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About DOOMLancelot

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    I already showed what I had. And those were done by a friend of mine. I can try mapping a dungeon map but that'd be pretty much all I could do because I suck at lot of stuff. This is why I need people. People who know how to do things better than me(because I can hardly do anything!). Your choice I guess....join or don't join.
  2. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Believe it or not, this project is not dead. I'm still waiting on people to join. But most of you are being assholes so what's the point of asking here?
  3. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Look on page 1.
  4. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Ok I'm sorry for hopping onto the forums with this project. The excitement just really gets to me and it's just hard for me not to let it. This is just something that I really want so bad and yes I will try to learn some things about editing. I just need to find the time to do so. Again, sorry for everything.
  5. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Big thanks to Janitor for joining my project. I'm sure your scripting skills will be very appreciated in this project. :D One other thing: Why is it that I run into a bunch of jerks/assholes everywhere I go? I'm just trying to get people. There's no need for the jerkness/assholeness. If you wanna complain about the sprites, then please file a complaint card to ShadowS9463 or just shove it up your ass. Thank you! The skin is a WORK IN PROGRESS, idiots!
  6. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Like I said, I like DOOM better. Enough about the Heretic and Hexen stuff. DOOM is what I choose and so be it.
  7. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    I'm not just going to do that. I'm going to try learning some stuff and Impboy could probably help me get started. =D
  8. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Well, there weren't any "copy and paste" jobs done at all. I have only one guy doing the sprites. He's the best I have....so far. The other people that I have can't do very good mapping. OK let me say something different then: It will be a super awesome mega mod that people will want to play a lot!
  9. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Um thanks for that I guess....
  10. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    It is going to be a cool mod that will have good scripting and everything. Now if I can just get the right people....
  11. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Hexen and DOOM are two different games. DOOM is used more often with mods and things though. I like DOOM MORE than Heretic and Hexen combined. I want to make this for DOOM. I've already decided and no turning back now. Besides, we've already got some stuff done so why switch games now? We have a wad made for the HUD face which is available to anyone and everyone on the TLoZ forum topic. Now all I really need is mappers and scripters. So far, I've got StrikerMan780 who is busy at the moment but he says he will help.
  12. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Well, we were recently considering making it all new quests and maybe include some of the stuff from all the games. ZDoom can add new stuff onto DOOM so it's possible to do a lot with this.
  13. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    More people use DOOM than Heretic or Hexen. DOOM is my favorite game. I've always wanted to make something for it. Zelda is a game that I always thought would be cool in first-person view with sprites. Anyone willing to help can join the forum using the link in the main topic message.
  14. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    Well, we don't have much done.....but I can put up screenshots of a few things. Here is the WIP on the skin: Hopefully, Shadow(guy making it) can finish it and make it good. Here's artwork that my leader made: Shield: Sword: Treasure Chest: Skin with sword and shield(incomplete): That's just about all there is so far....
  15. DOOMLancelot

    Zelda Total Conversion For DOOM 2

    I'm trying to actually make something for DOOM instead of sitting around and watching other things being made. I want to make something for once. I want it to be good....no...I want it to be great! The people I have now have gotten a few things done. I need some people who are good at doing scripting and things though. Please help....