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About doomXL

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. doomXL


    Zdoom worked for a while bit now it says the resolution is busted again. It cant run doom,doom 2, or free doom. I need to fix it in the game but I cant access the game....any ideas?
  2. yes I know Im an Idiot. I have been looking for this info EVERYWHERE google, zdoom website, this website, and its just not there! ok the question is! how do I load wad's and play them? I use Zdoom (half the time it wont work because it says I have to adjust the game resolution but It wont even let me acces the menu) and I cant for the life of me figure it out. Im trying to load a file called Facility.wad and I need help. Also I would greatly appreciate it if I could find out how to adjust the game resolution without actually having to go into the game. THANK YOU!
  3. Whenever I make a door When I go into 3D mode the whole map is messed up and looks nothing like it does in 2d mode. When I try to test it it says the lines have to be fixed to play! please help!
  4. doomXL

    Testing Maps

    Windows...i dont know how to change Zdooms...
  5. doomXL

    Testing Maps

    When I set the parameters and I went to testing it said that the signal was out of range and I need to lower the resolution...i tried lowering the resolution to 800x600 but that didnt work either.
  6. doomXL

    Testing Maps

    Im using Zdoom thank you.
  7. doomXL

    Testing Maps

    For some reason when I go TEST MAP Instead of going to the map I am currently working on It goes to the game. So when I go to test map if im working on a doom2 map it will play doom 2. Can anyone help? Thank you VERY much
  8. doomXL

    How to add new textures??

    Wait once I have XWE what do I do to add textures?
  9. Sorry for all the spam but this has been really frustrating me. when I make a doom map in DB and I want to edit the walls i cant. The only texture for the walls is the UAC symbol. Can I change this? Additionly I found some pictures on the internet of satanic symbols and I wanted to import them as a texture. can I do this? Also when i edit in 3D mode its very dark? Anyway i can light it up a little without effecting the outcome of the map (like if I make 3D editing lighter it makes the whole thing lighter)
  10. doomXL


    For some reason whenever I post a thing (like a weapon or a monster) It doenst show up in 3D mode? Is there something im doing wrong? could you possibly help? (Im sorry if this is spam Im ingnorant) Also when I make a room the walls all have the logo of the space company on them. Its kind of noobish looking (figures since im a noob). how do I change this?
  11. doomXL


    Thank you. I have one more question. When I put i put in a 'Thing' I cannot see it at all. This happens with lights, monsters, the whole shebang. How can I make it so I can see these Objects?
  12. doomXL


    I tried it but it said 'subscript out of range' and closed out of the program. Sorry for the hassle I'm new at this
  13. doomXL


    When I go to 'additional textures and flats from WAD file' my only option is 'fbase6.wad'
  14. doomXL


    Whenever I go into 3D mode instead of my walls being colored they only have question marks on them and are red. It doesnt even SHOW things that i put in there (monsters. etc.) also, whenever I go to 3d mode and I try to exit out of it it says 'ERROR 9 IN RunTextureSelect : sunscript out of range. Im sorry for being stupid but could you help? I could not find it in the manual
  15. doomXL


    how would you go upon doing that?