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About tedskonto

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. tedskonto

    About forums

    I give up. Ur just a bunch of morons... I thought maybe some1 could objectivly and without geting pissed of at a fact of life, could maybe post some interesting thoughts, but instead i get dead end posts where u do nothing but telling me im a "mong"(what the FUCK is a mong? i dident find the answer too good) without even being able to tell me why. Im sorry u guys(maybe not all of u) were to much of idiots(or maybe I am to different) to be a little bit constructive. Bye bye and plz, i dident mean to insult anyon but if i did: tough luck. Peace out dudes
  2. tedskonto

    About forums

    AWW USE UR EYES! Read what i ahev written, and then read what it has been met by! I have been given no good answers, Darknation got pissed because i stated a fact, but i can controll reality so i cant change that fact, but nevertheless, that fact remains, and it is that girl and boys have different bodies. Instead of tryning to prove me wrong, which would be imposible, because thats the harsh truth im saying, he deems me an idiot without even regarding what i have wrote. Whats so idiotic with stating that there is a diference between boys and girls?
  3. tedskonto

    About forums

    well then fucking write the reason down, because thats kinda one of the questions proposed at the first post. But i am not the one responding to cohernt thougts(even though mispelled) with answers like: "Im a mong" (what is a mong anyway?).
  4. tedskonto

    About forums

    Well, if u get what i mean, and clearly u claim to do, then whats the fucking point in having it coretly spelled? i mean if it was a book or something then it would be important, but its not. Its the internet. And Plz plz plz! Keep to the subject!
  5. tedskonto

    About forums

    It wasent a try... It was merly stating a fact. He must be really young. That has to be the most imature shit i ever saw pulled on the internet. And i am a bit angry yes, because my posts are meet with ignorance. But trust me, im calm =) It takes more than one litle brat to upset this overmind of mine.
  6. tedskonto

    About forums

    Ur last post was so stupid, ama just gona ignore it. It seems u got angry. And it also seems u like to picture people using their cocks for pressing the keys down on their keyboards, u perverted litle kid.
  7. tedskonto

    About forums

    well if ur to fucking dumb to keep ur eyes peeled at one row at a time then FUCKING GO AHEAD! (ot) Edit: now i saw that he tried to sumarize all ive saied with something like: "I am a mong". This childiss behavoiur doesent lead anywhere, seriously if u dont like what i say, then argue u dumb godamn... drilling tool. But plz, that shit u pulled just now, thats not to far away from like, a kid who says something like: "Ur dad eats poop"
  8. tedskonto

    About forums

    What is so idiotic about what i said? Its the godamn truth u blind fool... Its poltitical corect cockroaches like u that get me banned.
  9. tedskonto

    About forums

    Well thats the thing, i acted on behalf of my own experience, not on some prejudgment inherited from my society. I guess u can call me a sexist, since i say that girls are in general weaker than boys, in a fight, BUT prove me wrong. It is proved that there is a difference between the genders, and that Males are made for Hunting, and thus have muscles capable of sumoning great energy in short time. On the other hand, girls have advantages of their own. They are lighter, and have softer muscles, which mean that they can endure long periods of exhausting labor, such as climbing, or as mother nature meant it, Gathering longer than boys. They also have more underskin fat, making them beter at resisting both heat and cold. This, i have been able to prove with my experiences. I was in , i dunno the word in english. A place where u go to snowboard ans ski, aww well u get the idea, well it was me and my class of 17 years olds, and all the boys would freeze their fucking asses of, while the girls was pretty much impervious to the cold. I have pretty good experience with coldnes combinend with moist, being a active surfer in old cold Sweden, but I was hacking my godamn teeth before any of the girls did, which kinda proves it. But, i have to say, that i think in overall boys are ore adapted than girls, for girl bodys lose much of their functionalty because of the fact that they have to give birth to upright walking humans, which severly reduces the raneg of efficient solutions. Now some of u might consider giving birth worth more than all the attrbiutes sumarized here togheter, but i refuse to glorify pregnancy, because i fucking hate humans =) Oh and btw, IRL, i dont give a fuck wheter its a boy or a girl im talking to.
  10. tedskonto

    About forums

    They fight worse as in, if a avergae boy would fight an average girl, the average boy would probably win. And if it was a to the death fight, the boy would almost surly win, unless the girl has kids which she must protect, in which case she sumons the strenght from 15 bears and mega frags the boy. And thats no joke, nor a cliche either. Its like mothers get Berserk pack when their childs are threteaned.
  11. tedskonto

    About forums

    U get the idea, is there any1 on this forum not curently banned on this forum, but banned on other more political corect forums? Edit: "banned", that would actualy be a cool name for Doom clan =)
  12. tedskonto

    News Reporter gets beaten up

    Well nowdays, social prestige and money is worth more than pure skills, and thats why things end up like this. Punkasses bitching about cos they never experience any violence, and therefore are so frustrated that they must vent their pathetic anger at thosse of us that are less fortunate. They, are the offspring off a society of surplus and exagerated media, and they must FUCKING DIE! Watch the movie fight club(again probably) while thinking about people like them, and feel frustrated coz theres nothing u can do about it, Fight Clubs just a movie, sadly. What u can do, is to find their car, and wreck it. Its realy hard for cops n such to find out who did it(not that i ever wrecked a car, i woulden dare). In fact, if u see a fancy car, fucking KEY it. 9/10 of the cars keyed this way belongs to an asshole, the exception being some car entuiast who actualy buys the cars because hes interested in cars, and not to get more pussy.
  13. tedskonto

    About forums

    Now who is whining =) Im not an asshole, trust me, and u cant judge my doom experience by my fucking status. How ridicilous is that thought? Doom was my first fps game ever, which i played with my dad at his work, he aiming and i pressing the trigger. By now I have pretty much played and beaten every ID fps game, of course including doom1-3. I like Doom, but this part of the forum was suposed to be about everything BUT doom, so i dont see any need to say stuff about doom when thats not what my topic is about. Oh and send ur girlfriend to me. Seems like u cant handle her =)
  14. tedskonto

    Jesus Camp

    Christ is fucking god reincarnted on earth. Humans couldent be like him, its imposible, hes a frigging god for fucks sake! Im atheist by the way, but im speculating. Besides, in the bible, jesus was pretty sweet dude, rasing dead people n shit(much like the Arch-ville) so hes not that bad of an ideal, but religious people are allways twisted so that they work beter as tools for the high lords of captitalism. Oh and btw, imagine Jesus(god) on one side of a field, with a BFG, and on the other side of the field: the forces of hell. GIB!
  15. tedskonto

    My adventures with a crazy, homicidal house cat.

    Kill the motherfucker and get urself a dog =) Nah seriously cats are nice too, but all animals freak out once in a while. Its not dangerous unless u have childs or other idiots nearby. Just wait some time and be extra nicet to the cats and they will stop chassing u. Btw, i laughed like hell att the image of a dude geting chassed by a house cat, and then ending up cornered. U shouldent have runned. Now the cat thinks he is the boss =)