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mr fiat

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About mr fiat

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  1. mr fiat

    Why does your team always suck?

  2. mr fiat

    What is your 'dream' computer?

    The computer i am using now is all i need now, until it is obsolete. honestly its pretty hard to think of a dream "PC" unless it has very specific use such as retro gaming.
  3. mr fiat

    The Metal / Rock Music Fans

    wel i think i found the most in your face loud thing that music has to offer
  4. mr fiat

    Doom Plushies

    am i the only one who thinks the caco plusie looks weird? i do like the pain elemental tho.
  5. mr fiat

    Windows 8.1 desktop. win or fail?

    i have windows 8, and classic theme isnt there and tbh i dont see the need for it. ive seen allot of people complain about the missing start button, i have always felt that the start button was somewhat pointless, especialy on older windows versions (XP and older) it would eventualy become a cluttered mess and be in the way. atleast thats how i feel about it, i have used win 8 for almost half a year and so far i am satishfied,
  6. mr fiat

    Doom monsters in minecraft!

    they also added allot of new redstone related stuff, and i have to disagree on the difficulty. they actualy make it harder with every major update. for example they buffed the hostile mobs by making the skeletons have 1ms response and being 95% accurate aim. theyr fire rate is actualy higher then you can recover from the previosu shot this makes its insannely hard to kill skeletons in wide open areas. also potions have been nerfed horribly, and dont get me started on making the hunger even worse by depleting saturation whenever you have to restore health AKA making your hunger deplete even faster overral. but i asume the horses are there to compensate i gues i havnt realy played mc at all anymore after the horse update.
  7. i never got a message from you, nonetheless if you have to change anything to my map feel free to do so its entirely up to you. i am not entirely satishfied with what i made, and honestly i dont feel like touching it again so if any changes have to be made feel free to do anything with it you like.
  8. mr fiat

    The Metal / Rock Music Fans

    I just went through the whole thread and I don't think I've seen any mention of soulfly.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9E4BBB4089D9DD09 <---- good tutorials to start off with.
  10. mr fiat

    How much used space is on your hard drive?

    woah 1kb, anyway i use 66 GB of 320 GB hard drive i also have a 500 GB external hardrive but that hardly has anything on it also holy crap i havnt been here in ages :o !
  11. eh not really except in episode 1 and 2 of doom I like to use the chain-gun allot.
  12. mr fiat

    absolute least favorite maps in doom or doom 2?

    DooM: E1M9 I hate that map so much its ugly and redundant too many hitscanners that wear you down so much if you enter the level with 200% health and armour you most likely will have half by the end of it I always avoid that map because you have nothing to gain in it and its no fun to play. GBA version of E3M1, pistol start is ridiculously hard E3M5 teleportclusterfuck, I used to get lost in it so much when I play it now I try to beat it as fast posible. episode 4 entirely DooM2: the chasm, nuff said.
  13. mr fiat

    [WIP] Chex Pack

    looks interesting I should try this sometime ;)
  14. mr fiat

    Mocha Doom v1.4 is out [well, now 1.4a]

    yay a new version of mocha love your work on it man.