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Everything posted by Mapslinger

  1. Mapslinger

    BF_THUD!.wad: Redux! claim some maps!

    Yeah, I like to check in from time to time. :-)
  2. Mapslinger

    BF_THUD!.wad: Redux! claim some maps!

    Whatever you guys decide. I like the idea of spawning more monsters with each switch.
  3. Mapslinger

    BF_THUD!.wad: Redux! claim some maps!

    LOL - I presume you're referring to that disgusting switch hunt.
  4. Mapslinger

    BF_THUD!.wad: Redux! claim some maps!

    Hellbent, to reply to you directly, yes I am fine with the update per the conditions you and I have articulated. Somehow I feel all of my edited posts have created a temporal anomaly.
  5. Mapslinger

    BF_THUD!.wad: Redux! claim some maps!

    Sorry I've convoluted this thread by editing my comments about 5,000 times. Hellbent, yes, please feel free to move forward with an updated version of BF_THUD per the conditions/requests I've already outlined. Yes, I want to protect my stuff, but the notion of an updated version is very appealing. Sort of an honor, really.
  6. Mapslinger

    BF_THUD!.wad: Redux! claim some maps!

    LOL. I've edited that post about 40 million times over the past several hours. I want to give Hellbent and cohorts permission to use BF_THUD as a foundation for creating a better version, but I wanted to make sure my language protects my original versions. Not that I should worry. The Doom community has a strong history of being very courteous to wad authors, and respecting their wishes.
  7. Mapslinger

    BF_THUD!.wad: Redux! claim some maps!

    I'm amazed there's still interest in BF_THUD after so many years. EDIT: Hellbent, if you and other community members want to use BF_THUD as a foundation for building an updated version, that's totally okay with me, provided due credit is given, and provided my original versions of the .wad remain unaltered and freely available on the various download sites. Does this help? - Chris.
  8. Mapslinger

    Interview with Chris Klie

    >> I wonder how he found out about that hunt for his work; perhaps some secretive lurker here still knew his email address, or perhaps he heard Doom's siren song... << My daughter told me. :-) - Chris.
  9. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    Here's an update: The naming conflict is resolved. Paul's file should soon appear as fury.zip in the archives and on all mirrors, and my file should turn up soon in the index as cdk_fury.zip. Thanks to Ty Halderman for getting this resolved so quickly.
  10. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    Hey, Grazza. Yeah, this is confusing to say the least. It looks like users will get either Paul Derbyshire's file or mine depending on the mirror they choose. I'll work with Ty to get the conflict resolved. Thanks for the info.
  11. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    Hey, all. One of the Master Levels outtakes doesn't appear in the Doomworld index, but it can be found here: http://archives.gamers.org/pub/games/idgames/levels/doom2/d-f/fury.zip Hope this is helpful.
  12. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    Hey, all. The Fury (wad) has yet to appear in the index due to a technical issue. The Doomworld gurus are working on the problem.
  13. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    My pleasure. It seems appropriate: the unearthing of these artifacts coinciding with the release of the new Indiana Jones movie. Anyway, hope you enjoy the maps.
  14. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    Okay, I blew the dust off the old levels, and I managed to get them uploaded as of this morning. Currently, they're in /idgames/newstuff, and the filenames are as follows: cpu.zip device_1.zip dmz.zip e_inside.zip fury.zip hive.zip It's funny. When I built these it didn't occur to me they'd be "ancient history" someday. :-)
  15. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    Hey, Vegeta. Glad you enjoyed the Master Levels. With regard to my freeware stuff, I'm planning on uploading everything this weekend. I need to take time to put together new .txt and .zip files, and I want to make certain I'm in compliance with Doomworld's upload policies. In answer to your questions (based on my scant recollection of what happened many, many... many years ago): 1. id accepted as many maps as an author could submit - provided id had time to review them, and provided the maps met quality standards. I seem to recall id wanting to publish 20 maps in total, but that might not have been a hard figure. 2. We were all paid a flat-rate fee for each map. Same fee across the board. 3. It wasn't clear until the end of development whether the Master Levels would be presented as a mega-wad or as stand-alone levels. I personally was hoping they'd be combined into a mega-wad. 4. Apologies, as I don't recall what the other authors' intentions were regarding map order. I'm pretty sure Sleep had an order in mind for his levels, and I know I had an order in mind for Subspace and Subterra - which were to have been followed by a map called Subderma, which I didn't get time to make. I hope these answers are helpful.
  16. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    esselfortium, Thanks for the info. I'll work on getting all the old freeware stuff uploaded asap.
  17. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    Creaphis, I didn't take offense at all to your comments. I don't expect everyone to like everything I do, nor did I expect time to stand still after 1995. I know WAD development has come a long way, and I can totally respect gamers preferring a more modern approach. In answer to your question, I wouldn't object at all to having my old stuff uploaded to /idgames. Sorry if this seems like a training-wheel question, but I've been away from the community for a long time... What's the best way of making that happen? Should I simply visit id's site?
  18. Mapslinger

    Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels.

    Creaphis, I'm sorry you didn't like my submissions to the Master Levels. The designs were kept deliberately simple in an attempt to emulate the work id had done up until that time, and in an attempt to appeal to a wider audience (I was targeting lower-end systems in hopes of reaching more players overall). With respect to the rejected Master-Levels submissions, those levels were rejected mainly due to time constraints. Shawn was focused on other work, and didn't have time to fully review the submissions. As I recall, only two were rejected due to quality concerns (and, in retrospect, I agree they should have been rejected): The Enemy Inside (e_inside.wad) and Device One. Anyway, we all need to start somewhere, right? And I learned a lot from my experiences working on the Master Levels. - Chris Klie. P.S. If anyone is still looking for my old freeware levels, just send me a PM with your e-mail address, and I'll be happy to forward the levels to you.