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Everything posted by TheUltimateDoomer666

  1. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Doomworld Musicians, serenade us with your beautiful music!

    Melodic death metal: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ecmhr1xisbqw71l/2020-05-23 - To Frigid Shores.mp3 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/o1v2l0smlmihhcb/2020-05-25 - Uphill Assault.mp3 Metal loop: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vxcurzd8j219wcb/2020-05-29 - Infernal Armory.mp3 Black metal: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/rafcmzopfrgg5az/BM 2020-05-12 - Mist Falls Upon the Creek.mp3
  2. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Doom Eternal Confession Session

    That actually sounds like a bad design choice or oversight. I'm glad I haven't used that option. I always assumed it would simply warp you back to the beginning of the current level.
  3. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Doom Eternal Confession Session

    I unlocked all the weapon mods, upgrades, and masteries solely to get the achievements, as otherwise only one mod for most of the weapons seems useful to me: Combat Shotgun - I always use Sticky Bombs. Full Auto is useless. Heavy Cannon - I use Precision Bolt to quickly destroy demons' weak points. I used Micro Missiles a lot in DOOM 2016, but not in Eternal. Plasma Rifle - I use Heat Blast because I can't find any use for the Microwave Beam. Rocket Launcher - The only weapon where I regularly use both available mods, though I prefer the Lock-On Burst. Ballista - I use Arbalest on flying demons. Destroyer Blade isn't useful to me. Chaingun - I use Mobile Turret. Energy Shield seems pointless and is annoying to use. I know it absorbs hits from the front, but I just dodge attacks instead. Maybe I'm not using it correctly.
  4. TheUltimateDoomer666

    small nitpicks?

    More bugs/nitpicks (spoilers):
  5. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Help with Doom Big Box Images

    I have the box but no way to scan it, so I can't get clear high-resolution images of it. There are a few creases near the corners, and a small scuff/dent on the cover (on a black space near the bottom right) from where I removed a large price sticker. There are white scuffs on the back near the top where the original tape seal was (I got a pre-owned/opened copy). The screenshots on the back of the box and the colored DOOM logo depicted on all sides of the box except the bottom have a special glossy coating, which makes them stand out both visually and tactilely on the physical box (this effect is hard to see in photos). The rest of the box has a matte finish.
  6. TheUltimateDoomer666

    small nitpicks?

    I've encountered bugs like that too, though I forgot to mention them in my previous post. The Fortress of Doom doorway bug in particular was rather strange. I've also had Cacodemons glitch out and just sit around ignoring the Slayer.
  7. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Satanic Infestation Open IWAD Project (CURRENT VERSION v0.0.5)

    A small number of good, polished maps would be far better than a whole bunch of rushed maps with square rooms, no detail, and misaligned textures.
  8. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Satanic Infestation Open IWAD Project (CURRENT VERSION v0.0.5)

    The "concept art" is still too simple. It is little more than a few wobbly lines. Are the eyes supposed to be circular, or are they meant to be misshapen as the monster has a deformed appearance? The art doesn't convey any real design information.
  9. TheUltimateDoomer666

    small nitpicks?

    Edit: I have the retail version, which uses the Bethesda Launcher. I launch the game with the launcher, and I run the Bethesda Helper with Administrator privileges. A few bugs: One time after respawning in level 11, I could look around but was unable to move. Using fast travel in the same level resulted in me constantly falling through the floor. The game randomly crashed twice in my playthrough (once in level 9 and once in the last level). Photo mode is glitchy. Sometimes changing skins or poses through the photo mode menu doesn't work properly; the skins/poses keep resetting themselves (though using the G/H keys to change the pose still works). Sometimes the photo mode menu stops responding to the mouse. Sometimes the Depth of Field option doesn't work. The Motion Blur and Chromatic Aberration settings keep randomly enabling themselves, even though I've disabled them and saved the settings multiple times. The secrets were too easy to find, in the sense that I needed to check a walkthrough to figure out how to access only one of them (an area with locked gates in level 9). The design of the obstacles, hazards, and pick-ups reminds me more of Mario or Sonic than DOOM.
  10. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Satanic Infestation Open IWAD Project (CURRENT VERSION v0.0.5)

    Yes, disclaimers like that won't do anything. The monster designs look too similar to their DOOM counterparts. The Cyberdemon replacement still looks like a Cyberdemon. And the Mancubus replacement is still recognizably a Mancubus; just its arms are missing.
  11. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Ludicrous Levels of Optimization

    I have a G4560, GTX 1060 3GB (listed in the game's "minimum" requirements along with the GTX 1050 Ti, a much slower card), and 8 GB RAM. On Ultra Nightmare quality, with Texture Pool Size set to Low (due to the VRAM limit), Motion Blur disabled, and DRS enabled, I get 40-60 FPS at 1080p during the fights in level 5. The resolution scale does drop to 50% at times (during which the game runs at 40 FPS), but it is still impressive that the 1060 3GB can handle maximum settings. Obviously on lower settings the game stays at 60 FPS. Unfortunately probably not. UserBenchmark says the GTX 1060 3GB is +517% faster than the 930MX. Even though the GTX 1060 3GB can handle even Ultra Nightmare, +517% is a huge difference, so the game would likely be borderline unplayable regardless of settings.
  12. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Satanic Infestation Open IWAD Project (CURRENT VERSION v0.0.5)

    If it's just a recreation of Map02, then you didn't make it entirely by yourself.
  13. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Why is Star Trek Elite force not on steam?

    It's because it was published by Activision, so like Hexen II: Portal of Praevus, Heretic II, and Wolfenstein (2009) (which was on Steam at one point but got removed), it's very unlikely that it will be made available digitally.
  14. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Doom artwork free to use

    It doesn't matter if it's custom fan art; DOOM including its characters are still copyrighted. I am not a lawyer, but if you use fan art of recognizable DOOM monsters in a game commercially, or even just reference the DOOM trademark, you can still get into legal trouble.
  15. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Satanic Infestation Open IWAD Project (CURRENT VERSION v0.0.5)

    While I do think the art is cute and simple, I think it is too simple. As concept artworks, they would be very difficult to use as references because there is almost no detail. For example, what does the Kobold's skin texture look like? How does it look from the side or behind? Even though the monsters would be pixelated sprites, there is still not enough information in the concept art to get an idea of what they're supposed to look like.
  16. TheUltimateDoomer666

    E2M6 "Sinister" = Aliens (1986) "Going After Newt" ?

    That's not the DOOM Wiki. This is the DOOM Wiki.
  17. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Developing an idea, feedback needed.

    Ambient - The tracks are a bit simple; I think they could use more layers/instrumentation. They do remind me of Quake's ambient soundtrack, though. Chiptune & Retro - These are not bad but the drums are thin and harsh. Some of the leads sound thin and mosquito-y. Here are some examples of how real chip music sounds in commercial games: Turok, Turok again, and Silver Surfer. Misc. Electronic - The first track is nice, foreboding synthwave with a memorable bassline. The second track sounds like a General MIDI soundfont with somewhat weak drums. The tone of the lead bell thing is slightly grating. The third track has a similarly grating recurring "beep". I think the compositions are good, but the music would benefit from instruments with higher quality tones/timbres. The first electronic track is my favorite, with its punchy drums and pulsing bass creating a strong cyberpunk feeling.
  18. TheUltimateDoomer666

    How to view other users 'About Me'

    Click this tab and a member's About Me will be displayed.
  19. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Game Collection thread

    I am in Australia. I mostly own classic DOS-era FPS games, though I do also own some modern games. Below are pictures of some of the games I have. Many of the big boxes I found on eBay, while some such as Wolfenstein 3D and Turok were found in local op shops (thrift stores).
  20. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Is This Anyone Else's First Time Playing a Doom Game on Launch?

    No, I've never played any AAA game on its launch day. I never pre-order games, and in this case I was also waiting for people to upload gameplay videos of Eternal running on the G4560 and GTX 1060 3GB so I could see how well the game would perform on my hardware. I ordered the PC Standard Edition from the UK as it seems to have sold out everywhere except EB Games in Australia. I was originally planning on getting the Deluxe or Collectors Edition, but those versions are exclusive to EB Games here and are awfully expensive. EB Games is selling the SE for $99.95, the DE for $169.95, and the CE for $369.95! The copy I ordered from the UK was about $72, and the Year One Pass on its own is $44.95, so I don't understand why EB Games is so darn expensive. All the prices I listed are in Australian dollars.
  21. It is extremely unlikely that id Software would ever add a skin for a character from some random anime about slaying, uh, "Gobilns". Also, I checked the IMDb page for this show and apparently it contains graphic scenes of r*pe and nudity involving anime girls. What the actual heck? Is this a joke?
  22. TheUltimateDoomer666

    System requirements released

    At least the GTX 1060 3GB is now specified in the requirements, which is what I have. :)
  23. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Why is the BFG9000 in Hell?

    "Maybe cybernetics wasn't such a great idea after all. Look what the demons have done with it." "Apparently when a demon dies, they pick him up, dust him off, wire him some combat gear, and send him back into battle." The official descriptions for the Arachnotron and Revenant seem to imply that the demons decided to use cybernetics to enhance themselves.
  24. TheUltimateDoomer666

    question for doom cd owners.

    Here is a text list I compiled of official retail releases of the classic DOOM games (pre-DOOM 3). I obviously don't own all of these, but I do have references photos for many of them from sources like eBay and MobyGames.
  25. TheUltimateDoomer666

    What is the oldest PC game that you own

    I still have the 3.5" floppies and manual from the 1992 GT Interactive big box release of Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy! which I bought brand new in a Toyworld store a long time ago. Unfortunately the box is long gone. The oldest games I own complete-in-box are Spear of Destiny (Super CD Pack released in 1994), Wolfenstein 3D (Manaccom CD-ROM version released in 1995), and the retail 1995 jewel case re-releases (i.e., budget versions that did not come in big boxes) of Monster Bash, Duke Nukem II, Hocus Pocus, Raptor, Blake Stone, and Planet Strike, though these are all physical games I bought relatively recently. I also own big boxes of Chasm: The Rift, Carnivores 1-3, Turok 1 and 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Descent I and II compilation, Quake, The Terminator: Future Shock, SkyNET, Half-Life: Adrenaline Pack, etc.