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About dher5500

  • Rank
  1. dher5500

    Favourite Sci-fi?

    Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG1, Star Wars
  2. dher5500

    UAC or Umbrella?

    My opinion, Umbrella is more evil. Umbrella was creating bio-weaponry, which they knew to be dangerous. UAC was doing research on a seemingly benigne field and stumbled apon evil.
  3. Yeah, i guess he did. All the Bullshit congress and the american people were forced fed by the administration how could he not get support. Really man... If you really think we went into iraq for the exact reasons the administration said, you have problems dude.
  4. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    I can't accept the fact that completely wiping out a species of animal in a whole country can be considered an effective disease control iniative. Even if said animals are causing the disease in question. I think the Chinese government is lazy and cheap and this is the best they can come up with. Yes China is a poor country as a whole, but I gaurentee you that their leaders aren't poor...
  5. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    [/me sticks foot in government's ass. government blows foots off with shotgun. Damnit...Guess I should have stayed home and bitched about this on the forum][/Sarcasm] It isn't so much the culling that got me upset as much as the matter it was done and it was done excessively. You can usually tell when an animal has rabies. So why destroy apparetly healthy animals? Most countries has laws that order dogs that have attacked a human destroyed. I'm not against this if its done in a humane matter. So instead of destroying sick animals and proven vicious animals (ie, have attacked another human or has a history of attacking other animals) they distroy them all. Thats like saying one person in NYC catches 'bird flu' the US government panics and orders the whole city destroyed to prevent a country wide outbreak...
  6. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    And common sense says buy/develope a rabies vaccine to prevent the disease in the first place.
  7. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    Actually i kind of see his point know... (Though when he made the statement i have $50 that says he was being a wise-ass) We see mosquitos as pests and we kill them the same as the chineese see the dogs pests. There can probably be better ways to solve both of these problems without any life being destroyed. That being said though baronofhell is right though that when pests become problems and it is deemed that the ONLY OPTION LEFT is to thin out the population care has to be made that the animals in question suffer as little as possible if not at all.
  8. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    Kind of agree. However using China's logic they would have to kill cats, mice, rats, squirels, just about every animal to completely wipe out rabies. Dogs aren't the only animals that carry rabies. Rabies is a problem.. OK you offer vacinations for people's pets instead of having them killed humanely or not.
  9. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    Where in my post did i claim that. I made painfully clear earlier in the thread if you take the time to read it that i am against all forms of crulity of animals, and other humans whatever that abuse may be. My point is that the topic at hand here in this thread was about the beating death of dogs in china. Not babies being slaughtered, What the US did during world war II, or whats going on in Iraq. No I don't agree with it and i am just as outraged as you about these events and i made it painfully obvious throughout this thread. Who I am targeting with remarks like these are people who seek to use these events as a guilt-trap against everyone who posted in this thread displaying outrage and anger at the article up for discussion.
  10. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    Dear Completely retarded jackass, I don't know what school you went to, but i was taught that the phrase 'no one cares' and the word 'everyone' means just that to include you, me, all the posters here, all the leaders of the world, all the private citizens, EVERYONE. If you posted it like you did above then i wouldn't have overreacted to a statement i thought was aimed at posters telling fodders to stop posting about IRAQ and torture of other humans. But misunderstandings like these can be avoided if you keep your off-topic babble to a minumum. You know damn well who that Iraq statement was aimed at so don't give me that i don't know how to read shit either. EDIT: We aren't talking about scumbags here we are talking about scumbags in china. Duh!!! EDIT #2: For those of us that need to be told The statement made above in the 1st Edit was intended to get us back on topic and make the point that while equally as wrong what the US did in WW2 has nothing to do with what we are talking about here.
  11. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    I am wrong in the above statements how???
  12. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    Exactly the types of dumbass remarks i'm talking about
  13. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    Your way off base again. First I think we would all be equally as outraged if this happened in the United States or anywhere else for that matter. Second I did not know about any seal hunt and if we were discussing that I think we would all be just as upset as we are now. But if we did have a thread on the seals wouldn't it end the same way. Trolls trying to bring US foreign affair politics into it and a bunch of idiots telling us that we don't care about anything other than the issue at hand.
  14. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    No it doesn't help the victims. But what can i or any of us do personally to help situations such as these other than offer support, donations to organizations hlping to fight for the cause, and bitching at anyone willing to listen to us bitch. Just because i can't go over there and prevent the slaughter of babies or the beating death of dogs doesn't mean i don't care or others don't. Also don't assume that just because the news media apparently doesn't care enough to cover it that nobody else does either..
  15. dher5500

    This is just wrong

    Are you kidding???Please tell me where in any of these replies that state that we don't care about babies being killed. You should re-read this thread without your magic glasses on. Only then will you see how dumb and idiotic that whole reply was. Just because we are only talking about the dogs and would rather not get into an 'IRAQ' flame-fest doesn't in anyway mean we value animal life over humans.