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About Khojan

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. I posted this in the BGG forums a while ago. I thought some people here may be interested too: ----- This is something I've been working on in my spare time. Gameplay video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZufQ_wDX1Yk Screenshots: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152148096260150.916485.723840149&type=1&l=1e87263686 I'm about 80% done now. I might never be allowed to release it, but I'm going to try to get permission. If I can it will be free.
  2. Khojan

    Doom W810i theme

    I couldn't upload it with from either of the two sites you supplied. This one appeared to work. If there's any problem I'll copy it somewhere else too. It *might* work with all these Sony Ericsson phones: - K550 - K610 - K750 - Z610 - W610 - W700 - W800 - W810 - W550
  3. Khojan

    Doom W810i theme

    Here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?bzyyyjzizgv
  4. Khojan

    Doom W810i theme

    Can you recommend one that people would be able to download from without having to sign up?
  5. Khojan

    Doom W810i theme

    Yeah, I can send it to you when I get home from work. I don't think the fonts can be changed unfortunately...
  6. Khojan

    Doom W810i theme

    Hey, If anyone out there has a Sony Ericsson W810i phone I've created a Doom theme for it that you might (or might not) like. Here's a quick look: The full theme can be found here: http://myforum.lasyk.net/showthread.php?t=32482
  7. Khojan

    Wall clipping [was 3D floors]

    I haven't gotten to that part yet. But I'll be doing that completely in my own way too. Each of my sectors has a bounding box I'll use to immediately cull sectors that aren't in the view angle. I'll not draw sectors that are more than a certain distance away, and for other sectors in front of me I'll work on my own alrogithm to determine if they should be visible or not based on where I am. That will all come later. I have lots of other stuff that has to be done first.
  8. Khojan

    Wall clipping [was 3D floors]

    No problem. I'll email it to you soon.
  9. Khojan

    Wall clipping [was 3D floors]

    I don't know if it will help, but if you're only interested in creating the polygons for your floors and ceilings I can send you my code which does this. It builds a triangle list for an entire sector. With my rewrite I don't actually use the segs, ssectors, or nodes at all. So it might not be what you want. When I'm parsing the linedefs and sidedefs I build a collection of lines that make up the edges of the sector. From there my code can build the list of triangles necessary. It works on all the weird sector shapes I've tried so far.
  10. Khojan

    Complete Doom rewrite

    That's the same thing I had done at first. Then I realized I could add dummy segments between the closest vertices in the inner and outer loops. Then the entire thing forms one big loop that sort of curls inside itself. It took me a while to get it working right but I haven't seen a sector it fails on. The entire process is slow though so the maps don't load very fast for me. Some of them are up over 5 seconds :O
  11. Khojan

    Any Java source ports in the works?

    A friend of mine is starting on a Java version.
  12. Khojan

    Complete Doom rewrite

    Yeah. I've actually gotten that transparent surface stack thing done but it doesn't look very good. I don't think I'd be able to not do it outside and because my surfaces are always in front of my sky the sky ends up always being darker than it should. And it kind of makes things look grayer than they should. Plus having multiple full screen alpha-blends takes off about 35fps. So I think I'm just going to scrap it and try something different. It took me quite a while to get the floors working. I wrote an algorithm to create a trangle list based on all the segments making up the edges of the sectors. The donut sectors (like sectors 1 and 32 in E1M1) gave me problems for a bit. And the snakey sector 87 in E1M2 also broke it for a while. The end result is that I just have a bunch of polygons for the floor and ceiling, just like my walls. That and collision detection were the two things I've done so far that have caused me the most problems.
  13. Khojan

    Complete Doom rewrite

    Yeah. I actually started in on this two days ago. It's easy to make things look darker farther away but I'm not sure I will be able to make them look bright close up. To make then darker in the distance it's just a matter of using a stack of mostly transparent black surfaces that move around to always be in front of you. The further you look into the distance the more surface you look through to make it look darker. But that effect is only supposed to happen indoors I think... I'm actually using the exact same mechanism to handle item pick-up white flashes, red damage and berserk, and green radiation suit. It's just a different color surface with different transparency and always right in my face. I haven't thought of a way to make things bright up close yet.
  14. Khojan

    Complete Doom rewrite

    Yeah, the AI is going to be trouble but it will be far from impossible. I'm aiming for the casual Doomer to not know the difference between mine and the real thing. Hardcore people will be able to tell the difference though. But I'll be posting the game when I reach something of a beta state so I can get some feedback and I can tune it from there. What do you mean by the light diminishing effect? Jut how it kind of gets darker as you look into the distance?
  15. Khojan

    Doom's Artificial intelligence

    This is a good idea for a thread. Although I'm not nearly ready to start working on the AI in my game yet I've been going over in my head how I'm going to do it. Even Doom's simple AI is going to be complicated. I'm going to keep an eye on this thread to and keep track of all the weird player-monster and monster-monster interactions listed here so I can try to mimic it as best as I can in the AI I write.