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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. If dew's comment didn't make it sufficiently clear, it is a BRITISH newspaper. Well-known in BRITAIN, where BRITISH people tend to live, to be a trashy alarmist newspaper. If this is intended to be at all relevant, then presumably you're referring to Norway's treatment of the Sami* people. Having been in Norwegian Lapland several times, it appears that things are reasonably good for the Sami, with abundant opportunities for their language and culture to be preserved, and to participate in modern Norway's prosperity. The policy of using subsidies and taxation to keep essentials affordable also has a tendency to benefit the Sami, since many things would otherwise be extremely expensive in the far north of Norway. * Wikipedia is accessible today by simply blocking the dumb script.
  2. Grazza

    Your opinion on socialism?

    dew's final eight words show otherwise. Presumably you didn't get the reference. So how many people from those countries when they were at their alleged "peak" have you spoken to?
  3. Just checking the web for info on this, it appears that the only sources covering it are ones that are willing to publish a story when they only have one unverified side of it.
  4. fraggle's point was no doubt that the Daily Mail is a rabble-rousing shitfest of a "newspaper". If you were British it would be obvious to you that it doesn't qualify as a reliable source. And then, without any hint of irony, you come up with Pravda... Note that this isn't just quibbling - unless an account is available from a decent-quality source, we can't really pass any sort of fair comment on what happened here. PS: If you're tempted to give the Onion or the National Enquirer as a reliable US source, think again.
  5. Grazza


  6. Both good and rather similar in nature, though personally I found MM2 a little better polished, with more even quality - fewer no-so-good maps. It's not a central feature, of course, but mm2mus.wad was, I think, slightly better quality than mmmus.wad. But I get the impression that quite a number of people prefer MM.
  7. You can find some thoughts on this in a thread from back when this forum was new.
  8. Indeed, every demo posted in this thread is a mere Compet-n entry. Without any admins for Compet-n, there can be no official rulings on such things*. Who knows, maybe there would have been a decision to impose a lifetime ban on people who have cheated, or else a closer investigation into any new demos from them. Or maybe not. Quite a lot of things are detectable, or can be shown to be so statistically improbable that a demo could not have been recorded normally. * Well, if someone uploads demos that are shown to be against Demos Forum rules, we'll take appropriate action.
  9. Grazza

    The /newstuff Chronicles #400

    I get the impression that neither uploaders nor Ty have paid much attention to this since the first few wads over the limit were allowed in. Some of the huge wads have been very low quality affairs that I very much doubt were the subject of any discussion before uploading. I mean: Ty: Please explain why you mistakenly think your 100 megabyte wad needs to be so big, and why it should be allowed into the archive. Uploader: Because I thought it would be funny to include two copies of the doom2 iwad maps with corrupted names, and I was too lazy to prune out sprites that I wasn't using after I'd ripped them from a dozen other games. Ty: Oh, OK, that's all good. Please upload.
  10. Grazza

    Doom Speedrun Youtube Channel

    Are most people really in favour of keeping the message? I'd suggest removing the secret notification entirely (which can be done by changing just one option).
  11. Grazza


    The thing is, those annoying sergeants by the red key (which you don't need with the glide route) are the same ones that guard the blue armour, which you do need even to have an outside chance of surviving the area around the blue key. That's why the glide doesn't help as much as you might expect.
  12. Grazza


    No, the first place to look for demos is The DooMed Speed Demos Archive, where demos are listed by wad name (or player), and then by map number and demo category. It is to demos what the /idgames archive is to wads.
  13. Grazza


    I was thinking about pa30, and thought that maybe if you get into the void (easy from the starting room) and head for the 'seam', you could wake the shooter and by placing yourself in the corresponding locations, you could get it to misdirect attacks onto the Romero head. However, I've no idea if this even has a chance of working. Do telescratches only hit their intended target? Even if the monsters think you are actually sitting on top of Romero, can their attacks hurt him (I tried noclipping into there, and couldn't make that happen). So maybe you also need to be at just the right height, and such a location may not exist, barring some huge fluke. Still a dream demo of the highest order, of course. As for pa02, I think AdamW has tried this quite a lot, but never got through the BK area. He also said that it was pointless even to try to skip the blue armour, and so the glide isn't especially useful. Phml: pa02 is murder slow or fast, with the underground area the worst part, partly because you can't provoke much infighting until you are in thick of it. It's undone because no one can (so far) do it, not because people don't want to use a slow approach.
  14. Grazza

    Final DOOM directory.

    Sure it's true (at least, the player falls sometimes when teleporting - I don't believe that he can be trapped below the floor as a result of this bug). But the bug is in the exe rather than the wad. Play PrBoom-plus using "-complevel 4" or Chocolate Doom with "-gameversion final" (which both emulate Final Doom's version of Doom2.exe) and you'll notice it very quickly. (Or of course use Final Doom's version of Doom2.exe itself, but I assume you don't have it, since you're asking this question.)
  15. Grazza

    [LOCKED] Favorite fast food/restaurant?

    How fast are we talking here? If less than five minutes counts, then the Chinese takeway at Forest Park is excellent. Shame I'm 4000 miles away from it though. Subway will do, if they have the veggie patty. Jimmy John's isn't bad either, although their name does make me think of ExtenZe. India Palace's lunch buffet is pretty quick. Also good quality and great value. There was a Chinese place in central London (somewhere near Piccadilly Circus) where to get around the rules about VAT on hot food, they would sell you a container, and if you chose to fill it with a huge range of excellent hot Chinese dishes that happened to be lying around nearby, then that was your choice. Wonderful selection of awesome dishes. I think it must be long gone by now. Otherwise, almost any of the Dosa restaurants on Serangoon Road in Singapore would fit the bill. If it weren't pretty much the other side of the world from me. :( I voted Impse, naturally. It's funny, but when they ask "What can I make fresh for you today?", I am horribly tempted to reply, "How about a nice warm mug of shut the fuck up". If they do move into the UK, hopefully they'll kick that greeting into touch.
  16. And there's the NIN secret in E4M1. But I think it's just that NIN were very popular around the same time that Doom was one of the highest profile games. A lot of NIN music found its way into Doom wads, so most Doomers heard it quite often, and in midi form too - without all the lame singing and shit.
  17. Grazza

    IWAD crossover

    If you're interested in this type of map, then there is Endoomed, which I reviewed here.
  18. Grazza

    I am so drunk out of my mind right now.....

    Since this thread has now become mostly about illegal drugs, it's time to close it.
  19. Grazza

    Doom builder not making nodes

    A simple solution is to use a separate node builder, rather than doing so from inside Doombuilder.
  20. Grazza

    The 2012 avatar FISHOCALYPSE.

    I meant with the words included in the image.
  21. Grazza

    The 2012 avatar FISHOCALYPSE.

    Maybe I need a "this space left intentionally blank" image. Though someone would probably make a fish version of it.
  22. Grazza

    The 2012 avatar FISHOCALYPSE.

    Avatars are so 2000s.
  23. Grazza

    I am so drunk out of my mind right now.....

    Moronic posting due to inebriation always was and still is a no-no. Being drunk and posting isn't really a problem if the poster somehow manages to post coherently and sensibly.
  24. Grazza

    Please take a look at my wads and midis

    Really? I dread to think what the original thread title was.