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Everything posted by Jimmy²

  1. Jimmy²

    Post your Doom textures!

    It's been awhile since we had a dedicated "texture jam" thread. I wanna see what you creative folks can come up with. Please go ahead and post your texture edits or your entirely custom ones. Be polite and use spoilers if you have lots in one post as I do here. (I've categorised them as well - no need for this if you have random offerings!) DOWNLOAD OF MY RANDOM STUFF: (mostly seen throughout this thread; last update 25 Mar 2021) Jimmytex permalink Neutrontex (SUPER-WIP PLZ-DON'T-USE) permalink (from-scratch attempts!) Texture fixes
  2. Jimmy²

    Doom Streams

    The Adventures of Square's first episode turned 10. What is time. https://www.twitch.tv/jimmysquared
  3. Another Lippeth track, another treat for the ears. This is awesome. Brilliantly tense, highly fitting for the constant staircase-climb combat of Treasury, and all the effortless half-step modulations throughout the piece are just fab. Happy to call this a completed track if you are!
  4. ALPHA IS OUT! Download "RAVEN MIDI Pack II" alpha 1 (71KB): Dropbox Mirror Works in Chocolate Hexen! Make sure HEXEN.wad is your IWAD, and load HEXDD.wad and hexddmidi.wad as PWADs. Alternatively, run with GZDoom or any other port of choice - this should work in any port that supports HEXEN/HEXDD. Tracks exist for the following slots: title, hub, 33, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 & 60. ----- Old MIDI Pack project threads: Plutonia MIDI Pack / Get it from /idgames Revolution! MIDI Pack / Get it from /idgames Rebirth MIDI Pack / Get it from /idgames RAVEN MIDI Pack / Get it from /idgames Time once more to embark on a journey into an imperiled world of medieval dark fantasy - this time to score an all-new soundtrack for Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel! This expansion set for Hexen adds three new hub episodes and a cluster of deathmatch-only levels. It either shipped with a rearrangement of Hexen's stock music... or played no music at all if you were using the 1.0 version of the HEXDD.WAD iwad. Sorely lacking on at least two fronts! Once again, Kevin Schilder is the mind responsible for the foreboding tones heard throughout the game. These tracks are quite a far cry from the more rock-oriented and uptempo tunes of Heretic, with the earlier game's frantic guitars, smooth synths, and catchy refrains being notably absent here. Hexen's soundtrack creates a sense of all-encompassing darkness and deep existential dread - it paints a grisly portrait of a world engulfed in shadows, filled with dastardly hazardous terrain, and populated by creeping undead horrors. What it lacks in familiar structure it more than makes up for in pure atmosphere. Its unsound structures, potent percussion, lumbering bass lines, shrill strings, and hellish choirs will transport you straight to the dystopic, hexed world of Cronos. With that suitably dark picture in mind, let's pool our efforts and create a completely new soundtrack - fit for a Deathking! 28 new tracks will need to be written. All the new levels' slots are up for grabs, and I've included two slots for the TITLE and STORY screens. (No INTER because Hexen has no intermission screens.) How to join: Observe the Completion Report below. Claim a slot, or up to three at once - your slot(s) will be listed as "claimed/track unfinished". Claiming does not mean you are inextricably bound to that slot - you may drop out or move your claim at any time! Start writing! Once your piece is finished and submitted I will offer you any critical feedback needed. Once your piece is finalised, your slot will be listed as "completed". Completed tracks may still move around to form the final order. Guidelines: Imitate Kevin Schilder's style as best you can! Closely study the existing Hexen tracks and expose your ears to his compositional tricks and motives. Tracks must fit the map you're writing for, and integrate well into Hexen's existing soundtrack. Track length must fall within 2:00-5:00. Hexen's music is more substantial than Heretic's by a long shot. These tracks were clearly written bearing in mind the extensive time that could be spent by players solving the game's puzzles, and also the revisiting of levels within the hub system. Name your tracks. Untitled tracks will not be accepted! Collaboration with other composers is encouraged! Remixes of the existing tracks are permitted, but not encouraged. Originality is what we're after here. Brand-new tracks only this time around! I won't be accepting tracks that have been resting on your hard drive for months beforehand, going unused. Let's all be on an even footing going into this project! The final product: An "album" of MIDI files in a zipped, instant download. A WAD file compilation that will allow the tracks to play in-game. A new resource for the community! All tracks will be reusable per the permissions in the text file! Completion Report: LEGEND: [ ] = empty, claimable slot [ ~ ] = slot claimed / track unfinished [ x ] = completed slot OVERALL PROGRESS: 18/28 [[ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx---------- ]] --- Hub 1: Blight (4/7 done) [ x ] M1: Ruined Village -- "To Heal a Poisoned Land" [Darman Macray] [ ~ ] M2: Blight (hub) -- "Follow Your Path" [TheEvilGrin] [ ~ ] M3: Badlands -- CLAIMED [dial-up] [ x ] M4: Brackenwood -- "Drachenmeister" [Jimmy] [ ~ ] M5: Catacomb -- CLAIMED [pcorf] [ x ] M6: Sump -- "Deviated Artery" [Lippeth] [ x ] M7: Pyre (secret map) -- "Withheld Offering" [Lippeth] Hub 2: Constable's Gate (2/6 done) [ ~ ] M1: Constable's Gate (hub) -- CLAIMED [dial-up] [ x ] M2: Market Place -- "Coroner" [Jimmy & Lippeth] [ ~ ] M3: Ordeal -- CLAIMED [mrgrimsdale] [ ~ ] M4: Locus Requiescat -- CLAIMED [Mikolah] [ x ] M5: Treasury -- "All That Glitters Is Gore" [Lippeth] [ ~ ] M6: Armory (secret map) -- CLAIMED [Xaser] Hub 3: Nave (7/7 done) [ x ] M1: Nave (hub) -- "A Sinister Sanctuary" [Darman Macray] [ x ] M2: Chantry -- "Enchanter" [Jimmy] [ x ] M3: Dark Watch -- "Under Dark Watch" [Darman Macray] [ x ] M4: Cloaca -- "Stalkers" [Varis Alpha] [ x ] M5: Abattoir -- "You're Made Out of Meat" [Lippeth] [ x ] M6: Ice Hold (secret map) -- "Trial by Ice" [Bloo & Jimmy] [ x ] M7: Dark Citadel (boss) -- "Reckoning of the Dark Citadel" [Darman Macray] Hub 4: Transit (DM-only) (3/6 done) [ x ] M1: Transit (hub) -- "Mutually Assured Squishage" [Alper002] [ x ] M2: Over 'n' Under -- "Above, Below & Beyond" [Alper002] [ ~ ] M3: Deathfog -- CLAIMED [mrgrimsdale] [ x ] M4: Castle of Pain -- "That Bird's Got an Axe!" [Gothic & Jimmy] [ ~ ] M5: Sewer Pit -- CLAIMED [Speedy] [ ] M6: The Rose -- Other tracks: (2/2 done) [ x ] HEXEN: -- "Eventide" [Lippeth] [ x ] HUB: -- "Malefic Voyage" [Lippeth] Unassigned tracks: "From the Ranks of Corruption" [Darman Macray] "Three Heroes Emerge" [Darman Macray] "Fetters of Fortune" [Lippeth] "Coroner" [Jimmy] Yet-unfinished tracks: (Won't be included in final release.) "Cha-Useless Sphere" [JD Herrera] Notes for each map: Note: Maps in Deathkings are numbered weirdly because they are a separate set of levels to the original five Hexen episodes. The deathmatch hub (listed as the fourth hub on the wiki) starts from MAP33, while MAP41 is the first proper level of Deathkings (hub 1 map 1). The first number in the list below is the "level number" (or "warptrans") for each Deathkings map, while the MAP** number is the corresponding map's lumpname. You can use the warptrans number in the VISIT** cheat or the "-warp **" command line parameter in Vanilla/Chocolate Hexen or an advanced supporting port like GZDoom to warp to these maps. Otherwise, use the lumpname when you type "+map MAP**" in the command line, or simply type "map map**" in the GZDoom console to access these maps in-game. 01/MAP41: Ruined Village - A besieged and crumbling village. Pretty heavily populated with monsters for the first map. 02/MAP42: Blight - Your first true puzzle map which features the planet chart as seen in Heresiarch's Seminary. This is the hub level of episode 1. 03/MAP43: Sump - A dreadfully foggy and maze-like swamp level, crawling with critters. 04/MAP44: Catacomb - An icy cavern that descends into treacherous lava pits and its own hard-to-navigate puzzle. 05/MAP45: Badlands - A barren wasteland coupled with deep pits of heavily stalker-occupied sludge. Highly vertical. 06/MAP46: Brackenwood - A stone tower built into a canyon where no less than four death wyverns are roosting. Combat and puzzle intertwine here. 07/MAP47: Pyre - A secret fiery labyrinth complete with its own trials and tribulations. 08/MAP48: Constable's Gate - The second hub level, a nocturnal castle entrance, complete with a surprise Heresiarch. 09/MAP49: Treasury - A series of stairs ascending around a central waterway. Linear and hazardous. 10/MAP50: Market Place - A small, quaint village, heavily overtaken by wizards. 11/MAP51: Locus Requiescat - A burial ground with a four-pronged tower splitting the landscape apart. 12/MAP52: Ordeal - Little more than a series of corridors laden with beastly tricks and traps. 13/MAP53: Armory - A secret factory. Obscene quantities of crushers make this map extremely loud and abrasive. 14/MAP54: Nave - The third hub level - a symmetrical and very densely-packed tomb which drops you into near-slaughter combat. 15/MAP55: Chantry - A small wizard's outpost home to another surprise Heresiarch. 16/MAP56: Abattoir - A dark, corpse-filled torture chamber that even Gibbet would look at and probably think is a little heavy on the torturing and killing. 17/MAP57: Dark Watch - A small defensive outpost crammed with centaurs. 18/MAP58: Cloaca - A deathly dark sewer system. 19/MAP59: Ice Hold - A secret level featuring an enormous pit of ice, with wendigos the only enemy and no small amount of ice-physics platforming from place to place. 20/MAP60: Dark Citadel - The final battle with Zedek, Traductus and Menelkir in swift succession. Arena is a big octagon. As basic as it gets. 33/MAP33: Transit - The deathmatch hub. It's a tiny room with four switches and the ceiling will crush you if you dare to hit the fire button. Pretty funny if you ask me. 34/MAP34: Over 'n' Under - A spiralling water tower that appears to be more or less unidirectional. What kind of deathmatch experience that makes for is anyone's guess. 35/MAP35: Deathfog - A highly symmetrical sludge pit drenched in mist. 36/MAP36: Castle of Pain - A giant bastille with a moat separating the outskirts and central courtyard, a random Heresiarch, and three towers in the middle with the superweapon pieces. Could easily house 32 deathmatch players. 37/MAP37: Sewer Pit - The gimmick's in the name. A deathmatch built around a scrolling sludge pit you can Sparta-kick your enemies into. 38/MAP38: The Rose - An icy canyon with an unstable rocky central battleground shaped like an open rose. A questionable decision for a deathmatch map's layout given proper movement is virtually impossible while you're in it.
  5. Jimmy²

    Do people actually PLAY the mods or maps you make?

    This should go without saying, but in an ideal world, one should never create exclusively for an audience. I'm always making maps, mods and music purely for myself above all else, to fill some type of niche *I* wanna fill. And if other folks enjoy it, that's an added bonus. :)
  6. Jimmy²

    doom but the water is actually piss

    great wad wouldn't play 0/10 masterpiss
  7. Sounds like I might have to do some administrative work and clear some slots, or claim them myself - if I don't get a response here (or elsewhere) in maybe another couple days from a few folks. I did contact JD over Discord so he knows I wanna keep this project going. I'm not in touch with Speedy or Clumsy, though. I'll do some searching. EDIT: Actually I just re-read Clumsy's post from back in January that if he didn't have anything to show in a month, I should clear his slot. Think I'll be doing that, short of a prompt response here.
  8. It's time for me to bug some people, sadly :( @dial-up - I saw you release another MIDI album lately which is super cool, and great to see you're still somewhat active around here since I've been loving your stuff. What's the status on your two slots for this project, would you like to keep them? @pcorf - Any progress at all? Are you wanting to hold onto your slot? @Lippeth - How's it going with your Treasury replacement? @Mikolah - Any progress? Should I hold your slot or not? @Xaser - I meant to gently inquire with you at QuakeCon about your slot. Are you in a position to make something still for Armory? @Speedy - Any progress with Sewer Pit's track? Let me know if I should hold your slot or not. @ClumsyDoomer - Any progress? Would you want to keep your slot or not? @JD Herrera - How's it going with Cha-Useless Sphere? Let me know if there's any way I can help finish out that track. Always hate this part of community project management lol. Do wanna try and speed things along though while we have some momentum!
  9. Jimmy²

    Share Your Sprites!

    It's part of a G.I. Joe action figure.
  10. A recolor-heavy texture pack initially used for my short mapset realms of ZO0N, now greatly expanded for public reuse. Projects this texture set has been featured in: The Slaughter Spectrum Technicolor Antichrist Box The Joy of Mapping 4 Infraworld: Coma Moonlight The Alfonzone Interception II There are a new palette and a new colormap included which modifies the greens a little, and the blues a lot - some stock sprites have been modified to better work within it. Most notably, the lighter side of the blue color range is now a fullbright light purple (seen in the third shot). Latest version: Zoon-tex [v3.1] on Dropbox (20MB) v3.0 is a BIG update (totalling 5,874 textures and 1,208 flats!) that integrates the tech textures from the Zoon-tech offshoot pack seamlessly into the original, improves some colors, and adds a ton of switches. Old versions: Zoon-tex [v1.0] Zoon-tex [v2.7] Samples of what I've gone and done with it: Hope folks get a kick out of this!
  11. Dear god those old Scythe X graphics I made cobbled together from Google Image results for the project are baaaaaaaad lol
  12. Jimmy²

    LEGACY OF RUST - overall thoughts?

    I love this expansion to bits, and the music in particular has been going around my head almost constantly since I got my hands on it. Xaser, ND and MG absolutely crushed it. There's a great amount of variety in gameplay styles and visual themes enough to keep the entire thing crazy-fun and interesting from start to finish. The pacing is wonderful as well, with Scar Gate being an opener packed with style and substance, leading lovingly into the vast and intimidating Sanguine Wastes, and from there things only get more and more intriguing. I considered myself pretty clever for figuring out the secret path to Panopticon, though needed some help in finding Ash Mill's secret entrance. Both great secret levels too, even for how much cyberdemon-anxiety I got from Panopticon. D: All the custom content for this episode is wild, and blends so nicely with the stock textures, monsters and decorations. The arena-style gameplay in maps like Soul Silo and Brink is generally not my cup of tea, but I still had fun calamity-blade'ing through swathes of cybers and tyrants. I do look forward to ID24 allowing for the presence of the plasma and the fuel weapons side-by-side - which I heard on the grapevine was the intent? Hope so - I was aching for a classic BFG by the end of things! (Not that the Calamity Blade was unfun!) I recently streamed the two episodes in one sitting - using GZDoom just due to my familiarity bias - and was very pleased that I got a fantastic, virtually flawless experience, aside from the oddity that explosive damage seemed to be greatly reduced from enemies like Banshees and from the incinerator weapon, making it so I had to be far less careful overall. I intend to play through again on the official port at some point, but consider this me reporting the following bugs on GZ: Banshees do not scream on repeat. Killing a banshee either causes no explosive damage or reduces it greatly, meaning they don't take each other out, and aren't really a threat at all once they get up close. The Incinerator's radius damage seems greatly reduced as well. Hopefully the implementation of a fix for these things isn't too much work for the GZ devs!
  13. ALPHA IS OUT! Download "RAVEN MIDI Pack II" alpha 1 (71KB): Dropbox Mirror Works in Chocolate Hexen! Make sure HEXEN.wad is your IWAD, and load HEXDD.wad and hexddmidi.wad as PWADs. Alternatively, run with GZDoom or any other port of choice - this should work in any port that supports HEXEN/HEXDD. Tracks exist for the following slots: title, hub, 33, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 & 60. Tracklist currently is as follows: Title: "Eventide" (@Lippeth) Hub: "Malefic Voyage" (Lippeth) H1M1: "To Heal a Poisoned Land" (@Darman Macray) H1M2: "Follow Your Path" (@TheEvilGrin) H1M4: "Drachenmeister" (@Jimmy²) H1M6: "Deviated Artery" (Lippeth) H1M7: "Withheld Offering" (Lippeth) H2M2: "Coroner" (Jimmy & Lippeth) H3M1: "A Sinister Sanctuary" (Darman Macray) H3M2: "Enchanter" (Jimmy) H3M3: "Under Dark Watch" (Darman Macray) H3M4: "Stalkers" (@Varis Alpha) H3M5: "You're Made Out of Meat" (Lippeth) H3M6: "Trial by Ice" (@Bloo & Jimmy) H3M7: "Reckoning of the Dark Citadel" (Darman Macray) H4M1: "Mutually Assured Squishage" (@Alper002) H4M2: "Above, Below & Beyond" (Alper002) H4M4: "That Bird's Got an Axe!" (@Gothic & Jimmy) To everyone who has a MIDI in this build, please let me know if there are any issues! Hope you all enjoy hearing what we have so far!
  14. Some work has been done on a couple of outstanding incomplete tracks - I sought permission from the authors to push them over the finish line. Trial by Ice (Bloo) (4:05) That Bird's Got an Axe! (Gothic) (2:55) I'm gonna publish an (overdue by some margin) alpha very soon, just so folks can see their hard work in an "official" capacity in-game. Stay tuned! EDIT: Whoa, hub 3 is done!
  15. @Darman Macray Thanks a bunch for these updates! I've given all four of the allocated tracks a road test in-game. I think we can safely call "To Heal a Poisoned Land", "A Sinister Sanctuary", "Under Dark Watch" and "Reckoning of the Dark Citadel" a good fit now, no more issues with the mixing or harmony now that I can see! As of right now I'm unsure what to do for "Three Heroes Emerge" and "From the Ranks of Corruption". Both perfectly fine tracks as-is, they just need allocation, or to go into the reserves for the full release.
  16. Jimmy²

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Make your Vanilla Doom maps. Record your demos. Make your Boom-compat maps. Run your community projects. Make your UDMF maps. Continue using /idgames. Enjoy your never-ending fount of free community content. However you like your Doom, it is not fucking going anywhere any time soon. the bone-headed hyper-negativity of some of you people, I swear
  17. Jimmy²

    Doom Streams

    Giving Legacy of Rust a go! And reflecting on my past QuakeCon experience. https://www.twitch.tv/jimmysquared