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MAP05 looking for feedback

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*A few days ago I posted this in the wrong sub forum my bad...


Source port: Tested on Zandronum, should work on any port based on ZDoom

Base game/IWAD: DOOM 2


This is map05 of the (mega)wad that Im currently working on. It will be my first publicly released (mega)wad if I ever get to the end of it. Previously I'd only worked on a few-map wads that I mostly done for myself & my friends. I never mapped too much but hopefully it'll change and hopefully this map can be enjoyable for others.


In general this map was not designed with mouselook/freelook ON in mind but at one point you will have to be able to aim down in order to shoot 4 mandatory switches to unlock yourself from a mini trap I'll fix it later it shouldn't be that big of a deal for now. Jump/crouch is disallowed.


Sometimes you'll have to back track to certain areas in order to progress on the map, to unlock previously locked areas & some keys. I put the hint messages where possible to put the player on the right track. I sincerely hope you people can have fun with this map I just put it here so you can share your feedback on what should be changed/improved in terms of difficulty I  guess it can be hard for some players and then easy for others me I found it to be mediocre but then again I KNOW what I should be doing on the map and what to expect so there is some form of "creator" bias there if you will.


Also report on bugs & texture misalignments and stuff like that it is very appreciated. Oh and one more thing on the starting spot you have to step backwards to grab the weapons & ammo in the context of the (mega)wad which this map will be a part of you should be having all of these by the time you reach map05. Good luck & have fun and don't forget to write back thanks.


candyman64 12/19/23


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I got some feedback for you.



Hope you'll find it helpful in some way.


I found a couple of map breaking oversights that you need to take into account since players will always find new ways of doing stuff you planned, but the map was pretty enjoyable overall! (maybe a bit too long D:)

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9 hours ago, Kan3 said:

I got some feedback for you.

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Hope you'll find it helpful in some way.


I found a couple of map breaking oversights that you need to take into account since players will always find new ways of doing stuff you planned, but the map was pretty enjoyable overall! (maybe a bit too long D:)

Hey thanks so much for the playtest video it's so much better this way

Answering the blue key question you can find it in the secret and finish the level faster the conventional way to get the key would be in the yellow-door zone after pressing the 5 switches it lowers the pillars that guard the blue key near the damaging-floor tunnels area where you managed to strafe jump over the pit


I appreciate your commentary a lot and will fix the progression issues in the map thanks a lot

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The zone with the two switches that are locked after  you kill the two barons it should lower the baphomet-face walls but sometimes it dont work if they die at the same time sorry about that I should change the script execute action to script execute always

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48 minutes ago, candyman64 said:

Answering the blue key question you can find it in the secret and finish the level faster the conventional way to get the key would be in the yellow-door zone after pressing the 5 switches it lowers the pillars that guard the blue key near the damaging-floor tunnels area where you managed to strafe jump over the pit

I see, it's actually a cool thing to have especially for speedrunners.

If I may add a random suggestion, you could let the player open the blue door with any blue key and use the blue key card in the secret instead of the blue skull, to help differentiating what you're doing while playing, but this is mostly just nitpicking.

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42 minutes ago, Kan3 said:

I see, it's actually a cool thing to have especially for speedrunners.

If I may add a random suggestion, you could let the player open the blue door with any blue key and use the blue key card in the secret instead of the blue skull, to help differentiating what you're doing while playing, but this is mostly just nitpicking.

Its a great idea actually I havent thought of that no it's fine any input is appreciated

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As a beginner, I STRONGLY recommend against creating an entire megawad. They're extremely time consuming to do all by yourself, and that's if you actually finish it. Take it from me. Make some smaller sized level packs and get lots of feedback so your skills can grow, then if you want to make a bigger project, go from there. Your skills will grow as you make your megawad because its so many levels that by the time you're at about level 20 or so, you'll look back to your old maps and want to redo them with the new skills you learned. Learn the skills first, then try a big project.

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Hi thanks for the advice yeah the thing is I don't really enjoy small projects anymore and when I play myself I really like megawads I feel it's best not many non-megawads that  can I say I really FELT them maybe Simplicity which is not a mega wad I always take my time with maps so even smaller ones I don't build them in a hurry I think it's really bad it can also suck all your enthusiasm out I just take my time slowly building the maps as new ideas pop into my head I can also re work my old maps from my old non-public wads that I made ages ago if I run out of ideas in some maps this hasn't happened so far

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