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Everything posted by GzStarWars

  1. GzStarWars

    The Aspects of Doom

    I can't wait to run through this Enjay, your work is some of my favorite! As for this whole flag deal... ...I am ME, I stand under no flag (especially when there stripes are not vertical), and hail to no government. I bow to Wisdom, Intellect, and Compassion, though I fail short of that many times. Who cares about governments and there petty wars, and corporate/fascist agendas history can not deny is true. I do feel that games that target the Koreans and what not from previous real wars are absolutely tasteless.
  2. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    Has anyone had any experience using the Nintendo Wii Mote to play ZDOOM, JDOOM or what ever in Windows or Linux?
  3. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    There is always this too: http://patrickbaudisch.com/projects/soap/ I imagine that this may work out better than a WiiMote. Besides I guess a group of Germans just bypassed the Wii's security so that Homebrew should now be possible on more than just the Gamecube side which means that hopefully someone will come along and port advanced DOOM sources over to the Wii, I.E. PrBOOM, GzDOOM, Eternity Engine, etc. since thus far DOOM on consoles and hand helds has been very old school and not much more.
  4. For some reason if I use this DEH file: Pointer 9 (Frame 14) Codep Frame = 61 Missiles shoot out of the pistol like nothing. On the other hand if I try to replace the Missile Code Pointer with the one for Plasma... Pointer 9 (Frame 14) Codep Frame = 77 The firing locks up and the pistol is covered with gfx from the shotgun. What's going on here and why? This makes no sence to me.
  5. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    Wow, you are really digging around in there! I would have never thought to look at the source. :)
  6. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    Oh ya, good thinking. --EDIT--- I wonder what Death frame = 969 is since there are only 966 frames. I'm sure it's in the docs somewhere. I'll have a look later, but that's part of what was used to get the timed bouncing grenade to work in the example that came with Winmbf. ======== # Turn a rocket launcher into a grenade launcher # By Lee Killough # Works only with MBF Thing 34 Bits = BOUNCES | DROPOFF Hit points = 10 Initial frame = 968 Death frame = 969 Missile damage = 128 Mass = 200 # Note: you can use the code pointer in frame 970 (A_Detonate) to explode # based on the thing's actual damage, rather than by a constant amount. # Grenade timer delay Frame 968 Duration = 135
  7. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    I think I'm going to give up on this venture of having a bouncing timed grenade. All logic would say that when reaching the last frame that a sprite would perform the CodePointer actions assigned to that last frame, but alas, the last frame only shows itself when it is not assigned a code pointer. The irony. So basically because I want it to explode, it cops out and sticks in a loop instead, leaving out the last frame that tells it to explode. BOOM's kinda weird I guess.
  8. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    It seems that if you remove the A_ from the beginning of the code pointers that they do work... ...I think. :) I instead went a different path for my timed grenade. I set the initial frame (114) to a duration of 15, then set it's next frame to a Rocket in Flight's Explode frame which I also set to a duration of 15. In this way I can have a timed grenade but without much delay. So I made frame 114 jump to a tall candle frame, then had it's last frame jump to Frame 127, but that just resulted in more land mines rather than a timed grenade. I tried assigning the code pointer Die and Explode to the tall candle's last frame, but that still did not make a timed grenade. It's like things should work, but are not. ---EDIT------- Playing with Mushroom's: MBFEDIT.TXT says: A_Mushroom creates a mushroom-like explosion, throwing fireballs up in all directions. There is primary damage from the explosion itself, and then secondary damage from contact with the fireballs. The missile damage of the spawning object controls how many fireballs are created. Optionally, the misc1 ("Unknown 1") and misc2 ("Unknown 2") fields may be used to control the angle and speed of the fireballs. These fields are fixed-point (16.16), instead of whole numbers. --------- My application causes a crash. Not sure how to define the above mentioned MISC values. Patch File for DeHackEd v3.0 # Created with WhackEd2 0.60 build 214 # General version information Doom version = 21 Patch format = 6 # Info for WhackEd2 Engine config = boom.cfg IWAD = c:\arcade\doom\dev\xwe\doom2.wad [CODEPTR] Frame 127 = Mushroom Thing 34 (Rocket in flight) Hit points = 50 Missile damage = 30 Bits = SHOOTABLE + BOUNCES + TOUCHY Frame 114 Duration = 8 Next frame 127
  9. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    The problem is that when I add in that as a code pointer to a frame... ...nothing at all occurs. I can get any Code Pointer to work but those with a "A_" in front of it.
  10. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    I was playing with the grenades all night. The most I can get is a Land Mine that will bounce off walls and floor until it comes to a rest... ...unfortunatly it will only expload once it is fully still and an enemy or player has walked into it. Great for Counter Strike, but I'm not sure it's something I can use. I did noticed in the MBFEDIT.TXT a code pointer (A_Die) that says it is commenly used as a set timer for grenades, yet I can't see any documentation that explains how this works. I mean I understand how to use CodePointers such as CHASE, LOOK, and FIREMISSILE, but these code pointeres from MBFEDIT.TXT do not seem to do a thing no matter how I apply them. --------- 5. DEH/BEX Code Pointers Several new code pointers have been added: A_Detonate is similar to A_Explode in that it generates a radius of explosion damage. However, instead of a fixed radius of 128, the radius is set by changing the "missile damage" of the object being exploded. This allows explosion damage to be varied easily. A_Mushroom creates a mushroom-like explosion, throwing fireballs up in all directions. There is primary damage from the explosion itself, and then secondary damage from contact with the fireballs. The missile damage of the spawning object controls how many fireballs are created. Optionally, the misc1 ("Unknown 1") and misc2 ("Unknown 2") fields may be used to control the angle and speed of the fireballs. These fields are fixed-point (16.16), instead of whole numbers. A_Spawn spawns an object in the same position as the spawner. The misc1 and misc2 fields of the code pointer's frame (indicated by "Unknown 1" and "Unknown 2" in DeHackEd), determine the type and z-position of the spawned object, respectively. Note that if the spawner and spawnee are both solid, they might stick together. A_Turn rotates the object's angle by the number of degrees indicated by the misc1 ("Unknown 1") field. A_Face sets the object's angle to number of degrees in the misc1 ("Unknown 1") field. A_Scratch performs a melee (close-range) attack on the object's current target. misc1 ("Unknown 1") indicates damage, while misc2 ("Unknown 2") indicates the sound effect to use. A_PlaySound plays a sound effect. misc1 ("Unknown 1") is the sound effect number, and misc2 ("Unknown 2"), if nonzero, makes the sound full-volume (like boss wakeup sounds). A_RandomJump jumps randomly to the state in misc1 ("Unknown 1") with a probability indicated by the misc2 ("Unknown 2") field (0-255). If the jump doesn't occur, then it falls through to the next state. Note that the frame's "tics" field must not be -1, for this to work correctly. A_LineEffect allows activation of remote linedef effects by objects. misc1 ("Unknown 1") indicates the linedef type, while misc2 ("Unknown 2") indicates the sector tag. The tagged sector(s) are activated as though a player has activated a linedef of the indicated type and tag. If the linedef is a S1 or W1 type, then the effect blocks out all further A_LineEffect effects for the object, no matter whether they are S1/W1 or SR/WR types. A_Die causes an object to kill itself (i.e. commit suicide). It is primarily used to make countdown timers in grenades. ------------
  11. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    I don't understand how to make A_Spawn work (can you show me an example), so I took a slight diversion... -------- Patch File for DeHackEd v3.0 # Created with WhackEd2 0.60 build 214 # General version information Doom version = 21 Patch format = 6 # Info for WhackEd2 Engine config = boom.cfg IWAD = c:\arcade\doom\dev\xwe\doom2.wad Thing 34 (Rocket in flight) Hit points = 100 Bits = SHOOTABLE + BOUNCES + MISSILE --- This is a grenade that will explode upon hitting a wall or enemy. I would like it to bounce off walls, so to do so I must remove the MISSILE option and replace it with TOUCHY so that the grenade still explodes upon contact. Only problem is that it has to come to a full stop and the enemy has to walk into it like a mine. Is there a way to still make it bounce off walls, yet explode when it hits an enemy?
  12. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    3B. BOUNCES (0x20000000) Mobj Flag ---- Hmmmm.... :)
  13. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

  14. Is there a way in PrBOOM to keep the Enemies from killing one another off?
  15. GzStarWars

    Can't We all Just Get Along? PRBOOM

    Is that a DeHacked reference? I'm using Whacked and writing them by hand. Thankx though! :) ---EDIT--- Agggh, I see what you were refering to.
  16. GzStarWars

    What can Dehacked do?

    This is why I must unfortunatly bow at least to PrBOOM in my semi-old school efforts. It allows much of what you want without resorting to ZDOOM or any other high end ports.
  17. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    Mmmm, so it sounds like I better keep saving my money then and abandon all hope of ever playing GzDOOM comfortably with the WiiMote. Hopefully some day either Nintendo does it or the hacking community does it, but some day I hope that Homebrew becomes a posibility on the Wii, and I hope if that day comes that someone comes around willing to port one of the better DOOM source port offerings. Regardless, Nintendo's commericial line up is worth getting excited about. And of course there is Far Cry and Resident Evil 4!
  18. GzStarWars

    Where to start making total conversions?

    You might find the tutorials & Tools section on my page handy: http://starwarslegacy.net
  19. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    ...and because I can't afford a whole Wii. ;)
  20. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    Are the scripts very hard to write up?
  21. GzStarWars

    Sky Transfer question

    With reference to this post... I got the Sky Transfer to work, and it also works with animated Textures as stated in the MBF docs, but how exactly do I get the sky to scroll? I was confused on that part.
  22. GzStarWars

    Sky Transfer question

    EDIT: I'm not sure what I did wrong, but it works now! :)
  23. GzStarWars

    Sky Transfer question

    I tried that but did not seem to get any results.
  24. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    No I had to use 140, guess I'll go change my DOOM Builder config again. Thankx again! :) I see that if you don't assign it any special values in the DEH file that the dog automatically appears! -EDIT- Speaking of Man's Best Friend. Does anyone have a BEX or DEH lay out of his configuration? What I'd like to do is change his sprites to a Rebel Soldier. Then duplicate him with the spare gory decorations left over from DOOM and assign each of them an original voice by dividing up the left over sounds from DOOM. Also how would I get the Friend to drop an item?
  25. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    Well I figured out how to make enemies into Friends, but when trying to manifest Thing 140, I failed. Here is the Friend bit of my DehackED/Bex code. #Friend Thing 140 (Friend) Initial frame = 726 Hit points = 700 First moving frame = 728 Alert sound = 101 Injury frame = 742 Pain chance = 170 Pain sound = 27 Far attack frame = 736 Death frame = 744 Exploding frame = 749 Death sound = 102 Speed = 8 Width = 1310720 Height = 3670016 Action sound = 75 Bits = SOLID + FRIEND | SHOOTABLE Respawn frame = 758