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Everything posted by TheUltimateDoomer666

  1. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Skype Group?

    Some ban-evading user made one several months ago, but it ended up being almost completely inactive. The ZDoom forums Skype group is pretty active though.
  2. TheUltimateDoomer666

    AMD or NVIDIA.

    GT 630M 2GB Low settings, 1280 x 720 resolution, 50% scaling. Currently I only have the demo, but I've played through it a few times. Game mostly runs at 10-20 FPS, but never crashes. Some parts are a constant 8 FPS.
  3. TheUltimateDoomer666

    May I suggest a new free hosting service for your mods and patches?

    Your site has been pretty helpful. There were some smaller DOOM 3 mods that I couldn't find anywhere due to links to dead sites, but thankfully they're available on LoneBullet and no longer lost.
  4. When I first played through Doom 3, I used keyboard only. At the time, I was too used to playing other FPS games with a keyboard, and I wanted to keep the same controls when I started Doom 3.
  5. TheUltimateDoomer666

    The story behind your custom avatar

    I found the full image in less than a minute, and it still wasn't worth it.
  6. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Favorite Doomworld members

    So thanks to this thread I learned that "member" can be a euphemism for something. I probably don't spend enough time on the Internet. Joe-ilya is a funny member for his sometimes silly posts (and also because of ponies). Musicians like Essel, Primeval, Jimmy, and others are talented members for the great MIDIs they've made. I don't really have a specific favorite member though. Edit: I'd probably say Darknation; there are some posts by him in Post Hell that I like a lot.
  7. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Machine Games releases new Quake episode

    I found the Dopefish on my first playthrough. Found the secret exit on second attempt. Pretty good mapset, despite some easy-to-find secrets.
  8. TheUltimateDoomer666

    The Worst Thing You've Ever Seen

    Worst thing I've seen in real life would be someone on the road who had been hit and killed by a vehicle. (Although I did not see them get hit. Only the aftermath. The driver of the vehicle reportedly fled after the accident.)
  9. The trailers are unfunny and horrible, and it is not because of the wimmins characters. If the new Ghostbusters weren't wimmins, but everything else was the same, then it would still be horrible. As has been said many times before, they're basically using the wimmins as an excuse to call anyone, even other wimmins, sexist, for having legitimate complaints about the film.
  10. TheUltimateDoomer666

    How'd you name monsters if you never knew their official names?

    Zombie Super Zombie Chaingun Zombie Demon (Imp) Pig (Demon) Invisible Pig (Spectre) Flaming Skull (Lost Soul) Cyclops (Cacodemon) Brown Super Demon (Hell Knight) Pink Super Demon (Baron of Hell) Brain Demon (Arachnotron) Super Cyclops (Pain Elemental) Shambler (Revenant) Flamethrower Demon (Mancubus) Evil Spirit (Arch-vile) Giant Super Demon (Cyberdemon) Super Brain Demon (Spider Mastermind) Final Super Demon (Final Boss)
  11. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Most annoying sounds in video games?

    * The buzzing sound in Wolfenstein 3D whenever you touch or move against a wall. * The shoe slipping/squeaking footstep sound or whatever it is in DOOM 3 (step10.ogg). * This enemy dialog from Wolfenstein 2009: "What's wrong? Run out of bullets?" (Originally thought they were saying "I'm out of bullets!") Actually, I'd say all of the Nazis' lines are annoying.
  12. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Why do so many people hate Doom 3?

    I've recently been playing through the DOOM 3 campaigns again; first the BFG Edition, and then the originals. While there are maybe a few things I prefer in the BFG Edition (its brighter levels and native widescreen HUD), I still prefer vanilla. Although, I honestly can't stand the original flashlight mechanic anymore. Constantly switching between the flashlight and a weapon gets annoying fast, so now I just play it with the duct tape mod. Aside from the darkness and monster closets, there's not really much that I hate about DOOM 3. Betruger was a clichéd villain, and the Cyberdemon boss fight could have been better, but they weren't enough to ruin the game for me. (But I hate the step10.ogg sound, so much that I replaced it with step13.ogg.)
  13. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Finalized Launch Trailer

    Interestingly, the UK version of the launch trailer has slightly different music. Notice the guitar notes that play over the choir starting at 46 seconds.
  14. TheUltimateDoomer666

    What metal music will you listen while playing Doom 4?

  15. TheUltimateDoomer666

    My friend made a remix of Running From Evil from Doom 2

    Eh, it doesn't really sound like a remix. Playing the MIDI through some soundfont would produce pretty much the same results as this. The electric guitar VST is noticeably fake and doesn't sound much better than most soundfonts, to be honest.
  16. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Which one looks uglier? Quake or Quake 2?

    I've always misheard it as "Who's there?!" I'm not sure which Quake I would consider to be "uglier"...Quake 2 does have an awful lot of bland tech bases though.
  17. TheUltimateDoomer666


    That's some very cool-looking art. I find option B to definitely be the best, but the first one is also pretty good.
  18. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Things about Doom you just found out

    The intro of the song. It's more noticeable on some other GM sets besides the SC-55.
  19. TheUltimateDoomer666

    What is the overall worth of your steam library?

    "Over the last 3 years, you've spent 1409.3 hours playing this selection, which includes 61 items, is valued at $1703.51, and requires 374.7 GB"
  20. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Great soundfonts to play DOOM with?

    There are many soundfonts and synths I've used with DOOM... Some of them include Arachno, EYE & I 4 MB (commercial), SONiVOX 24 MB (formerly commercial, now abandonware), EAWPATS, sYnerGi 44 MB (formerly commercial), Utopia Live! 2.0 (formerly commercial), Yamaha S-YXG50 VST soft synth, Casio SW-10 (only runs on Windows 9x), and Windows OPL3 Synthesizer emulator. Currently I use the overpriced Sound Canvas VA in SC-55 mode, which is far more accurate than Virtual Sound Canvas or MS Synth. SCVA actually natively emulates an SC-8820, so its SC-55 mode is not completely identical to native SC-55 (the Strings are different, for example).
  21. TheUltimateDoomer666

    I remade the E1M1 theme

    Well, it basically just sounds like the original played using generic unfitting synth sounds.
  22. TheUltimateDoomer666

    John Romero makes first new Doom map in 21 years

    Just noticed this now after I woke up today; very nice surprise. :D Going to download and play shortly. Apparently it's a pretty difficult level? I shall see.
  23. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Doom Alpha chat brinksmanship thread

    I got that error at first too. I installed the latest Nvidia drivers, and then in the Nvidia control panel I selected "High-performance NVIDIA processor" as the preferred graphics processor for the DOOM alpha ("Zionx64"). The alpha then started without errors. For me the alpha runs pretty smoothly at first and is completely playable, but eventually the performance decreases until it becomes a slideshow. Manually lowering the graphic detail with a custom cfg has no effect on performance it seems, but that'd be due to the video card (it's a 2 GB GT 630) not meeting the minimum requirement.
  24. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Roland Sound Canvas Music

    I think the MKII only exists as hardware. Patch93's SC-55 soundfont is designed to emulate the Roland SC-55 sound (although it is not 100% accurate).
  25. TheUltimateDoomer666

    Nonviolentish 90s fps for a 9 yr old friend

    Doesn't that have a wall texture somewhere of a nude cartoon woman, if I recall correctly? (I played it when I was a kid and saw it, heh.)