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Everything posted by Antidote

  1. Antidote

    Does New Doom ban Doomworld users?

    One day I was Banned from the ZDoom forums for 30 mins... and I don't even have an account there.
  2. Antidote

    An Interesting Challenge

    Then roll off a cliff.
  3. The Chainsaw Zombie file is missing the model used in KDiZD, are you going to add it?
  4. Antidote

    An Interesting Challenge

    At this point it would be best to turn off your computer and jump off a cliff, because there is nothing left for you in this world.
  5. Antidote

    Recording of game I'm working on.

    I like the idea, but the graphics and animations are strange. If I were to play it I would have a hard time finding my ship! Good job though, keep at it.
  6. Antidote

    Doom like Warcraft?

    Perhaps maybe this: http://doomrts.com/ I mean come on all I did was a search in Google for "Doom RTS" and that was the first thing that came up. Search harder next time.
  7. Antidote

    Crates - Hate them or love them?

    I did, and so should you.
  8. Antidote

    Top 10 Worst WAD Cliches

    Barrels of Fun is still my all time favorite Doom 2 map. Barrels are good not bad.
  9. Antidote

    Crates - Hate them or love them?

    I hate crates all together, get rid of them. They create crate mazes by themselves.
  10. Antidote

    Sin (not a tc)

    It doesn't look like a SiN TC, so perhaps maybe you should change it. The screens look like a nice start, keep up the good work.
  11. Antidote


    I know, I know, we had a "recurring dreams" thread, but that's not what this is about. This is about dreams that are your favorite, most vivid, most entertaining, most unforgettable, most coherent, most enlightening. Anything like that. I'll tell you mine once a few people start posting theirs.
  12. Antidote

    UPDATE: Messing around with Fraps and WMM...

    Good idea. I'll try that.
  13. ...And came up with a short, very short video of Knee-Deep in ZDoom's Z1M3 with some music. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdiDS4LzEUw I know the birghtness is a little high, but that is only because it is dark in the game (because of my monitor), and I have to turn the brightness up very high to actually see something (and I'm not talking about it was made..) Edit: I did a new video adding (or removing) all the things that were mentioned here. It's a bit longer, has more action, and I recored a demo (.lmp), then fraps it as Kritian Ronge suggested. I think it came out great. What it is, is Z1M10 action highlights. I did Z1M10 from pistol start until I died (last boss area), and it took me 45 mins, so I cut the movie down to four and added some music. I hope it's suitable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI9ho0TRvhQ Oh and I am aware of the brightness being very high (or maybe it's Gamma), but I don't know how to fix it. It certainly wasn't high in Windows Movie Maker (looked normal in the preview window), but the second I exported it, it shot way up and is now too high. If someone can tell me how that would be much appreciated. If you were to follow my page, be warned that I'm not going to be doing anymore doom movies for a while. So don't expect anymore anytime soon.
  14. Amongst a horde of the who's who's of nobodies? Sounds fun.
  15. Antidote

    UPDATE: Messing around with Fraps and WMM...

    Music video? How can I pull that off?
  16. Antidote

    UPDATE: Messing around with Fraps and WMM...

    I don't see a "Lock FPS" control on it.
  17. Antidote

    UPDATE: Messing around with Fraps and WMM...

    Eh.. I was using full resolution, I am a noob at Fraps. Recorded it at 30 FPS, and full-size. I will correct these in future vids. I was thinking about doing video WAD reviews in the future as well, as sort of a change of pace for normal reviews.
  18. Antidote

    UPDATE: Messing around with Fraps and WMM...

    It was just a test. I will be making a nice comp video soon that will showcase a lot of levels, and of course action.
  19. Off-topic: what does the Terrorsphere do?
  20. Antidote

    Can't press up/left/alt simultaneously

    W-Forward S-Backward D-Strafe Left A-Strafe Right E-Use Ctrl-Crouch Space-Jump LMB-Shoot RMB-Alt Fire (Auto run on, else Shift is run) That is the best way to do it, it is the most flexible and easy to use. As for ESDF... that just makes no sense. It is impossible to use. ASZX is a good one, but I wouldn't be able to get use to it. (Ring finger on X, Middle on S (alternates with Z), and index on X)
  21. Antidote

    Doom Turns Tricks

    I believe it was for just Doom and Doom 2, Doom 64 and Doom 3 are completely different games. I agree with the article, though.
  22. I want the Iron Maiden for sure.
  23. Antidote

    Rank your Mario platformers

    1. Super Mario RPG I didn't like the others as much.
  24. Well no, considering they were all in the same room. Although after the rockets, the rooms contained nothing. I don't know if the BFG was considered a secret, as it was not tag as one... I didn't pick it up. I was low on shotgun ammo, had very little bullets, no rockets. There were some cases where I had no ammo, having to chainsaw a caco or demon. The chaingun room trap can easily be avoid if you inch into the room.
  25. I found some Doom: Movie action figures from searching on Google I didn't see any for the original game, though. Some more using this query.