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Everything posted by vdgg

  1. vdgg

    Urania demos [-complevel 4]

    MAP19 UV Max in 21:03 un19-2103.zip
  2. The Classic Episode - DSDA page. // aka class_ep // class_ep.wad Episode 2 - aka class_e2 // the classic episode 2 // class_e2.wad Classic Episode II - The Singularity Complex UV Max movie cl2-2806.zip
  3. vdgg

    Urania demos [-complevel 4]

    MAP14 UV Max in 19:48. There are no revenants on this map. un14-1948.zip
  4. vdgg

    Urania demos [-complevel 4]

    MAP02 UV Max in 7:44 un02-744.zip
  5. DSDA page aka gd // gd.wad Post your demos for mouldy's Going Down here. MAP28 NM100 in 1:22 gd28s122.zip
  6. vdgg

    Favorite/Memorable .txt Files

    Here you go. @The Green Herring
  7. vdgg

    Urania demos [-complevel 4]

    MAP13 UV Max in 23:45 un13-2345.zip
  8. vdgg

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Trouble on Titan UV Max 18:55 The Farside of Titan UV Max 7:16 tb-1855.zip far-716.zip
  9. vdgg

    Three Is A Crowd demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP18 UV Max in 9:53 3i18-953.zip
  10. reteprehelek, a.k.a @rehelekretep
  11. vdgg

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Oracle MAP02 UV Max in 12:05 or2-1205.zip
  12. DSDA page aka 10sector // 10sector.wad // 10 sectors part 1 Part 2 and the other two: 10 sectors MAP17 (Lord of the Flies by Kristus) UV Max 6:46 MAP31 (Marle - the Horrible Bitchgoddess by Kevin Nadolski) UV Max in 12:28 (yes, 100% kills) 10secmax.zip
  13. vdgg

    Rare kills

    Three pinkies with two SSG shots. Odessa 7 UV Max, bonus demo I already did this before in WOS, but it was Boom, I think in vanilla compatibility this is a bit more rare, unlikely and valuable
  14. vdgg

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Odessa 7 UV Max in 9:57 ode7-957.zip
  15. vdgg

    What could the "Z" in "ZDoom" stand for?

    I have always thought it was because of @Graf Zahl
  16. vdgg

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Enigma MAP06 UV Max in 15:30 en06-1530.zip
  17. vdgg

    Reverie demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP08 UV Max in 13:33 rv08-1333.zip
  18. Category 3 (I recorded some demos back then, though I remember very little, I have more "theme" memory than "monsters /keys/ encounters" memory). Died on MAP08 after almost 2 hours Cool mapset for speedrunning, though playing like this... I got very bored on MAP05, MAP07 and MAP08. dwironman-mar24-vdgg.zip
  19. vdgg

    Reverie demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP10 UV Max in 13:43 rv10-1343.zip
  20. My stuff, I think Icarus MAP23 UV Fast, the last 25 seconds, From other players E4M1 Tyson in 50:56 by Xit Vono. 49 minutes in, one last baron, 7% health and some green armor. Hit by the baron fireball, survived.
  21. vdgg

    Reverie demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP13 UV Max in 11:37 rv13-1137.zip
  22. vdgg

    No End In Sight demos [-complevel 3]

    That is an amazing text file layout @Qu4k3r :)
  23. vdgg

    Reverie demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP15 UV Max in 15:09 rv15-1509.zip
  24. vdgg

    Reverie demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP31 UV Max in 12:14 rv31-1214.zip
  25. vdgg

    Reverie demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP18 UV Max in 5:54 rv18-554.zip