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how do you use the warp parameters in prboom+

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I keep trying to use the warp parameter for ultimate doom in prboom+ but I'm not sure how it works. I have tried writing things like -warp E3M1 or just -warp 19 and some other random things but none of them work and i cant seem to find anything that helps...

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1 hour ago, Edward850 said:

You use a space, -warp 3 1 for E3M1 or -warp 1 9 for E1M9.

Just realised i forgot to mention that i use Windows Powershell to open prboom+ and for some reason that still doesn't seem to work as it only detects the first number putting me in the episode one map with the same number as the episode (for example I could put it -warp 3 6 and I will be put in E1M3)

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I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about, powershell absolutely lets you type in a space, it works perfectly fine.


I launched prboom with the warp command complete with space and it fully understood it.

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I found what the problem was...


I wasn't writing the iwad as I was using the built in launcher so I didn't think I needed to specify the iwad


if you can't tell I'm new to using prboom+ and generally using source ports...


Thanks for the help :)

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Technically off topic, but since you're new to things: you probably want to check out dsda-doom, an actively maintained successor to prboom+ (which has ceased development and is out of date when it comes to mapping features and standards and such).

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14 hours ago, Xaser said:

Technically off topic, but since you're new to things: you probably want to check out dsda-doom, an actively maintained successor to prboom+ (which has ceased development and is out of date when it comes to mapping features and standards and such).

Just gave it a try and it does seem a bit better than prboom+ due to some smaller things.

Doesn't seem like too much of a difference between the two but I haven't fully tested it yet to really be able to say anything.

Also may need to read a bit more about it to fully understand all the changes.


Thank you for telling me about it :)



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