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About UnholyMessias

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  1. Ive played uptill map08, im quite liking it so far. Cool transitions between maps and i like reading the story with it, map05 was ugly and mediocre and map08 wasnt that hot but the rest were really cool. Bit too easy for my taste but thats not too bad :)
  2. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    I liked both map29 and 30, not much too say really. In map30 i especially loved the beginning, love the slaughterish gameplay in these maps :). Ill vote for jenesis, seems like a cool wad and didnt play it yet.
  3. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    Mad that i gave your map a bad review I see ;), learn to take criticism in a good way and dont try to complain. Read through all my comments and youll see i liked pretty much every map except yours, pcorfs and phobus. Thats 23 of 27 maps which were good so far which is quite a good ratio. And maps 28,29 and 30 are all awesome so maybe you should look at what other people are doing better than you?
  4. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    Map27: Hated this map, most of the map is really easy and then it gets extremely frustrating to play when coming to the cave with lost souls. This is the biggest problem with this map, a gazillion lost souls doesnt make for hard gameplay or fun gameplay. This map is surely made with mouselook in mind, i guess with mouselook it would have been a more fun experience. I guess the visuals are nice.
  5. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    Map26: Im going to pretty much echo what cannonball said, really nice looking map but far too easy and far too much ammo. No difficult fights anywhere and a abundance of ammo makes this kinda boring, visuals are nice though.
  6. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    Map24: Amazing visuals, really feels like your in an abondaned base. I have pretty much the same feelings as mouldy, probably one of my favourite maps of this wad :). Map25: Very good and exactly the way i like my doom maps, hell theme with a lot of heavy monsters. My thoughts are exactly the same as Ribbiks where the cybie was just tedious and the the invul secret makes the archie and cybies fight far too easy. Without that secret this map would have been almost perfect. This wad is getting better and better.
  7. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    Map23: All around a average and weird map. Parts alternating tough and easy with below average detail. Ive never really liked any of walters map and this one doesnt change my opinion much.
  8. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    Map21: The visuals and design are amazing, the best map visualwise this year *******ly. Gameplaywise it was good but not fantastic. All in all a fantastic map and my definite favorite of the megawad. Map22: Nice plutonia style map with good gameplay and visuals. Good job :)
  9. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    Map19: Not a bad map, ok visuals and some good difficulty. I really liked the cybie and rev fight at the start but the cybie spawning in at the end was kind of weird and unneccesary. Not that special. Map20: Pretty cool map, nice visuals and good progression. I didnt really care for the spidermastermind fight, that fight is only possible with the invul secret and then its trivial but still annoying.
  10. UnholyMessias

    Autosave. Do you use it?

    I never save ever, im the same as memfis, when I save then all tension dissapears and I get bored as hell. I love the feeling of finishing a really tough map without saves, deus vult map02 for example. After beating that I felt the best ive ever been after finishing something :P
  11. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    Map18: Wandered around for 15 minutes without getting far (only 2 keys) got bored and quit. Im probably not going to finish this map, the gameplay isnt anything special the map is confusing as hell and too many switches which seem to do nothing.
  12. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    I did do pistol start and I had full plasma ammo pretty much the whole runthrough after getting the plasma making the archviles pretty easy and not annoying at all. They were even too easy, im not sure how the beta testers played but im guessing some stuff got changed after the beta.
  13. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    For me the one thing that came in to my mind when playing map 17 was boring. No difficulty whatsoever and loads of ammo gives this level indeed an arcadey feel but it makes it really boring for me. I like the idea with the red and blue parts but it would have been much better if it was not so symmetrical and something radical changed in the blue part. The cave at the beginning was really nice but some of the indoor parts were kind of ugly, especially the pentagram texture looked really out of place. At some point i got bored and just rushed through everything with plasma. I prefer maps with a bit more planning needed.
  14. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    Map31: Probably my favourite map untill now, awesome difficulty and really nice texturing. I didnt mind everything being in the same texture, it felt more coherent for me. I loved the part where all the revenants teleport in. Map32: Didnt particurly like this map, the changing scenery gimmick is cool but the map otherwise is kind of ugly and with the extremely confusing layout it makes for a average map for me. Map16: I really liked this map for being something different from the previous maps. A bit of slaughter gameplay is never bad, especially for speedrunning this is a really good map. Cool visuals too. I also dont understand the complaining about the pole running sequences, it seemed really easy?
  15. UnholyMessias

    The DWmegawad Club Plays: CC4 (Starting JENESIS Oct. 1st!)

    My thoughts on map14: Pretty cool map, nice visuals and a lot of pretty cool secrets. Difficulty was too low for me though. I kinda got bored halfway through. Nastier traps or more monsters would have been better for me. I loved the revenants coming out of the sky that was a cool touch.