyberdemons, i only want them there as a scare tactic, but they dont start doing anything till they see you, i tried puting an imp in these rooms to hopefully piss of the cyberdemon but that did nothing, is there a way to make a wall that the cyberdemon can see through but the doom guy cant, and the cyberdemon cant shoot through the wall and hurt the marine?
  8. Rbman

    passable walls

    wow i feel dumb. thanks! : )
  9. Rbman

    passable walls

    is it possible to make a wall seem like a wall but u can go through it easily sorta like a hidden place?
  10. Rbman

    Level Editors for jDoom

    thanks man it worked : )
  11. Rbman

    Level Editors for jDoom

    does anyone else use doomsday to test and use levels built by doombuilder because i have no clue what to put : (
  12. Rbman

    Level Editors for jDoom

    I tried using doombuilder and when i tested it with doomsday i get this error I used the correct line parameter for the testing, using the doomsday.exe im trying to test the "test" map but it gives me that error, any ideas?