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About Gabrimcr

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    Green Marine

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  1. Gabrimcr

    XWE Guide

  2. Gabrimcr

    XWE Guide

    Guarda mi piace un sacco ma mi serve qualcosa di più avanzato... tipo come editare per bene i lump...
  3. Gabrimcr

    XWE Guide

    Grazie come sempre... finalmente un italiano... è così difficile esprimere correttamente cosa vuoi in inglese!!!!!
  4. Gabrimcr

    XWE Guide

    Does existe a guide with basic notion for XWE?
  5. Gabrimcr

    Text at the endo of a level

    Thank you very much. With this I think that I don't need this threath... Thak you
  6. Gabrimcr

    Text at the endo of a level

    And doing this, at the end of what map the text appear?
  7. Gabrimcr

    Text at the endo of a level

    Where ecxactly I have to create the lump?
  8. Gabrimcr

    Text at the endo of a level

    As before MAP07
  9. Gabrimcr

    Text at the endo of a level

    And how can I insert it with XWE?
  10. How can I insert with Doombuilder a text at the end of a level?
  11. Gabrimcr

    Change sprite size

    How can I change sprite size? If I do it manually, appear a list of numbers instead of the sprite...
  12. Gabrimcr

    Rotate a sprite

    Really???? oh no! I think that there was a way to rotate automatically.... Thank you anyway
  13. Gabrimcr

    Rotate a sprite

    I'm making a doom mod with some bitmaps. If I insert a picture how "front face" of a monsters, there's a way to rotate automatically it? I don't want to draw all sprites...
  14. Gabrimcr

    Better doom or Half-life?

    Of course in a forum called doomworld people principally prefere doom (not all but...). I want only to knew why? Because some of my friends are sure that half-life is better than doom and I want to knew other opinions...
  15. Gabrimcr

    Better doom or Half-life?

    I'haven't said that is wrong to have a history... althought, it's a good thing and I think this is the only problem of DOOM... too small storyline!