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About vinnyslamgemi

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    Not with this specific map, but that method works with others I've downloaded. It's strange.
  2. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    Yep, it's only when I try to launch it through ZDOOM. I even re-installed it, and tried both newer and older versions, but I kept getting the same message. I feel like I'm not meant to be able to play my WADS outside of the testing in DB2!
  3. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    They are all in the proper directory, but I just keep getting this same message every time.
  4. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    This is what keeps on showing up even though my .WAD file is in the correct directory.
  5. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    This is my first map I have tried making. And I'm pretty sure I'm using the most current version of DB2.
  6. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    This is the first time its happened to me. I run Ultimate Doom and Doom II perfectly on zdoom.
  7. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    This is the picture of my map when opened up in SLADE.
  8. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    Ill upload a screenshot later, but my map is named MAP01 and ZDoom keeps on telling me that a the WAD cannot be found. I'm not using any extra textures or monsters, just the ones that are already from the DOOM2 original WAD.
  9. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    I named it under the typical Doom 2 naming conventions, and I haven't imported any new graphics or wads. Could it just be a fluke?
  10. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    Its made for Zdoom, and it's not running. It only works when I test it through DB2.
  11. vinnyslamgemi

    Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

    I have been referring to the online doom builder manual while using Doom Builder 2, and for the most part, it has served me well, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to export my maps with DB2. I know that there is a specific menu option for exporting, but how can I do it in Doom Builder 2. In case you are wondering, I'm using ZDOOM to run my wads.
  12. vinnyslamgemi

    Adding custom monsters in Doom builder

    I followed the tutorial, but doom builder keeps on telling me that my sprites are missing rotations. Could you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  13. vinnyslamgemi

    Adding custom monsters in Doom builder

    Thanks, but I actually need help as to how to use the programs. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, or how to get monster wads into doom builder.
  14. I was wondering if anyone can help! I am using doom builder 2 and would like to add monsters that I downloaded off of the internet into my custom maps. I saw a couple of tutorials using XWE for the process, but I am unable to use it, for I am running vista. I was wondering if someone can help explain to me how to import custom monsters into my wads, so I can use them in Doom builder 2.