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[Map] [GZDoom] The Pit of Despair

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It was a very interesting level. I found it similar in some aspects to Guardians of the Nebula (GotN). I do have some thoughts:


Just like in GotN, some of the more Slaughtery encounters are much easier than one might expect, because of the abundance of space for maneuvering. Also, I think you as a creator really underestimate the power of the BFG. All of the encounters against Cyberdemons and against Spider Masterminds were very easy, bordering on trivial, at least in my opinion. 


I like a lot the touch, which you also had in GotN, where all ammunition is placed by corpses. Having said that, I found ammuntion to be over-abundant, just like in GotN.


Usually, instant death pits are a terrible thing. But in this one, the pit is very easy to avoid.



Don't get me wrong, easier Slaughter maps could be a very popular nieche, since they make the Slaughter less overwhelming. But if you're going for traditional, then some of the areas are really uncharacteristically easy.




There were a couple of annoying things here and there. For example, it was unclear what I was meant to do after activating the three switches in the final tower. Also, the slow elevator in the final tower got really annoying after a while. I actually got tired of it and just stared nocliping back up everytime I jumped down.


Just like GotN, I felt like the level could've benefited a lot from some more playtesting, but I get that there aren't many playtesters interested in Slaughter heavy maps.

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