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About smellycheeseman

  • Rank
    Warming Up

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  1. smellycheeseman

    Node problem

    Nice. I wish I were an awesome programmer.
  2. smellycheeseman

    Node problem

    Disregard that I suck cocks. Sorry. I figured it out. I had to set it to zen node something or other. You can delete this now.
  3. smellycheeseman

    Node problem

    Ok, first off, I press 3D mode(Im using doom builder by the way) or just build nodes, It says node builer encountered an error blablablabla make sure you have no errors. I have no errors. And I used zdbsp.exe for a while and it works. It suddenly stopped. I tried zennode. It doesent work. wtf
  4. smellycheeseman

    Fully custom mod

    cool cool cool. thanks guys. Should I post the wad of my first map? It may sound sucky since I'm new but so far its pretty good.
  5. smellycheeseman

    Fully custom mod

    Sweet!! Also what about scripting. Will I need to know an all new language? I have experience in programming. I've dabbled in C++, messed with actionscript, and I have a knowledge of HTML if that counts for anything.
  6. smellycheeseman

    Fully custom mod

    It does. Also what about music? Does it HAVE to be a .mus? I mean seriously. I can hardly make midis.
  7. smellycheeseman

    Fully custom mod

    I think I should learn to weild db better yes, But when I make graphics, I'm using macromedia flash. Will this cause problems? As far as cutscenes go, gzdoom? Whats zen dynamics? Plus, if I want to make graphics first, how would I really know how to make them, I have no knoledge of customization(BTW whats a good program for that like custom guns and enemys and such). Also point me at some good tuts. Also my map designings skills can sometimes point linear but if I make a maze, I make one hell of a maze.
  8. smellycheeseman

    Fully custom mod

    Its random thats why. I think it has to do with the internet, or catbuses or something like that.
  9. smellycheeseman

    Fully custom mod

    lol, I was wondering if somebody would ask about it. Its actually an RPG. I have no idea what its about. http://thefridgegames.com/g/ranpow.html But alright, I'll see what I can do. I've worked with a program like DB before(lol @ marathon forge). Also just another quick, random question, Is there a possibility for videos inbetween levels, you know, like cutscenes.(I animate too by the way). Thanks for the help :)
  10. smellycheeseman

    Fully custom mod

    Alright, make a long story short I want to sequel a game I made and I want it to be a doom mod. I'd like to do custom graphics and stuff for this game. I'll not only need custom graphics I'll need custom weapons, custom enemys, custom textures, all that good stuff. Though I'm a novice at doom builder, I'm fairly good at this kind of stuff. Basically what I'm asking is there any tutorials you suggest I read? Are there any tips you have for me? I currently am using doom builder, SLumpEd, and zdoom. Any body got any tips for me?