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How to add custom items?


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All actors must have a Thing Type number to be able to place them in the editor.

For IWADFs those are the ones listed in the Standard editor numbers list.

However, the list also shows empty possible slots which can be utilized by newly

created actors, eg above 15000


For the editor to be able to insert a newly created actor, that number must be specified:

a.) with DECORATE in the actor definition with a doomednum number

b.) with ZSCRIPT in a DoomEdNums block in MAPINFO


Of course, if you do not specify a Thing Type number but have added the new actor

in Slade3 in DECORATE or ZSCRIPT, then you could summon them in_game.

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Naah, DECORATE lumps, dawg. Get your code you want, paste it with your appropriate requirements (images in the SS_START AND SS_END lumps, sounds by themselves (copy SNDINFO code if you're using complex things like monsters n shit) and you should be good dawg.

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In your zscript lump, type something like:


Class pepsi : PowerupGiver






Inventory.PickupMessage "I wish they had Coke";











Then go to the map info lump and give it a doomednum. Can't remember how to do that right now...


Check out the wiki on classes.  https://zdoom.org/wiki/Classes It's got a ton of good info. Cracking open gzdoom in Slade is pretty informative too. You can make a drinking animation but you need to define a layer for the animation in the script and you need to specify a later version of the program in the beginning.

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2 hours ago, Nihlith said:

In your zscript lump, type something like:


Class pepsi : PowerupGiver






Inventory.PickupMessage "I wish they had Coke";











Then go to the map info lump and give it a doomednum. Can't remember how to do that right now...


Check out the wiki on classes.  https://zdoom.org/wiki/Classes It's got a ton of good info. Cracking open gzdoom in Slade is pretty informative too. You can make a drinking animation but you need to define a layer for the animation in the script and you need to specify a later version of the program in the beginning.

DoomEdNum? What is this sorcery!?

But seriously IIRC In DECORATE you can just write an id next to the actor's name

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5 hours ago, Duderald said:

DoomEdNum? What is this sorcery!?

But seriously IIRC In DECORATE you can just write an id next to the actor's name

Yeah, but I'm making maps right now with a resource with around a hundred custom actors and I had to convert everything to zscript and put their numbers in MapInfo before I could see them in the editor. None of the decorate actors appeared, even with their numbers.


Sorry, brainfart, this tutorial is really good and it shows you how to put overlays into an item. Here he's using it for dual pistols but you'll need to do the same thing in order to animate a pickup because none of the base games do this on their own. 



Edited by Nihlith

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