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Everything posted by Coolster

  1. Coolster

    Bass Midi System Synth

    I used eternity with it for quite some time but recent releases have sound problems with using it, any ideas why that happens?
  2. Coolster

    Bass Midi System Synth

    Well tried just that and sadly it didn't do a thing, still the same issue. I will try some older versions of Eternity and see if that's the new versions of Bass Midi System Synth are causing the problems. Edit: Okay i tried every version from 3.40 up to the current one and to 3.40.20 they didn't had any sound problems, 3.40.25 for some reason always crashes on me and 3.40.30 is the one where the sound problems actually started for me.
  3. Coolster

    Bass Midi System Synth

    Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate SP1, Eternity 3.40.37, older versions didn't seem to had that problem, when i switched to Microsofts default synth it didn't had any problems playing sound. Edit: I updated the BassMidi System Synth and while midi has no problems playing right now, sounds on the other hand play for a while and then stop, it's pretty random if you ask me.
  4. Coolster

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    or Fog Based (that's what im using and it looks great)
  5. Coolster

    Doom Expanded Final [RELEASE]

    The thing is though, if he wants to play a game enhancing mod, why bother with compatibility anyway? And if he really did wanted a pure vanilla experience, there is Choco, Prboom+ or Dos.exes for this ;p
  6. Coolster

    Doom Expanded Final [RELEASE]

    I personally never found those death sounds to actually sound like he is dying, it literally sounds more like some demon grunting.
  7. Coolster

    Doom Expanded Final [RELEASE]

    Maybe it's just me but flame on torches seems a little bit off, it seems to happen only when sprite clipping is set to always (the way i like to play) http://i50.tinypic.com/1gp5h.png other than that i enjoy this mod better than Beautiful Doom or Cosmetic Doom
  8. didn't know that (but then again Episode 4 was my least favorite) but then again map itself gets rather difficult if you try to sequence break so let it be :P
  9. Coolster

    Brutal HeXen - Beta 1 Released

    not to hate on Hexen, but Heretic would benefit from it even more, considering how gory standard deaths we're in that game (everything basically explodes)
  10. found a bug in Fear map, you can easily squeeze yourself between the bars going backwards :P was using the latest GZDoom SVN
  11. That grosse just blows my mind, i mean it was far more entertaining than the original and the atmosphere is top notch. I can't wait to see what other maps will look like, gonna check the bloodsea right now.
  12. I see no point in doing the Wolfenstein levels, never really liked them that much to be honest and SS Guards would require new sound effects, i still wonder what you guys will do with Arch-viles. In short Betray and Sewers PSX-fied are much better options (i would also like to see No Rest for the Living PSX Style, then again they're not lost levels).
  13. Dis really looks great and yeah i agree with baron, this should be an addon for the TC
  14. Coolster

    Why does no one use Odamex?

    http://odamex.net/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=134 It's an old report but the screens posted there show what happens, i tried most of the settings but no matter what kind of resolution i either get distortion on everything or just on some animated objects, it annoys me to the point i don't want to use the source port itself, the day it gets fixed, i will give it a chance.
  15. Coolster

    Why does no one use Odamex?

    Weird graphics scaling problems that are still not fixed and most of the servers are empty, that is all ;p
  16. To me it's ok, i mean i would rather have the gore and smooth animations as a standalone package rather than changing the pace of the gameplay and all of the balance. I will stick to Beautiful Doom or Super Skulltag as game enhancers though.
  17. Coolster

    Bethesda Posts BFG Edition Official FAQ

    Sigh, oh well, at least we can hope the BFG Edition will have the same mod compatibility as the current Doom 3 right, RIGHT?
  18. Coolster

    Bethesda Posts BFG Edition Official FAQ

    Especially when most sites (those Co-op Related like Co-optimus also) said in the news (before Bethesda made a final confirmation) that this release will get Co-op but it won't have one, they say it is because PC Version is a basis, but isn't Xbox version almost the same as PC only with worse graphics?
  19. Coolster

    Bethesda Posts BFG Edition Official FAQ

    Note to myself, never ever say anything bad about iD, causes flame wars here. But being serious, Sodaholic said it is for general public and in my honest opinion it will be hard for them to enjoy, they are spoiled with current HD Graphics (most of the current gamers are graphic whores) and lets be honest, even with those small graphical updates Doom 3 still looks outdated so i agree with Mr. Chris they did it too late (2008 would be just fine). New levels seem to be an decent idea but it is pain in the ass for those who already own those games and won't get the option to buy just these levels with updates for Doom 3 for let's say 10$ as an DLC. Which is a shame cause i would like to play them but i won't pay 30$ for games i already own just to play 9 new levels. If Doom 2 will have No Rest for the Living i will consider maybe buying this when the price drops but right now it seems to be not worth the money (even though i love Doom as much as everybody here).
  20. Coolster

    Bethesda Posts BFG Edition Official FAQ

    Sure Geniune original Doom is the one for DOS but come on, that's just lazyness, Dosbox is not made by them to begin with and is it really that hard to make i don't know, working Windows XP/Vista/Seven executable? I do understand we got ports already and fans can do these things themselves, but i call it cheap tactic anyway. As for the new episode for Doom 3 while it is nice to see new content, we need to wait before we judge if it's even worth the money. The only thing that i miss for Doom 3 anyway is Resurrection of Evil (being Polish doomer sucks, thanks to our distributor LEM we didn't got it here). Oh well i guess it is new package for those who (for some god forsaken reason) didn't played Doom series at all.
  21. Coolster

    Bethesda Posts BFG Edition Official FAQ

    So in short they really got lazy, i mean fine Co-op doesn't suit Doom 3 (though if the Xbox version had it why they couldn't just implement it in the BFG Edition...) but seriously, in today generation of gaming 8 player multiplayer deathmatch is just laughable, lemme guess, Doom 1 and 2 will again be included with dosbox on PC doesn't it (or with Doom95, that would explain why there is no multiplayer support). And yes why i do realise we have alternatives (source ports etc. on PC), it doesn't excuse them to get lazy but still take full price for those games. I wonder if this "BFG Edition" will include Master Levels for Doom 2, Final Doom or No Rest for the Living.
  22. Coolster

    Bethesda Posts BFG Edition Official FAQ

    So in short, instead of getting original games with more features we get the same games again? I'll pass on this one since i already own Classic Dooms and Doom 3 for me wasn't good to begin with. I mean seriously no Co-op in Doom 3? And still the same limited to 8 players multiplayer? They really got lazy with this package.
  23. Coolster

    Jdoom/Risen 3d

    That's why im not using Risen3D since that "change" (and because of that clunky launcher) because you're right Graf, why fix something that wasn't broken (as i said i can understand CyberDemons crotch shot but other things should've been untouched or at least had compatibility option for them).
  24. Coolster

    Jdoom/Risen 3d

    While Risen3D supports boom maps, it fixed one thing that i enjoyed about classic Doom. I simply hate that weapon bobs even when i am shooting, in classic Doom it only bobed while running without shooting and there is no compatibility option for it (it should be optional imo, i can understand the fix for Cyberdemon crotch shot, it looked ridiculous). Also the thing that bugs me, i can't set the sprites as i can in Doomsday, in short when im looking at them down they will look like papers in Risen3D while in Doomsday i can easily set it so the sprite will always face me (sure for others this may look stupid but i'd rather have sprites facing me all the time than fighting papers). Also why i need to have those cheesy 3d gibs even when using no models at all ?(im not even installing them because even sitters and abbs models look corny as hell) I enjoy the particles and dynamic lightning but i don't want to see any models. And the one thing that annoys me the most is Risen3D launcher and wad management (that's the biggest reason i stopped using it), i can have many different source ports and wads in 1 folder with many sub-folders and all of them can launch them thanks to the power of Doom Launchers (im using ZDL 3.1), with Risen3D this thing is impossible (unless im doing something wrong) and every time i wanted to have some wads in Risen3D it needed to be installed to the launcher... (wasting more space on my hard-drive for basically duplicates of exsisting wads). As for Doomsday, it simply doesn't support wads i really want to play (or supports them poorly) and for basic Doom i might as well use dosbox or other ports.
  25. Coolster

    Chocolate Doom 1.7.0 Released

    May i ask why 2.0 is highly anticipated (in terms of features) since i wasn't following Chocolate Doom for quite some time.