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About SPV999

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. SPV999

    Walls to block Polyobject?

    That's what I figured. I know polyobjects arent subject to the normal rules, and didnt know if there was some catch built in to account for this (a special linedef setting or something). Oh well.
  2. Scripting in the latest version of ZDoom. On player activation, I have a set of polyobject pillars that I want to go crazy (by which I mean random generators). However, after a few seconds they all wonder outside the level and disappear. Is there a way to check if a polyobject has gone through a wall and prevent it or teleport it back in? Thanks.
  3. SPV999

    Stomping on enemies?

    Thanks! So you ARE just creating an invisible projectile and continually firing it at the ground. Nice.
  4. SPV999

    Stomping on enemies?

    Once upon a time, I had a WAD that had a simple, 3-ish line script (in the Player definition, IIRC) that allowed the Player to damage enemies when you jumped on them. Between then and now, my PC crashed and I havent the faintest idea as to how to remake it. Does anyone have such a script, or know how to go about doing this? Thanks!
  5. SPV999

    2-D Mario Doom project

    Yep, I tried flipping them and re-loading into the wad, but they still faced backward. Now, if you turn Mario around so that the actual character is facing backward (left), then the sprites face forward (right). However, if I use the Doom guy or Chex guy, they face the right direction. I'm going to have to play with it again later. I'm obviously missing something.
  6. SPV999

    2-D Mario Doom project

    Bump for new level. 2-4, also shows the new HUD (best viewed in High Quality): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjH6ZeQzzi0 Like the description says, it is imperfect, and I would have liked to have refined it more, but I ran out of time >_< I'll get back to this project at a later date, maybe in a week or two, maybe longer.
  7. SPV999

    2-D Mario Doom project

    Thanks guys. When I first started modding "Doom" I was actually more interested in Chex Quest. So it's just what I had on hand when I started this project. I tried for a unified sky at first, but some areas didnt take the idea well (specifically the pits). Plus it was hard to align the patch properly with the "ground" and still make it look nice all the way up the screen. I have no idea what's going on with the Mario sprites. I tried everything I could think of, and they still faced backward.
  8. SPV999

    2-D Mario Doom project

    Because you're playing Mario... in Doom :P Besides, now that I know it's easily possible to do this, it would be insanely easy to come up with new maps, ones not copied from any Mario game. This is very sad, but true. The other problem is the inability to control Doomguy in mid-air (you have to jump using momentum alone). I am coming up with an idea of how to implement a custom HUD, however, timer, points, everything. Should make it more Mario like (limiting it less). NO IDEA how that is going to work out. If you take away the camera change script, this is fully playable from an FPS perspective (you get a glimpse of it at the start of the video). Results may vary, as I've never tested it >.> Still kind of a n00b at this thing. The only engine I've ever worked with is ZDoom, I wouldnt know a thing about porting to a new engine, nor do I know anything about online. If someone wanted to port it to a different engine, be my guest. I'll help in any way I can. (I may look into this in the future, now that you mention it... it wont be soon though). Not at all, it's just a hobby. Thanks for the feedback :)
  9. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQsbQt3JEOY Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ufmo6dd9f9m Yay, first released WAD. I got the idea from Mario Doom, which this level is based in (HUGE thanks to them, again). Video explains everything, really, so yeah. It's just level 1-1 for now, but I'm taking my laptop on vacation next week and should be able to finish at least one more level. (... and this is not what I've been working on this whole time. This is actually a fairly recent project.) EDIT: I worked up a new HUD: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g61/SPV999/Star%20Quest/Screenshot_Doom_20080725_151229.png
  10. That got it, thanks! :)
  11. Ah, thanks. I thought I was going crazy O.o Well, while I'm here, and so I dont have to make a new topic (I feel like such a pest doing that >.>), can someone tell me why this script wont work? script 125 enter { while (TRUE) { int z=GetActorZ (0) - GetActorFloorZ (0); int y=GetActorX (0); int x=GetActorX (0); print (f:x, s:", ", f:y, s:", ", f:z); delay(1); if (x>2300 && y<2450 && z>1) { ACS_execute (10,0,0,0,0); } delay(1); } }It works till the IF part. It doesnt like doing a < (less then) check on x or y. Z works either way.
  12. I recently upgraded to ZDoom 2.2.0, and suddenly most of my moving cameras work. What I couldnt figure out is why. They work fine in 2.1.4 (my old engine). After two hours, I finally decided to download the tutorial WAD just for the heck of it: http://www.zdoom.org/zdkb/movecam.html Just to see if I was missing something stupid. I messed with it for a minute, only to find that, in the scripting, if you change the activator (VOID) to OPEN or ENTER, the camera no longer works. Is there some way around this that I'm not seeing?
  13. SPV999

    New catagories in DECORATE?

    Huh. The Doom Builder I had I got off a third-party site. It's possible while it said 1.68, it wasnt really 1.68. Never actually checked. Well the important thing is it worked. :)
  14. SPV999

    New catagories in DECORATE?

    K. But, I changed over to Doom Builder X (I'm upgrading my Doom setup today), and it works fine now. I can create all the categories I could want. Kind of weird. EDIT: Oh, it's ZDoom (Doom in Hexen format). Almost forgot that.
  15. Hi again. Using the WRW and various custom stuffs, my DECORATE file has become fairly large. I wanted to sort it into a few different catagories. I noticed that the Glock in WRW has it's own catagory below DECORATE called NewWeapons. I assumed it was because of this code: However, whenever I try to use any similar (replacing the NewWeapons with some other name) command or even the exact same command, I either get a Run-time error (35602) that closes Doom Builder, or nothing happens at all. So how do you use this without frying Doom Builder?