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Everything posted by D_GARG

  1. yepp, I've been working on this wad for 2 years now, there has been some breaks, but now its time to release something. this is the first wad I release, so this will all be very exiting. recomended engine: GZDoom style: PSX DOOM features: new monsters, weapons, PSX soundtrack, 9 maps and new textures REQUIRES: jump, crounch, mouselook unfinished: complete credits list, maps, soundtrack order, complete level branch system. in full version more maps will be added, maybe some new monsters. also buggs will be taken care of if you see any bugs, please report the only work that is mine is the map, mapinfo, interpic and HUD changes and I did modify some decorate, the rest is made by the great DOOM community :) story: Shortly after the backup squad was sent to Triton your superior officer recived a message telling about that the entire planet had fallen into a great event of anomaly, energy patterns known as "demonic" had turned all personel on the surface into what seems to the same as on the moons on mars about 9 yeras ago - the undead. The main faciliteis on Triton had gone through lockdown process to save as much work as possible from this incident, the occupation of what many would call Hell has obviously gone lost, and the urgent search for artifacts had from now on halted. Now its you who have to clean upp the mess, easy talk from your superiors, hard work for you. Though this is not the first time you are into this kind of job on the same spot, they also want you to find the source of the hell leakage which the alpha squads used to do when they were alive. Your destination is the Triton Drill Labs which are divided into several structures designed to limit an invasion such as this one, the entry area was made to be easily cracked open by UAC troops to counter any unathourized entry in the facility. The last of your team head to the space bay to enter the dropships and head to the Triton, as you leave orbit from Netpune you have about minus 1.5 hours before you are at the fray. DOWNLOAD WAD- http://musho.org/gargwads/The%20Realms%20Of%20Hate%20Demo%20V1%20(v20).wad NOTE: file size may be a comlete bitch, for now DOWNLOAD ENGINE- http://www.osnanet.de/c.oelckers/gzdoom/download.html
  2. D_GARG

    Accuracy and hitscan offsets?

    Great! that is what I have been looking for! Now I shall figure out how to do something more advancedRIFG A 0 A_FireBullets 0, 0, 9, 5, "BlankPuff", 0) RIFG A 4 A_FireBullets 0, 0, 1, 5, "BulletPuff", 1)make the offset never spread the bullets like a shotgun would, but keep all of them hitting the same spot while the offset is active. One way to do this would be using A_FireBullets (angle spread_horz, angle spread_vert, int numbullets, int damage [, string pufftype [, int flags [, float range [, string missile [, float spawnheight [, float spawnofs_xy]]]]]]) (development version 3c7e1e0 only) tho I dont use that version I imagine that something could be done. Any one knows solutions to this?
  3. So is there a way to code this: If you run the attack will not spawn where you aim but from a random location depending on set offset, aka player accuracy is worse if you run and/or how fast you run. (and the set spread you have on your decorate gun stays the same inside this offset) I have seen that some things can be done in ACS but I need some guidence to do this.
  4. D_GARG

    Accuracy and hitscan offsets?

    Thats some clue atleast, but I dont find sulotions without using ACS. is there are DECORATE variable that identifies player current movement speed?
  5. this 6 year old project will have its joyrney, the deadline is june 2016. If I fail this I may not be releasing it at all, and forever be bouncing "my great mapping skills" in my home PC. the old thread is not relevant anymore. I spoil some things in advance: New Weapons: a total of 16 levels minus secret levels. since I suck at uploading screenshots there will be a delay of that I will miss this heap that took about 6 years to come this far with.
  6. without the secret levels and the final level yes. what I may include in the final version is also improvements in the normal levels. I need some more time to finish what is left since I have passed the deadline.
  7. Oooh I love it. Let it rise my friends, let it all open the gates. Beat Bethesda, let the true spawn of DOOM rule forever more.
  8. D_GARG

    Corrupted PNGs ???

    Hi! I wanted to make a revolver for GZDOOM so I found some image to make sprites out of it, wrote some code in decorate, find the item in doombuilder, but during the testing I cannot select the weapon and the pickup sprite is replaced with a "unknown" marker. it has to be the graphics that are corrupted, I did the editing in MSPAINT (I know its the oposite of impressive). and now I dont know what to do. Can anyone help a lost mapper out?
  9. D_GARG

    Corrupted PNGs ???

    is there any maximum number of weapons you can add?
  10. D_GARG

    Corrupted PNGs ???

    I have no idea what it is, here is the code: actor HybridRevolver : DoomWeapon 15115 { Weapon.AmmoUse 1 AttackSound "Weapons/M16GFIR" Weapon.Selectionorder 1900 Weapon.AmmoGive 6 Weapon.SlotNumber 2 Weapon.AmmoType "RifleAmmo" Obituary "%o Got Ripped Apart by %k's Loud-Mouth Revolver." Decal "BulletChip" AttackSound "Weapon/SPIFIR" Inventory.Pickupmessage "Picked up a UAC Magnum Hybrid Revolver." States { Spawn: UHRF A -1 Stop Ready: UHRF A 1 A_WeaponReady Loop Deselect: UHRF A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: UHRF A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: UHRF A 0 UHRF A 3 A_FireBullets(1.5,1.5,-1,19) UHRF A 3 UHRF A 3 UHRF A 3 UHRF A 3 UHRF A 2 A_ReFire Goto Ready Flash: UHRF A 3 Bright A_Light1 UHRF A 3 Bright Goto LightDone } } I named all frames the same as a experiment. it wount work with this code still
  11. D_GARG

    Official Tutorial Request Thread

    perhaps handling sprite image formats, creation, modification, and bug fixing of image files that will be for example your brand new Ubershotgun?
  12. Yes, you have probably seen these before, ZDoom forums is probalby better bust still .. normal fire is full-auto standard, you hold the fire button and it keeps going. AltFire is suposed to be a single shot, no continuing fire even tho you hold the fire button. I am coding in decorate, I kinda suck at it, but here is the code so how should I do to make this work? it has been spinning in my head for days now
  13. D_GARG

    Semi Automatic Weapons?

    It Works! however, if I make AltHold call the Refire, then wouldnt accuracy be added if I tap the fire button instead of holding it, while holding it will add spread? edit: the ideal would be that the faster you click the larger is the chance that the shot will be affected by the set A_FIREBULLETS(X,Y) spread
  14. D_GARG

    Survey: How much Doom do you play per week?

    -- 1-7 hours. but thats not with the mapping included
  15. D_GARG

    Sanity pit [SFW]

    here is some intresting black metal documentary, for inspiriation to some doom mapping, perhaps ;)
  16. Hello everyone Who here are from scandinavia? is my main idèa of question I want to meet other doomers from where ever in the world so the second question is: this summer of 2015, who is going to Sweden Rock? wouldnt it be cool with a meetup for us fellow doomers? Since Sweden Rock presents a wide variety of different musik of rock/metal there should be a big chance that doomers such as me will show up. So with these two things on topic, I'd also like to know if you sometimes meetup with active doomers, may it be friends or strangers, we arent all locked up in a cellar right?
  17. D_GARG

    Sanity pit [SFW]

    Ogeey Boogey! A contrast of my creation appears :D !
  18. I got my map pretty much done all that is missing is the secrets and a set engine to do final tests from
  19. D_GARG

    Ghoul Mods!

    Dear folks of Doomworld! I am looking for wads containing GHOULS the ones we all know from the Ghoul Forest series I want mods with them! for my own purposes ... so post links here to ghoul mods for download! there must be other DOOM fans around who'd love to have more ghouls around ;)
  20. D_GARG

    Ghoul Mods!

    I doubble post for reaching out my request: any other ghoul theme'd mods out there exept ghoul forest? in length, the effort will be worth it
  21. Im alive! Havent mappend for a while, though last time did make a change to my map ... btw which song is EF_MIDI_15/17
  22. D_GARG

    So, how old are you ?

    If you wanna be a true matrix boy then you will never have time for a job. ... Or school.
  23. D_GARG

    So, how old are you ?

    21 All hail Doom
  24. I am getting the impression that there is a limit for sector being used in a map, vertices are apparently restricted, is it so with sectors too?
  25. tho the lower res on PSX makes it SO LOVELY that it better be in the TC too