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    Green Marine

    Doom3 weapons mod volumen 3 + relase link

    I find it hard to believe that people will avoid an interesting looking mod just because it makes use of an older version that is already being provided - you must really be hassled by what amounts to about 2 megabytes of harddrive space.
  2. What do you like then? If you'd like I'll make a wide open map with a former human or two for you. Sounds like that's what would suit you.

    A new map: beta testers needed

    On an initial run through, couldn't make it all the way through because there isn't enough ammo. From inside the base to leaving into hell territory (abrupt transition that didn't really make much sense) I was always on the brink of running out of ammo/out of ammo. The ammo is way too tight. Outside the base I had not a single shell or bullet to shoot so I went through the teleporter...only to be surrounded by even more monsters. Didn't bother playing past that. There were a lot of misalligned textures and a lot of stuff that didn't make much sense (what's with that area near the beginning with the few sergeants outside with two flaming barrels? just some random enclosed area that has no apparent entrance/exit?)
  4. I know everyone loves staying true to the original doom and what not but do people really play in resolutions like 320x200? It's really hard to see anything in pictures like that, especially when the text takes up most of the screen.

    Evil Eye

    heh, really cool map got all three of the secrets by myself, i was wondering what that one teleporter was for (thought it was just making me waste my time). very creative but there is a pretty funny bug that i ran into on my first time in the end room

    My megawad project "Journey To Hell"

    "Journey to Symmetry" :) Really damn good looking maps and gameplay is killer, can't wait to play the whole thing. But the screens are pretty indicative of the one problem there seems to be in a lot of your shots.

    My Doom Builder 2 suggestions

    If you look at the floor/ceiling of the sector that the wall is a part of it shows the height of the sector in the info at the bottom left.

    Wish DB2 could have fixed this...

    I thought this was only me, glad to see it's a common problem.

    Ultima Deathmatch & EOABM

    too lazy to post my opinion

    Interesting winding hallways?

    I have no idea on how to create nice hallways like the one at the start of nightomb ( http://youfailit.net/pub/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/nightomb.zip ) for example. Is there some kind of trick to it other than just working on it line by line carefully?

    Disappearing key problem

    Alrighty thanks, the reason why I had it moved downward a bit in the first place was because I didn't want it to be grabbed before the platform was lowered. (Other than by the window)

    Disappearing key problem

    Here you go, just the .wad file. Doom II Map that uses Doom and Doom II textures. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xwmmtjmb32j

    Disappearing key problem

    Turns out I had some unclosed sectors in a different area of the map but after fixing them the problem wasn't fixed. Good call though.

    Disappearing key problem

    For some reason a key that I make disappears when it is still on the platform I've placed it on but when it is lowered to the floor it reappears. In the editor it looks fine and in-game I noticed that the key is in the platform (second screenshot). The key is also visible while the platform is lowering. Any explanation is appreciated -