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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Grazza

    Doom The Way id Did demos [-complevel 3]

    I like your suggestion of iXdY, and other people appear to do so too. I'm pretty sure it doesn't clash with anything.
  2. Accidentally starting the next map doesn't invalidate a demo. I don't see why it should, and don't recall any suggestion before that it should.
  3. Grazza

    Sublimal things in Doom 3

    You might want to take a look at this thread.
  4. Grazza

    Sublimal things in Doom 3

    Maybe you missed the g*at*e references.
  5. Grazza

    Jean-Yves Delpech [Jive] has died

    I can't hide the fact that I disliked his attitude and the often unauthorized changes he made to other people's work, but it is sad that someone with a lot of enthusiasm for Doom is no longer with us. Jive's Doomworld account
  6. There might be other Android ports of Doom that can run on the Kindle - I'm not sure, as I didn't spend too long looking. But for this one, the contols are as follows: The gun in the top left is for changing weapon. The compass in the top left brings up the automap. The green arrow button in the centre right is the Use key. The flare/rocket thing in the bottom right is the Fire key. The big purple splodge on the bottom left makes you run and strafe. Drag the nut symbol in the direction you want. Turning is achieved by dragging your finger across any other part of the screen.
  7. The controls are kind of awkward to use, so I was happy not to have died before reaching the zigzag room, where I had decided I'd take a screenshot.
  8. Doom running on my Kindle Fire. Apologies for the crappiness of the photograph. The screen is shiny and the light was poor.
  9. I consider that argument to be fallacious, or at least specious. You could just as well say that nothing is really any colour. Any object only appears to have the colour that we perceive it to have due to the wavelength(s) of the light from it that reach(es) us. Hey, he made cchest2 map09, which is - no doubt unintentionally - a brilliant level for pacifist.
  10. Grazza

    How do you enjoy Doom?

    Yet all are better topics for discussion.
  11. Grazza

    not a speed run technically but cool?

    Why not post the lmp files too? Then people can watch it however they prefer.
  12. Grazza

    Memorial by Eternal

    Presumably it would be a similar challenge a the standard 30uv Max movie, or perhaps a little easier (depending how the maps are linked) as you could backtrack to get powerups from earlier map segments and put them to better use than normal. On the other hand, with the lost-soul limit not in force, some areas would be messier (notably map 09).
  13. Grazza

    Memorial by Eternal

    If you're waiting for moderator approval, then I don't see any problem with linking to this. As others have pointed out, the EULA does allow modifications to iwad maps, with certain restrictions that this wad doesn't appear to violate.
  14. Grazza

    Any way to determine my DooM 2 version?

    How many bytes is your Doom2.wad? (i.e. the precise number of bytes, which will be more than 14 million - not the number of kB) From the description, it sounds like 1.666, but the exact number of bytes will enable us to say if it is a modified/patched version.
  15. Because your health stays positive. That could easily give the impression that you are alive. That would be this one. Actually, it is just a few monsters that wake up and attack me - you can see which ones by watching in the automap with IDDT-IDDT. They are scattered around the map, and I'm not sure what the logic is (well, I imagine that their locations are somehow linked with the coordinates where I wrapped around, but beyond that it is puzzling). I think there's a caco, a former human, an arachnotron and a lost soul (which charges into a demon and gets killed by it). I presume it is the caco's telebite that harms me, as the others don't have a melee attack. You could get further info by turning on god mode and running along the join in the void and seeing what wakes up at each point.
  16. Grazza

    Whom would you summon to get revenge?

    The Decompress Daemon from STRAIN. That's a monster they created, and then didn't include in any of the maps. Invisible, moves fast and gibs everything it touches, no questions asked.glboom-plus strain strain.deh doom2 -warp 32 -skill 4
  17. If you mean in the sector type at the end of E1M8, then no, that doesn't kill you. You can't die in this sector type. If you arrive dead in this sector type, you don't exit. If you telefrag a voodoo doll in this sector type, you exit with 1% health. These are among the best-known "little-known" Doom facts. You can set up situations where you become a zombie in this sector type, using voodoo dolls. From a storyline viewpoint, "you die and enter hell" is reasonable enough, but that isn't the way the game engine handles it.
  18. They must have decided that Buddy Ghhrtsdacote (Gets His Health Reduced To Single Digits At Conclusion Of The Episode) was a catchier name.
  19. Grazza

    Energy of the enemies

    Yes, xvertigox's claim is wrong. The stats are available, so there's no need to guess or spread misinformation on this stuff. Also, I don't think that 4000/3000 = 1.5.
  20. Grazza

    Energy of the enemies

    Remember that the SSG wouldn't have figured in deciding how much health to give the original Doom monsters, as it didn't exist until Doom 2. But I'm sure there was a good deal of tweaking of the amount of health the monsters had, and the amount of damage the weapons did, so that the game felt right, and the bad guys weren't either a pushover or too much of an annoyance. The BFG, Spider MM and Cyberdemon were probably less extensively tweaked, as they were one-offs in the original 3-episode Doom. Uh, you might want to look up the actual figures.
  21. Grazza

    Who was the first person here to play doom?

    Though they would probably have played the shareware before they paid for E2 and E3. There are probably some members who downloaded the shareware the day it was released (or at least tried to). moonspell snagged it pretty early, for instance.
  22. Grazza

    I need better trees.

    The following wads contain a few tree sprites and grant permission for them to be used: Skyewood Haslam's Book Store of Doom System Vices
  23. Grazza

    Stealing software with no remorse

    This is a highwayman:
  24. Grazza

    The 18th Annual Cacowards

    With that in mind, I have moved a number of "non-nomination" posts to the discussion thread.
  25. Grazza

    Closing your own threads

    I think there were several, but probably the one you're thinking of was "GARGANTUAN RETARDED" in huge red capital letters. Possibly in marquee style too. I imagine that at some point he had the one that pushed his posts off the right-hand side of the page. And maybe a "Banometer in the RED" and things like that.