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About 32in24MaintenanceBot

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    32in24-7: Capture The Flag - Beta is up! Check page 7

    EDIT: Map list has been moved back to the first post on page 1. Nothing to see here, folks.
  2. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Detailing Greenwar2: Still going! Go claim some new maps!

    WHO... IS... PUMPED?! Evidently not many of you!
  3. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Detailing Greenwar2: Still going! Go claim some new maps!

    VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE! If you have claimed a map but haven't submitted a finished version yet, POST YOUR PROGRESS IN THIS THREAD! Tell us what your current progress is on your map(s), and whether you plan on finishing them or not. If you don't post any sort of progress report, it will be assumed that you have no intention of finishing your map, and your mapslot will be dropped so that someone else can claim it. We've currently got a ton of claimed maps, and very little progress being made on any of them. Dropping people is the only way we can get things moving again. Again, if you're still working on your map, post your current progress here! If you're not planning on finishing, tell us that too, so we won't feel so bad when we remove you from the list. (Screenshots and/or a work-in-progress download link would be nice too, but are not required)
  4. edit: ARGH remember to log out first, kids
  5. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Which bossback pic should I use?

    EDIT: ARGH delete this.
  6. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Detailing Greenwar2: Still going! Go claim some new maps!

    Go for it, I added you to the list. :)
  7. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Detailing Greenwar2: Still going! Go claim some new maps!

    Hey everybody. At Hellbent's request, wiwar1 in map pack 4 has been replaced with a similar map that he likes more, wiwar5x. Also, the resource wad has been updated again to fix a couple of silly mistakes. Hopefully without screwing anything else up in the process.
  8. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Detailing Greenwar2: Still going! Go claim some new maps!

    It's currently on hold. Most of what's left to be done is bug fixing, tweaking, and compiling.
  9. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Detailing Greenwar2: Still going! Go claim some new maps!

    PACK 1 Claimed: 1-way5X - RottKing - FINISHED! Curvin5a - Craigs - FINISHED! dw64fX - esselfortium - FINISHED! la55e1X - Butts - FINISHED! la7ax - brinks - FINISHED! la19cX - Kassman - FINISHED! dw27kX - Mechadon dw29cro3X - Tango dw29X - Use3D feliz13bX - Use3D jag17j2X - Zap610 mix1X - Theshooter7 Still Available: hotspr7X la19X la23bX la26aX PACK 2 Claimed: basphelx - RottKing - FINISHED! hobnobx - Vader - FINISHED! la5x - ClonedPickle - FINISHED! la8bx - Mechadon - FINISHED! la36x - esselfortium - FINISHED! edgwisx - Mechadon - FINISHED! milton - Cybershark - FINISHED! firefrmx - Torn hyatus4x - Butts jaggl6jx - Shaikoten romero2x - brinks Still Available: arc2x beanbat1X la33dx - Started by Kuchikitaichou, needs to be finished. Download here PACK 3 Claimed: dw58fx - RottKing - FINISHED! Inspironx - RottKing - FINISHED! la57bx - Mechadon - FINISHED! nz3dx - esselfortium - FINISHED! nz12bx - Vader - FINISHED! TeleX - The Green Herring - FINISHED! opusX - Craigs - FINISHED! bullwipx - Butts dw63cx - Torn dw67Bx - Nuxius feliz12ex - Mechadon newbeg3x - Torn Plato - Butts swobux - Butts Still Available: dw28fx e3m7dmX PACK 4 - UPDATED! Claimed: bearpawX - Craigs - FINISHED! la56cX - brinks la60ax - Megalyth wiwar5x (wiwar5x.txt) - Torn Still Available: dw88bx Rottking (check rottking.txt) Not available! Don't use it! wiwar1 - NO! It's actually been replaced with wiwar5x. Use that. ----- Submitted maps that still need work: la33dx - Started by Kuchikitaichou, needs to be finished. Download here ----- Finished maps: Esselfortium - dw64fX (Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe): http://sl4.startan3.com/wasd/dw64fX.WAD RottKing - 1-way5x (Enter Baal's Sinister Wargrounds of Hate): http://mancubus.net/~rottking/1-way5xrott.wad Craigs - Curvin5a (Graceful Onslaught): http://www.speedyshare.com/705326597.html Link dead, needs reuploading RottKing - inspironX (Escape from Philadelphia): http://mancubus.net/~rottking/inspironxrott.wad Esselfortium - la36x (Mayan Ryan): http://sl4.startan3.com/wasd/la36x.WAD Butts - la55e1X: http://sl4.poned.com/wasd/la55e1X.WAD RottKing - basphelX (Chaos Wargrounds of Yog-Sothoth's Arctic Caverns of Terror): http://mancubus.net/~rottking/basphelxrott.WAD ClonedPickle/Esselfortium - la5x (Toxic Soil): http://www.speedyshare.com/511248989.html Link dead, needs reuploading Vader - hobnobx (Rusty Garden): http://sl4.poned.com/wasd/hobnobx.WAD TheGreenHerring - TeleX (The Charles Fort Experiment): http://disasterlabs.com/thegreenherring/temp/TeleX_TGH.zip Mechadon - la8bx (Recycle or Die II): http://sl4.startan3.com/wasd/recordie.wad Brinks - la7ax: http://sl4.poned.com/wasd/la7axbrinks.wad Esselfortium - nz3dx (Turquoise Hexagon Sun): http://sl4.startan3.com/wasd/nz3dx.WAD Lupinx-Kassman/Esselfortium - la19cX (BFG Containment Area): http://sl4.startan3.com/wasd/la19cXKass-sl.wad Craigs - opusX: http://sl4.poned.com/wasd/opusX.WAD Mechadon - edgwisx (Edge Crusher): http://sl4.startan3.com/wasd/mek_edgecrusher.wad Craigs - bearpawX (The Desecrated Ruins): http://sl4.startan3.com/wasd/bearpawX.wad Vader - nz12bX (Ogrim's Shrine): http://sl4.startan3.com/wasd/nz12bX.WAD RottKing - dw58fx: http://www.rottking.unidoom.org/dw58fxrotta.zip Mechadon - la57bx (Paragoric): http://mechadon.hostsnake.com/wads/Mek-Paragoric.zip CyberShark - Milton: http://www.geocities.com/spacey_jay/doom/milton-cybered3.zip (needs minor tweaking but otherwise done)
  10. Welcome to the next exciting 32in24 team project: detailing Greenwar 2, the sequel to the highly-acclaimed deathmatch megawad Greenwar! (GREENWAR II logo picture that used to be here) This one isn't quite a 32in24, in that we're not attempting to finish it within 24 hours, but we're still aiming to have it finished within a few days. (edit 01/30/08: argh) ---------- EDIT 02/16/08: *VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE!* If you have claimed a map but haven't submitted a finished version yet, POST YOUR PROGRESS IN THIS THREAD! Tell us what your current progress is on your map(s), and whether you plan on finishing them or not. If you don't post any sort of progress report, it will be assumed that you have no intention of finishing your map, and your mapslot will be dropped so that someone else can claim it. We've currently got a ton of claimed maps, and very little progress being made on any of them. Dropping people is the only way we can get things moving again. Again, if you're still working on your map, post your current progress here! If you're not planning on finishing, tell us that too, so we won't feel so bad when we remove you from the list. (Screenshots and/or a work-in-progress download link would be nice too, but are not required) ---------- The Rules: - Claim a map in this thread (when calling, check to see if anyone else is working on the map before you start) - Open map with the resource wad - IMPORTANT: Be sure to preserve gameplay as faithfully as possible; if you're not sure about something, ask us! - Build outwards whenever possible, especially in small areas. - Impassible lines are your friends! We don't like bumping into stuff :( - Make the map look damn sexy - Post the finished map in this thread or in #32in24 on irc.oftc.net General Rules: - Boom Compatible - No added textures beyond the ones provided - Feel free to submit music and a map name! - Upload using private host or using speedyshare.com (no rapidshare) - No 3D mode starts Maps that don't meet the standard of quality will be either disqualified, or reworked until they are considered high-quality enough. --- UPDATE 01/19/08: Wads reuploaded to sl4.poned.com, with the exception of pack4. Does anybody have it? I can't find it :( -essel The WADs: Layout pack 1: http://sl4.poned.com/wasd/gw2/gw2-pack1.zip Layout pack 2: http://sl4.poned.com/wasd/gw2/gw2-pack2.zip Layout pack 3: http://sl4.poned.com/wasd/gw2/gw2-pack3.zip Layout pack 4: Gone missing. Does anybody have it? :[ Resource wad: UPDATED 12/08 http://sl4.poned.com/wasd/gw2/greenwar2-tex.zip The resource wad includes a texture wad, and two demo maps by Esselfortium to show off the texture wad. One of the demo maps is based on map23 of greenwar.wad; it's not finished, but you should be able to tell which parts are done. :p --- Have fun, go hog wild!
  11. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Diet 32in24 (10/21/07)

    http://rednexus.net/32in24/dietwip/ Directory of uploaded maps thus far. None seem to be lost.
  12. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Diet 32in24 (10/21/07)

    As long as you're not going over the Boom engine limits, you're okay. :)
  13. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Diet 32in24 (10/21/07)

    Nope! You should take one :D I'd recommend Cato's map if you want to do something so large and unwieldy that it will take the next 10 years to complete :):):)
  14. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Diet 32in24 (10/21/07)

    Hmm. Impboy already did a detail job on that one, but we didn't consider it finished so it wasn't listed with the finished maps. I just noticed now that we didn't even have it listed as claimed, so...shoot. My mistake :( The final map will probably end up being some sort of frankensteined creation, made using the best aspects of both of your versions of it.
  15. 32in24MaintenanceBot

    Diet 32in24 (10/21/07)

    Could you tell us which map, before you start working on one, so that we'll know not to have anyone else work on it?