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About Root

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. Root

    Huge Doom Experience

    You definitively do NOT save time with batches.
  2. Root

    Huge Doom Experience

    esayeek: there are lotta unexperienced newbies around and for them it is not moronically-easy. Further "the ultimate stupid man's doom" is politically not correct.
  3. Root

    Huge Doom Experience

    hahaha, esayeek. Seems you have not clue
  4. I wanted to buy me one of this neat Olympus Eye-Trek things...they are like VR, except they do not have any movement controls, but hey, they are light weights and if you play Doom trough them you feel like drugged. http://www.eye-trek.com That stuff is cheap BTW ;)
  5. Root

    doom frontends? shells?

    I got the pleasure to test the upcoming pre-release of KDX 4.1
  6. Root

    IDE updated - v2.70

    Does this new version also/still/too support KDX? If yes: how to set it up?
  7. Root

    internet play?

    He released a new IDE version on yesterday :)
  8. Root


    I know this errors too from the past. Now I'm lucky with KDX. Everything is so damn easy now.
  9. You must have a wrong kdx version :)
  10. It's not as flexible as a universal solution.
  11. OK, that's easy: The dial-up server is included in Win98 and also in Win95 after the DUN update. All you have to do is activate it in the dial-up network context (only on one PC). I suggest you to search for some informations regarding dial-up net, so you know what's going on. YOu can now simply establish a connection between the computers, then use a frontend or the command line to make a network game on TCP or IPX base.
  12. Just make one PC the dial-up server, the other one the client. You can use IPX and / or TCP. If you do so, every frontend out there will work.
  13. Root

    doom frontends? shells?

    Just recognized there's an update available at http://kickme.to/theking I like the new KDX OS console options :)
  14. Root

    doom frontends? shells?

    Better take the injection needle outta your arm!
  15. Root

    doom frontends? shells?

    You can find it under the Doomworld links page: http://www.doomworld.com/links/?category=6 then KING DOOM