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texture LIGHT96 has bad coords for the patches. someone should look at it decide what the coords should be and change it.

LAVAMAP: it looks like someone had a great idea for a 242 colormap. so he loaded up the playpal, translated the colors into this neato red-orange-yellowy scheme, and faded it to some sort of dark red. looked great. but then when he fit his new colormap back into doom's 256 colors, there were about one and a half doom colors that were anywhere near his colors, and everything was fit to these one and a half colors. seriously, i put LAVAMAP in my level without examining it first, loaded up boom, and nearly tossed my cookies.

COLORMAP is only 8448 bytes long. not really a good idea; since our attempt is to make BOOM compatibility, we go by boom's example, and the one predefined COLORMAP lump in boom, WATERMAP, is 8704 bytes like the original colormap and all the 242 colormaps we have included. I am aware that the last mapping is not used, but just in case someone decides to release a doom port some day that among other errorchecking methods checks the length of COLORMAP? and refuses to play if it's less than 8704 bytes? (because the creater of the hypothetical doom port just copied the original COLORMAP length into his check code). also doesnt MBF use the 34th colormap in beta mode? iirc it's in an aux wadfile or something, not really sure exactly how its handled. finally if we make a 8704 byte colormap we will insure that anyone with the DOOM press release beta will be able to play freedoom!! (j/k) :D

imo PLAYPAL should fade to blue not grey for item pickup. but whatever floats your boat.

thanks for listening to my stupid uninformative rants ;)

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esayeek said:

LAVAMAP: it looks like someone had a great idea for a 242 colormap. so he loaded up the playpal, translated the colors into this neato red-orange-yellowy scheme, and faded it to some sort of dark red. looked great. but then when he fit his new colormap back into doom's 256 colors, there were about one and a half doom colors that were anywhere near his colors, and everything was fit to these one and a half colors. seriously, i put LAVAMAP in my level without examining it first, loaded up boom, and nearly tossed my cookies.

Actually what I did was take one of the LAVA flats and used that as the pallet for a colormap with whatever the colormap tool is in that boom editors package dealie (this was years ago, I ripped all those colormaps from wads I made long ago, Artica 4 had them all I think). Personally I like it since really if you were under lava it wouln't be a orange or red watery thing, but well, you'd be on fire. I mean, really you wouldn't even see it I suppose, but I think it's fairly interesting anyway heh. Deep lava doesn't seem like something that should be survivable anyways, I dunno.

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Cyb said:

Actually what I did was take one of the LAVA flats and used that as the pallet for a colormap with whatever the colormap tool is in that boom editors package dealie (this was years ago, I ripped all those colormaps from wads I made long ago, Artica 4 had them all I think). Personally I like it since really if you were under lava it wouln't be a orange or red watery thing, but well, you'd be on fire. I mean, really you wouldn't even see it I suppose, but I think it's fairly interesting anyway heh. Deep lava doesn't seem like something that should be survivable anyways, I dunno.

i dunno, like i said i liked the concept, it just doesnt work out well in practice.

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