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  1. Hey everyone, I have been trying to get this to work properly for a few days now and I have researched the issue using the ACS wiki for long hours. I cant seem to figure this one out, but it seems like a simple problem. I have the enemies actions set to activate a certain script. The script gives the player +2 xp when you kill the monster. However, I am using the skulltag engine and I have the flags set to respawn monsters. When they respawn, they no longer have the action set to activate the script. Is there any way around this, im trying to make it where the monsters will infinite respawn and still have the actions set to activate the script that will give the player +2 xp. Another method I was trying was to use DECORATE to edit the enemies and sutomatically activate the script upon killing the enemy, so that you would not have to use the actions flags on the monster properties. I could not get that to work either. What I tried: --------- zombieman decorate death sequence ------ XDeath: POSS M 5 ACS_Execute(201, 0, 0, 0, 0) POSS N 5 A_XScream POSS O 5 A_NoBlocking POSS PQRST 5 POSS U -1 Stop I was trying something along these lines to activate script 201. So that I could simply place the zombieman on the maps and upon killing any zombieman the player would gain +2 xp. I really dont care what method works as long as it does work. Does anyone have any ideas? I really appreciate the help from anyone.
  2. Dee

    ZDoom RPG script

    Hey everyone, in case your unfamiliar this is the original script: http://zdoom.org/wiki/RPG_script I'm not much of a scripter myself, but I know the basic structure of how this one works. The way this script works is, you have to attach the flag to each enemy on the map as you place them in order to activate the gain xp script. But is there any way to code this so that it will automatically work with the enemies without having to flag them? For example if they are randomly spawned on the maps. Or, perhaps a way to re-code this in a way that instead of using flags it will make it where when killing the specific monster, it activates the xp flag for that monster?
  3. Dee

    Boom computer

    now we just need a self sustaining Doom OS. An open source ZDoom operating system where applications can be converted into ZDoom format and loaded from inside the OS. Just like all the mini games you see in wads, and like Donkey Kong Doom and Mortal kombat Doom, you could port applications like Open Office and Firefox to run inside ZDoom. You can check your email, surf the web, and create office documents, all with the click of your... err... trigger!! haha. And when you get a virus attack from looking up porn, they will appear in the form of demons that you have to search through your harddrive and kill lol. yep that would be badass.
  4. But technically, that was IDs original direction in the game, but due to software limitation, Doom is what you see today as The Ultimate Doom. As a matter of fact, the idea you are pushing here is actually the same idea that influenced the KDIZD project. It was created as "What would doom have looked like then if there was no software limitations." so you got KDIZD. Although, I understand completely what your trying to do here, but personally, i'm only concerned with the Alpha maps and graphics being finished and remade into a project. Whether it be zdoom or chocolate doom. However, in the eyes of Romero and Carmack, im sure it would have been pushed much further if not for hardware and software limitations of that time period. like "TheSpazztikOne" and "Cyanosis" said in earlier posts, these are all things that ID originally had planned for the game. It would be interesting to see a project try to bring to life the original vibe and influences of Doom the way it was meant to be. But if your dead set on chocolate doom, then thats what you need to do! Like I said, i'm only concerned with seeing the levels completed and the project fully playable. It certainly is a blast from the past.
  5. that sounds badass. could take advantage of the zdoom engine and make it happen like that.
  6. I believe that that would be a good idea to keep it like that.
  7. I want to know the deal behind the rocket launcher? Is this something you just came up with cuz it doesnt work in game properly and I never imagined this being the original rocket launcher created by ID
  8. Evil Unleashed was the original title of Doom alpha. Doom: Evil Unleashed
  9. I really enjoyed this. Comes off as what I originally thought doom should have looked more like. This looks like it makes more sense and has a much more down to earth look to it, as opposed to the final release of Doom. The architecture here makes more sense. Most of the levels in Doom look almost abstract, and for some reason the alpha was more structured, story line based game play. Playing cards, Shower rooms, Lockers, corridors, Crates, computers, etc. Just strange how the final Doom came off so much differently than the alpha.
  10. Dee

    Epic Fanpic

    No prob :D
  11. Dee

    Monster Maniac Project

    this looks pretty damn cool. im gonna try it out when i get on my home computer!
  12. Dee

    Epic Fanpic

    click the original link to go to the deviant art page. it has high res version
  13. Dee

    Epic Fanpic

    yeah but i think its so badass regardless. honestly this would make a really badass titlescreen for a zdoom project Ultimate Doom 3! or something lol
  14. Dee

    Epic Fanpic

    I am not the artist, but I thought I would share my find, some of you have probably already seen this! Original Link: http://agentscarlet.deviantart.com/art/Doom-Tribute-208815626?fullview=1 Uploaded with ImageShack.us